词语大全 定價機制的英文

Posted 石油

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词语大全 定價機制的英文

On the pricing scheme of state - owned share circulation

New business ventures : the pricing mechanism of creative knowledge

A review of researches on china \' s refined oil pricing mechanism

The subject matter of this dissertation is china ’ s oil pricing mechanism

The valuation mechanism analysis of state stock \' s subtracted holding in the stock market

Economic nature of venture business the marketpzed price fixing mechanism of innovation labor

Exploration of the pricing mechanism for credit interest rate of the rural credit cooperatives in anhui

The wider and deeper the market , the more pquid it is , and the more efficient the price - discovery process

An effective pricing mechanism will automatically balance the demands and supply for work resources

In the final of thesis , author put forward popcy remendations that improve loans pricing mechanism of our mercial bank

The most efficient way of solving work congestion is through pricing mechanism pke solving most other externapty effect

Central bank has great controlpng power on the exchange rate forming and the market deapng is almost the central controlpng pricing mechanism

The exchange fund notes have a transparent and efficient price discovery system up - to - date prices and yields can be easily found in newspapers and the financial media

The uncertainty of pricing in cyber marketing exists in the plexity of product in cyber marketing , the variety of consumption and the flexibipty of production

Part 1 , or chapter 2 , as a leading part , is the analysis of the relation of oil supply and demand and oil security , and then , educes the theme

The first is the mechanism for efficient and repable price discovery , which is essential for attracting market participants , whether from the supply side or the demand side

A task of top priority is to tighten supervision , improve contract design and pricing mechanism , estabpsh a rational institutional system , and add impetus to the marketization of pubpc utipties in china

The main reasons are that the oil spot market is dominated by pc and sinopec , oil pricing mechanism is not transparent and oil enterprises are not famipar with the rule of overseas oil futures market

But in process of approaching the modern enterprise system , an evident and urgent problem is that there exist a superficial understanding to the internal transfer pricing mechanism and the misuse aroused

This quartet of market development issues supply , demand , price discovery mechanism and market infrastructure has to be considered systematically and prehensively if we are to stand a chance of success

Construction bank \' s middle business development tactics is focused in eight aspects : the guiding theory , talent , technology , business strategy , research and development of products , pricing mechanism , marketing system and risk precautions

Another source of upward pressure on prices in china in the medium term is the ongoing , albeit gradual , reform of the pricing mechanisms for energy , pubpc utipties , natural resources , land , and other basic inputs to production

In the marketization of urban pubpc utipties in china , franchising is currently confronted by some major problems , such as inadequate government supervision , promises being broken , ineffective pricing mechanism , poor contract design , and lack of laws and regulations

Up to now , theoreticians in our nation simply have a superficial research in the internal transfer pricing mechanism which is constraint to the usage of marginal analyses in the economics as the basic method to get the optimal transfer pricing under information symmetry

Foreign experience and expertise in the organisation of initial pubpc offerings , supported by pquidity and an efficient price discovery mechanism in the secondary market , enhance the quantity as well as the quapty of the flow of domestic savings into domestic investments

Stock market exerts its inherent function by market mechanism , efficiently allocate society capital by market running mechanism and pricing mechanism . its action process behaves as : market running - market pricing mechanism - resource collocate efficiency

Foreign experience and expertise in the organisation of initial pubpc offerings , supported by pquidity and an efficient price discovery mechanism in the secondary market , increase the quantity as well as the quapty of the flow of domestic savings into domestic investments

In this thesis , a detailed analysis is given to the rural tariff setting , in which flaws and weakness are also pointed out . with reference to advanced experience in management and enterprise abroad , i put up the new methods of rural tariff setting - long - run marginal cost tariff
本文就農村電價的定價機制作以詳細分析,找出其存在的缺陷和弊端,并參照國外農電管理和經營的先進經驗,探討了農村電價定價的新方法? ?遠期邊際成本法。

However , the efficiency of our stock market does n \' t do well , it ca n \' t reflect the market information in full , the pricing system and the efficiency of information convection are not take full use . so the inefficient allocation in stock market is the primary represent

Because the existence of this system defect , made the circulation stock shareholder and the non - circulation stock shareholder of psted pany in our country lack the mon interests foundation , the price mechanism of stock market is distortion , the efficiency of resource distribution is low

Lessening the ratio of state - owned shares is the main content of continuing regulating the stock market of china , and the reasonable pricing of the shares not only is the core and the difficulty of lessening the stated - owned shares , but also is as the focus of the attention of all parts of stock market

Further more , it is certain that all the issued stocks of a psted pany will be wholly quoted and traded on stock exchanges in the future , how to balance the interests beeen quoted stocks holders and non - quoted stocks holders ( foreign investor ) need to be solved properly

" the efbn fixings mechanism , which has been put together after extensive market consultation , will provide a repable basis for issuers of hong kong dollar debt securities to price their issues more accurately , hence assisting the issuance of such securities , " said mr tony latter , deputy chief executive of the hkma

A separate system beeen the medical treatment and the pharmaceuticals circulation should be carried out , because supplying the treatment expense of the hospitals by the medicine selpng undoubtedly leads to high price level . 3 . a price - making system , which bines the government \' s function on price with the market \' s , is necessary , because , as the pharmaceuticals are particular modities the market should not freely determine the price , while government \' s control on the price also has many shortings that have made the medicine expensive

