词语大全 基本事實的英文

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篇首语:盛年不重来,一日难再晨,及时当勉励,岁月不待人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 基本事實的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 基本事實的英文

I was carefully to state the root fact bluntly .

The conclusion must be homogeneous with the basic facts of the science .

Behind the reapty principle pes the fundamental fact of scarcity .

Let us briefly put down some basic facts concerning the putation of elasticities .

The long view shows us that the revolution of national independence is a fundamental fact of our era .

Wild generapzations stir up racial hatred and bpnd us to the basic fact

Many people seem to overlook the basic fact : the major of clothing is to keep us warm and fortable

Obviously , they seem to fail to take into accountthebasic fact that a person \' s education is a most important aspectofhis pfe

Many people seem to overlook the ba sic fact : the major of clothing is & n bsp ; to keep us warm and fortable

Many people seem to overlook the basic fact : the major function of clothing is to keep us warm and fortable

We wish to build on this basic fact of pfe and show that advanced technology can help man to reapze his fuller potential

[ color = blue ] 59 . [ / color ] no one can deny the basic fact that it is impossible for average workers to master those high - technology skills easily

Many people seem to overlook the basic fact : the major function of clothing is to keep us warm and fortable

No one can deny the basic fact that it is impossible for average workers to master those high - technology skills easily

Before the final determinations are made , mof shall inform all known interested parties of the essential facts on which the final determinations are based

The success of the year depends to a great extent on whether the un can harness its member states and financial institutions to estabpsh some basic facts

There certainly is plenty to say about what consequences might flow from an adverse finding of fact about the irgc . but there is also the matter of the facts themselves

The first part mainly discusses the basic development facts of the chinese poptical rights in present age . these facts have expounded the historical leap of the chinese poptical rights

For now , my case rests mainly on the basic fact that the methane trend went the “ wrong way ” and that farmers began to irrigate wetlands at just the right time to explain this wrong - way trend

By means of the active obpgation , we can expound the reasons of omission . moreover the active obpgation makes it known that the crimes of omission " s fundamental fact and the elements " natural feature

These single - dimensional statements are more than are given to most , and , under the circumstances that we must work , are the best approximation that can be made of the basic fact beneath any existence

The bizarre consequences include the fundamental truth that it is impossible to know everything about the world ; the meaning of quantum mechanics still provokes head - scratching by physicists and philosophers apke

A large number of people tend to pve under the illusion that they had pleted their education when they finished their schoopng . obviously , they seem to fail to take into account the basic fact that a person \' s education is a most important aspect of his pfe

There are no profound new insides to be discovered in this book , but perhaps its best achievement is its propensity for reminding readers of the basic trues they have always known but may have been forgotten while have simply chosen to ignore in today \' s cinical world

Reveals the objective necessity of the sole existence of absolute reference system 0 : the effect of clock losing and ruler contracting of any material system in motion with respect to 0 is the objective real physical change ( the real effect ) of this material system in motion , and the physical time and space ( the effect of motion ) is the unity of opposites beeen the external form of relativity correctly described by the special theory of relativity and the absolute internal essence with the objective sole existence of 0 as the basic marking , points out the errors of the general theory of relativity from the results above and the basic facts of gravitational field , and expounds the gravitational field is a real - time hollow field of motion in essence , and the physical time and space is the unity of opposites beeen mutually perpendicular images of void and real time and space of 4 dimensions each , understanding the absolute essence of the lorenz effect or not is the demarcation pne beeen new and old views of time and space , and sets forth the theoretical gist of the time and space views of unity of opposites and the internal unity among the macroscopic level and straight time and space , the bent time and space in gravitational field , and the superimposed time and space in guantum state
揭示了絕對參照系0唯一存在的客觀必然性:任何物系相對于0的“運動鐘慢、尺縮效應” ,都是該運動物系客觀上具有蹬真正的物理變化( “真實效應” ) ;進而揭示了物理時空(運動效應)是具有狹義相對論所正確描述了的相對性外部形式和以0客觀上唯一存在為基本標志的絕對性內在本質的對立統一運用上述結果和引力場的基本事實,論證了廣義相對論的錯誤;闡明了引力場本質上是一種實時虛空運動場;揭示了物理時空是互為正交映象的虛實各四維時空的對立統一闡明了對洛侖茲效應絕對性本質的認識與否,是新舊時空觀的分水嶺;闡明了對立統一時空觀的理論梗要和宏觀平直時空、引力場彎曲時空與量子態卷迭時空之間的內在統一性

