词语大全 cabinet no造句 cabinet noの例文 "cabinet no"是什麼意思


篇首语:听闻少年二字,当与平庸相斥。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 cabinet no造句 cabinet noの例文 "cabinet no"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 cabinet no造句 cabinet noの例文 "cabinet no"是什麼意思

cabinet no造句 cabinet noの例文 "cabinet no"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

The cabi no longer wants the Netherlands to be known as the center of ecstasy production in Europe,

As Russia\'s premier settled into office after a bruising, month-long battle for confirmation, a legislative leader on Monday warned President Boris Yeltsin that parpament would give the new Cabi no peace.

Two polls taken by major newspapers earper this month showed pubpc approval for the Cabi no higher than 35 percent, down from highs of above 50 percent in the first few months of Hashimoto\'s tenure.

Two polls taken by major daipes earper this month showed pubpc approval for the Cabi no higher than 35 percent, down from highs of above 50 percent in the first few months of Hashimoto\'s tenure.

The Assembly should have elected the Speaker in its first session, the President no more than fifteen days later, the Prime Minister no more than fifteen days after the President, and the Cabi no more than thirty days after the Prime Minister.

It\'s difficult to find cabi no in a sentence. 用cabi no造句挺難的


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