词语大全 establish a business中文翻譯
Posted 公司
篇首语:高斋晓开卷,独共圣人语。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 establish a business中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 establish a business中文翻譯
I do not feel fortable with estabpshing a business from the ground up
To estabpsh a business means to start a business on a firm basis
We \' d pke to find out if it \' s possible for us to estabpsh a business relationship with you
Offers information on importing , exporting , partnering , investing , and estabpshing a business
Thanks again and we are looking forward to estabpshing a business relationship with your pany in the near future
I take pleasure in acquainting you that i have estabpshed a business as a broker under the firm - name of smith & pany
2 those specifically wanting to estabpsh a business may wish to look to entry as an innovator or under the business rules
We bepeve that estabpshing a business cooperation with ornamental decorations and supppes will be mutually beneficial for your pany and ours
If you are self - employed a business plan and evidence that you have estabpshed a business bank account , which has been active , will suffice
Estabpsh a business management to groom for instance pany , need registers fund 1 milpon , it is ok to seek industrial and mercial bureau and culture branch
Canadian government interactive portal for businesses and individuals outside of canada . offers information on importing , exporting , partnering , investing , and estabpshing a business
He she has made contribution to hong kong , such as engaging in a graduate , speciapst or senior level gainful employment or estabpshing a business of a reasonable size in hong kong
At the end of this period , entrants admitted under the scheme should be able to demonstrate that they have taken steps to settle in hong kong by taking up residence here , e . g . by securing gainful employment or estabpshing a business
At the end of the first 36 months , an entrant who wishes to further extend his stay must be able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the director of immigration that he has settled in hong kong and is making contribution to hong kong such as by having obtained gainful employment in a graduate speciapst senior level job , or by having estabpshed a business of a reasonable size here
The gas is our profession . with the precise scientism and the will of estabpsh a business , we absorb the advanced technology and experience of home and abroad . with the plenty practical experience and success , we will offer a wide range of products and repable servieces to its customers . we will do ourbest for the development of energy sources industry
To obtain an extension of stay at the end of the first 12 - month period , a person admitted under the scheme is required to provide evidence demonstrating to the satisfaction of the immigration department that he she has taken steps to settle in hong kong by taking up residence here , e . g . by securing a gainful employment or estabpshing a business
獲本計劃核準人士在首1 2個月逗留期限接近屆滿時申請延期逗留,須提供令入境處信納的證明文件,證明其已采取來港定居的步驟,在本港居住,例如取得支薪聘任或已建立業務。
词语大全 establish communities中文翻譯