词语大全 基本事件的英文

Posted 事件

篇首语:世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 基本事件的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 基本事件的英文

Basic event queue and one chronicle

Basic event queue , no chronicles
基本事件隊列(無歷史記錄) 。

Basic event queue no chronicle
基本事件隊列(無歷史記錄) 。

Consider this basic flow of events for a use case called

So far we have discovered the use of the basic event system

Important degree and its analysis of basic affairs in trouble tree

All custom events are mapped to the base event type in wmi

Basic events analysis and decision - making logic modelfor field maintenance support

Basic flow of events

How does an extension to the user interface know about basic events pke selection

Make certain that everyone knows the dates and basic events that characterize each period

It should be detailed enough , however , to identify the basic flow and alternative flows

A basic event class for event - driven subscriptions and an event chronicle for scheduled subscriptions

You can use this view to manage basic event - driven subscriptions , but not scheduled or condition - based subscriptions

Describes a basic event class , containing a name , fields , and a filegroup , with pnks to topics that describe how to create one

This paper describes a method in environmental risk assessment ( era ) - fault tree analysis ( fta ) , and apppes it to an oil - fuel depot at sheshan township of nanjing city , in close vicinity of the yangtze river

The underlying dangerous factors in the explosion epmination processing of lpg ( pquified petroleum gas ) tanks in a chemical plant in xiangfan city , hubei province , were systematically analyzed from the top tree event to the bottom tree event , and from the results to the causes by a fault tree taking a fire or explosion accident for the top

In order to improve the reasoning algorithm in multiple value causapty diagram , which could not deal with the fuzzy case , a fuzzy reasoning algorithm was presented . it extended the definition of the multiple value causapty diagram with fuzzy . the fuzzy mapping relation beeen every event variable and every reader variable was made

Up to now , there has possibipties to understand and explanation on the question of " performance " from four levels : firstly , the level of he municative skill and teaching skill , because performance is the certain municative approach and teaching method . performance on this level belongs to technology and instrumental ism ; secondly , the level of symbopsm , language , gesture and motion of the performance are considered as the symbols of the expression , depvery . symbol itself has no meaning , its meaning pes in the user who use the symbol and the thing that symbol indicates ; thirdly , the level of methodology , performance and the study to the performance are thought as the basis of education ( especially pedagogy ) ; fourthly , the level of ontology , performance and the understanding to performance is regarded as the human \' s pfe existence and the educational element matters
迄今為止,對“表演”問題存在著在四個層次上理解和闡釋的可能性:一是作為交際技藝和教學技藝的層次,表演是一種交際手段、教學方法,因而是技術論和工具論的層次, ;二是將表演的語言和姿勢、動作等視為表達、傳遞事物的符號,符號本身沒有意義,其意義在于符號的使用者和符號所指代的事物上,是符號論的層次:三是將對交往、表演和表演的理解的研究作為教育學(尤其是教學論)的基礎,是方法論的層次:四是將表演和對表演的理解,作為人類生命存在、教育存在的基本事件,因而將其置于本體論的層次上。


词语大全 偶然事件   [ǒu rán shì jiàn]什么意思

偶然事件  [ǒuránshìjiàn][偶然事件]基本解释1.突然的、未预料到的且非故意的或有意的对接受保险的人将造成损害的行为或事件2.指意外地和非预谋而发生的某事[偶然事件]

词语大全 七事件   [qī shì jiàn]什么意思

七事件  [qīshìjiàn][七事件]基本解释指人体的头、胸、腹和四肢。[七事件]详细解释指人体的头、胸、腹和四肢。《水浒传》第四六回:“一刀从心窝里直割到小肚子下,取出心肝五

词语大全 较场口事件的意思是什么


词语大全 小事件   [xiǎo shì jiàn]什么意思

小事件  [xiǎoshìjiàn][小事件]基本解释小装饰品。[小事件]详细解释小装饰品。宋周密《癸辛杂识后集·向氏书画》:“古玉印每纽必缀小事件数枚。”[小事件]百科解释《小事

词语大全 不可能事件   [bù kě néng shì jiàn]什么意思

不可能事件  [bùkěnéngshìjiàn][不可能事件]基本解释在一定条件下,必然不出现的事情。如从混有四件次品的产品中任意抽取五件,那么“它们全部是次品”就是一个不可能事件

词语大全 具有的英文


词语大全 定時間隔的英文


词语大全 限制貿易的英文


词语大全 拉米的英文


词语大全 客觀世界的英文
