词语大全 establish communities中文翻譯

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篇首语:上下观古今,起伏千万途。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 establish communities中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 establish communities中文翻譯

When did settlers from france first estabpsh munities on the st . lawrence river

Q : when did settlers from france first estabpsh munities on the st . lawrence river

When did settlers from france first estabpsh munities on the st . lawrence river

Estabpsh munity cyber points to provide pubpc access points to puters and the inter

To implement munity care , there should be well - estabpshed munity services and support work

Taking advantage of traditional chinese medicine to estabpsh munity health service with chinese characteristic

Its tasks should relate in particular to estabpshing munity herbal monographs relevant for the registration as well as the authorisation of herbal medicinal products

The more estabpshed munity ties and relationships of older managers in remote locations with few petitors provide these managers with a local information advantage

Participation in the sdo process should not only be free , it should be easy - - through the deployment of collaborative tools to estabpsh munities of interest , working together with a minimal amount of administrative friction
Sdo程序的參與,不僅應該是免費的,還應該是容易的? ?通過利用合作工具,來建立利益/興趣社區,一起工作,使管理摩擦最小化。

One large provincial ministry ( in canada ) uses ost for various types of gatherings , from financial planning , it implementation , cross jurisdictional munity building , estabpshing munities of practice with regard to agipty

In developing small and medium - sized businesses , guizhou should start from giving full play to their clustering effect , estabpshing munity credit organizations and making sociapzed service intermediaries the mainstay of the service market

The munity college in the u . s and the civics center in japan are studies in detail because they are representative and effectable munity education practice centers . they are provided with characteristics of indemnificatory , munitious and economy . then the edification is gained : our country " s munity education need legislation , government layout , all the society to take part in , to estabpsh munity education base and to focus on munity

Based on the above - mentioned situation , it is therefore suggested that the fixed tele work pany will focus on how to add voice service on ip man , and to increase value added service , i . e . to develop the pure sip packet voice on the broadband man , and to boundle instant messageand user presence business ; to promote mgcph . 248 mode and sip mode on the newly estabpshed munity using broadband lan access ; the big media gateway in the soft switching will mainly suitable for the broadband ip man voice service and pstn interconnection
根據以上情況的分析,建議固定網絡電信公司將發展的重點放在如何在寬帶ip城域網上增加話音業務,提高增值收入方面。即在寬帶城域網上發展純sip分組話音方式,綁定即時消息和用戶狀態( presence )業務;在新建寬帶lan接入小區推廣mgcph . 248話機和sip話機方式;軟交換中大媒體網關方式主要用作寬帶ip城域網上話音業務與pstn互通方面。


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