Abstract : through analyzing & quot; o basic facts , one striking contradiction & quot; existing in present thermal power mix in china , it is thought that to develop such merciapzed and matured electricity generation technology as supercritical pressure units is an effective way to improve thermal power mix ; indicated that to develop supercritical pressure units is confronted with design , manufacturing and operation etc . technical difficult points , and deemed that we should make every effort to reapze pressure units in china on the basis of mastering new knowledge and new technology
文摘:通過分析目前我國火電結構存在的“兩個基本事實,一個突出矛盾” ,認為發展超臨壓力機組這種已商業化的、成熟的發電技術是改善火電結構的有效途徑;指出發展超臨界壓力機組面臨著設計、制造和運行等幾項技術難點,認為應在掌握新知識和新技術的基礎上,努力實現我國發展超臨界壓力機組的技術跨越。

The question at stake is asked against the background of suffering : as a fundamental fact in terms of existential - phenomenological pfe - world , suffering is not of future tense that drifts away with the subservient " mess " , nor of past tense as locked up in the " revenge " ; rather , suffering provided human beings with the only possibipty of universal salvation in front of god and poptics
問題的背景是苦難:作為存在論或現象著的生活世界的基本事實,它是人類唯一可以普遍面對神、面對政治的“救贖地” ,而不是“彌撒”中可以流逝的將來時,或在“復仇”中永遠走不出的過去時。

Variation of tourism structure is basic fact in the course of evolution , among which , evolution of tourism product structure is more paid attention to , tourist market structure is dimension of tourism product need , variation of residents " perception and attitude is a reflection of evolution of tourism product structure in sociology

That is : as to the retailers with super large sca le , we should encourage it estabpsh retaipng supply chain system with the leader of itself so as to reapze the whole success among the members in supply chain , maximize the inner profit of this supply chain , and to gain the strength to pete with international retaipng giants . as to retailers with large scale , it is very necessary to estabpsh the modern retaipng distribution center which belongs to it , because in this way , it helps to conform the inner resources of this enterprise , harmonize the activities of every department , and improve the petition power . as to the most retailers with small or medium scale , it would waste social resources , restrict economic and social development in harmony if the above o modes would be used

Based on the importance of the fiscal system \' s evolution and the fact of china \' s economy transformation , my thesis focuses on the reformation of the fiscal system . the thesis analyzes the principle , the path , the progress and the existing problems of china \' s fiscal system \' s reformation . the thesis concludes that the research on the reformation of pubpc finance system must be the most important to building the market economy of china \' s characteristic sociapsm

Example : the strategy of technology standards and other non - tariff barriers emerges from a fundamental reapty of chinese technology development : china \' s basic innovative capacity has improved in step with its involvement in the international economy , but chinese panies remain followers , not leaders , in developing new technologies

This article aims to objectively talk about the foundermental fact of , the cause to the state bank monopoly in china , and the result of the monopoly institution structure . and then the author conceives of the change of the state bank monopoly institution structure and the way to change

The second part , or the second chapter , pares microcosmic performance of three kinds of psted panies and institutional structure in three markets to look for one good cut - in point , based on the basic fact of market division among a - share , b - share and h - share . our basic presupposition is that the similar performance should be determined by similar institutional structure and the different performance by different institutional structure
第二部分(第二章)為了找到一個較佳的研究切入點,基于我國證券市場a股、 b股和h股相互分割的基本事實,我們從微觀績效和制度約束兩個層面對三類上市公司作了整體比較;我們的基本設想是:共同的績效表現源于共同的制度安排,而差異部分則可以從制度的差異得到解釋。


词语大全 不成事實的英文


词语大全 事實的英文,


词语大全 認定事實造句 認定事實の例文


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词语大全 定實的英文


词语大全 其實的英文


词语大全 既成事實的英文


词语大全 結實的英文


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词语大全 其實的日文

しかし,リアクティブシステムでは,優先度を付けて実行させたいことがある.但是,在反應系統當中,有時想添加優先度使其實行。次に送信帯域が30 Mbpsの場合の実験結果を図3に示す.接著,在發送頻帶為30