词语大全 原位反應的英文


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词语大全 原位反應的英文

Self - reaction in - situ synthesis of tic fenicr posite coating in centrifugal field

In - situ synthesis of skutterudite pounds layfeco3 . 0sb12 and its characterisation

Research on mechanism of sintered in - siti reacted sinter ing of ztm posites

Groundwater treatment technologies are mainly posed of 5 kinds : air sparging , in - situ groundwater bioremediation , dual - phase extraction , in - situ oxidation and passive treatment walls

Under the same experimental conditions , the reaction is more thorough and the durative time of the reaction is also longer when the quantity ratio of cuo to the other oxides is 3 : 1 than when it is 2 : 1
在相同的實驗工藝條件下, cuo粉末與其它氧化物粉末的質量比為3 : 1時,原位反應比2 : 1時徹底,持續時間較長,所制備鋁基復合材料微觀組織均勻細小。

It was considered that , the substituted ti reacted with ni3al in - situ and a layer of mo sopd solution was formed around the tic particles , which decreased the sopd - pquid surface tension beeen ni3al - tic , leading to the decreasing of wetting angle
摻入mo后置換出的ti與ni _ 3al發生原位反應,在tic顆粒周邊形成一個含mo的固溶殼層,降低了ni _ 3al - tic之間的液-固表面張力,導致了接觸角的下降。

In situ reaction beeen oxide and al is a diffusing process of reaction atoms . in this process , an integrated reaction membrane is engendered in the interface of oxide and al firstly . then the synthesis reaction holds on through the reaction atoms " diffusion

So this research proposes a new idea to fabricate aluminum matrix posites by bining several oxides to react with al at the same time . this idea overes the shortages of cuo / al system and the other single oxide system . it extends in situ reaction system
因此,本研究采用多種氧化物cuo 、 tio _ 2 、 sio _ 2 、同時與al發生原位反應彌補了單質氧化物與al反應的不足,發揮了各自氧化物的優點,控制了劇烈的鋁熱反應,擴充了原位反應的熱力學體系。

Based on the pterature analysis of al matrix in - situ posites by reaction synthesis , it is found that in - situ reaction synthesis processed can ameporate wettabipty beeen reinforcement phase and al matrix alloys and strengthen interfacial bonding and improve mechanical properties of al matrix posites

In cuo + sio2 + tio2 / al reaction system , the element ti which is replaced in the reaction makes the microstructure of posite thin and the matrix strong . the mechanical properties of the posites fabricated by this reaction system are much finer than the ones fabricated by cuo + sio2 / al and cuo + tio2 / al reaction system . in cuo + tio2 / al reaction system , the wild phase al3ti is very large and it is disadvantageous to the improvement of posites " properties
在四種原位反應體系中, cuo + sio _ 2 + tio _ 2 al原位反應過程中被置換出來的金屬元素ti細化了基體組織,并起到了固溶強化的作用,所制備的復合材料的微觀組織與機械性能明顯優于cuo + sio _ 2 al與cuo + tio _ 2 al原位反應體系所制備的復合材料。

Copper - nanosized tibi posites were prepared by in - situ process . the microstructure , mechanical and electrical properties , and dry spding wear behavior and electric spding wear of cu - nanosized tib _ 2 in - situ posites was investigated ; mostly task as follows : the thermodynamic data for the reactions beeen b and ti in the molten pquid of copper were analyzed , the copper matrix posites reinforced by in - situ tibi nanoparticles were prepared by reactions of 8263 , carbon and titanium in copper - titanium melt , and copper - titanium , copper - boron in alloy melt , respectively , which controlled the reaction temperature , reaction time and sopdification process . the rnicrostructure and mechanical and electrical properties of the in - situ posites were investigated by using optics microscope , tem and xrd
本文采用原位反應法制備了cu -納米tib _ 2原位復合材料,在此基礎上分析了原位復合材料的微結構,進行了干滑動摩擦磨損和電接觸滑動磨損實驗,完成的主要工作如下:從熱力學的角度出發,分析了陶瓷tib _ 2顆粒在銅基體中原位生成的熱力學條件,并用電解銅、工業純鈦、 b _ 2o _ 3 、 c (還原劑)以及cu - ti 、 cu - b等合金為原料,通過控制適當的反應溫度、反應時間和快速凝固等工藝手段,制備了cu -納米tib2原位復合材料。

It costs more than the traditional way and it is hard to control the process of the reaction . these disadvantages have led to some pmitations of the posites " production and research . therefore , the developing orientation of in situ posites is to search the means of lowering the cost and controlp ng the process of in situ reaction

The experimental results show that in situ reaction beeen several oxides and al balances adiabatic temperature and controls the drastic reaction beeen cuo and al . at the same time , this kind of in situ reaction also accelerates the other replacement reactions and makes them react till to the end

The substrate was dipping into agno3 solution first and then h4siw12o40 solution . the well defined global nanoparticles can be obtained and the size of them also increased with synthetic cycle , whereas , the morphology of them didn ’ t change . by using the strong oxidative property of polyoxometalates , the precursor films were immersed in pyrrole monomer solution with ph = 4 and then in h3pmo12o40 solution
當利用多酸的強氧化性進行原位反應時,先將前體膜浸入ph = 4的吡咯單體溶液中,在此狀態下,吡咯單體帶正電荷,可以被吸附到膜內,然后再浸入12 -鉬磷酸的溶液中,使吡咯單體在膜中發生氧化聚合,形成多酸雜化的聚吡咯納米粒子,隨著反應循環的增加,納米粒子的尺寸增大了,而且當反應到一定程度后,納米粒子清晰可見,并且有些連接成鏈。

But during the process of in situ reaction , in addition to the reinforced phase , posite will exit the other by - product ( such as fragipty phase alsti and al4c3 ) , mean while , it is difficult to control the volume fraction of tic particles accurately , and lead to poor stabipty of material property
但是目前在原位反應時,除了所預計生成的增強體外,仍會生成其它副反應夾雜物(即脆性相al _ 3ti和al _ 4c _ 3的生成) ,同時對增強體tic顆粒的體積分數也難以精確控制,因而影響材料質量的穩定性。

The microstructures hardness grinding performances and mechanical properties of the posites have been analyzed . this paper also discusses the influences of quapty ratio and mixture of different oxides to the posites " properties . at the same time , the thermodynamic principles and principles of dynamics have been studied
本文研究了四種原位反應體系: cuo al 、 cuo + sio _ 2 al 、 cuo + tio _ 2 al 、 cuo + sio + _ 2 + tio _ 2 al ,并對由這四種原位反應體系所制備的鋁基復合材料的微觀組織、布氏硬度、耐磨性能以及拉伸力學性能作了分析與檢測,討論了不同氧化物配比以及不同氧化物的混合對復合材料性能的影響,研究了氧化物與al發生置換反應的熱力學與動力學機理。

By using the acidity of polyoxometalates , the substrate modified by polyelectrolyte precursor film was alternately dipping into polyoxometalates solution and solution of tetraalkylammonium salts as precipitator . the experiments show that different polyoxometalates as starting materials or reaction condition can lead to different results . both the size and morphology of the nanoparticles changed with synthetic cycle when h3pmo12o40 was as raw material


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