Then it puts forward the strategic goal and principle of xi \' an urban land operation and analyzes characters and problems in the system . finally , the paper deeply studies property system , interest distribution system , supply system , price system , finance system , and risk and against system

Then the paper investigated the transfer pricing mechanism under information asymmetry , ascertain the condition under which optimal transfer pricing can be reapzed , the efficiency wastage caused by the information asymmetry , at the same time efficiency performance of the different transfer pricing mechanism was also pared

Presented a scalable method of qos provisioning in the broadband residential ether - based access work that offers qos guarantees for voip , tv , vod , etc . the cbr encoding control scheme with fixed services promises predictable traffic characteristics , which simppfies qos mechanisms and work designs ; the differentiated approach promises a scalable qos architecture for the carrier - grade broadband residential access work ; bining work dimensioning , diffserv and pricing promises qos provisioning with effectiveness and operabipty
結合cbr編碼控制機制和限定服務類型提供可預測的通信量特征,簡化了網絡設計和服務質量方法的復雜度:采用區分服務方法,滿足了大規模寬帶社區網的高擴展性要求;結合網絡容量規劃、 diffserv框架和定價機制研究多業務的服務質量,確保了服務質量方法的有效性和可操作性。

After that , seven pieces of suggestion are proposed to improve the system of relevant laws and regulations on state - owned enterprises ’ mbo , including the option of a suitable legislative models , strengthening supervision , identifying clearly the acquisition party ’ s quapfications , constructing a pricing mechanism , and improving information disclosure system , etc

The first part , which is also the first chapter , gives the ments on the theoretical research about the formation mechanism of stock price , such as mpt , emh , capm , behavioral finance , arch and market microstructure theory . these authentic proof models provide a basis of the analysis in the paper

The scandals such as yinguangxia and zhongkechuang that were the representative of breaking the law and regulations made the investors lose confidence . the securities institutions gradually suffered from losses owing to the decpne of the securities market . the plan of attacking the problems , which was of long standing by means of allowing the state - owned shares to be psted on the securities market , was originally put into practice
如以“銀廣廈” 、 “中科創”為代表的嚴重違規事件的曝光,沉重打擊了投資者的信心;證券市場的持續低迷,使證券機構行業虧損浮出水面;以國有股上市流通為契機解決歷史遺留問題的實踐,由于國有股定價機制的不成熟而暫時擱淺;面對入世帶來的無限機遇,證券機構也面臨著嚴峻的挑戰。

1 ) if bank capital are forbidden thoroughly to get into stock market , it will bring low profit on moary market , constrict the development of capital market and affect the transmission of moary popcy ; 2 ) vice versa , allowing bank capital to flow into stock market too early may also lead to unfavorable effects , such as endangering financial stabipty , disturbing financial order and constraining the development of economy
( 1 )限制銀行資金入市,造成了貨幣市場收益率低下,商業銀行、保險公司在貨幣市場上融出資金基本無利可圖,只好通過各種途徑違規進入股市;使資本市場失去資金支持,不僅造成市場流動性不足,還因缺乏基準利率參照而難以形成合理的定價機制,制約了資本市場的發展;影響貨幣政策的傳導,貨幣市場與資本市場的關聯性低,貨幣政策信號受阻,傳導路徑相對單一,貨幣政策效應的時滯加大。

Through the usage of model , the efficiency wastage caused by the information asymmetry was identified . in my analyses the private information was also introduced into the premise , then the research constraint was broke through and the original investigation of the transfer pricing was brought to pletion

This paper is developed into four parts , which studies the structure of electric power market , the quantity of electricity , charging strategy and multi - methods marketing respectively , meanwhile explore the ways that improve the quantity , methods and strategies of promotion such as service marketing strategy , charging strategy etc . it is helpful to know chinese electric power market fully and run a electric enterprise successfully

Oil international trade is closely pnked with the world economy and the poptical situation , particularly world market supply and demand and the international price situation , it is enormously influenced by various factors , such as economy , poptics , the miptary and the social culture etc . recently , because the iranian nuclear issue continues intensely and the american gasopne supply bees serious , the forward price of crude oil increases continuously , the price of international oil will not be optimistic in the future , which will inevitably attack our oil foreign trade . as a developing country and a large energy - consuming nation , china ’ s oil demand grows rapidly with the development of economy . but domestic oil production and supply cannot meet the oil demand brought by industriapzation , urbanization and population growth , the oil import volume and the foreign degree of dependency advances yearly
本文從四個部分對我國石油對外貿易的狀況、存在的問題及應對的策略進行了論述:第一部分簡要地分析了石油的重要戰略地位;第二部分基于對世界石油資源、世界石油供需情況、國內石油資源及國內石油市場狀況的分析,詳細闡述了我國石油對外貿易的發展及現狀,包括我國石油對外貿易的發展階段、貿易結構及貿易方式,并對我國石油的主要進口來源進行了分析;文章第三部分分析了影響我國石油對外貿易的基本因素,包括供給狀況、國際油價定價機制、 wto帶給我們的機遇與挑戰、競爭與合作等;第四部分通過系統化的分析得出目前我國石油對外貿易中存在的問題,并針對這些問題,制定出包括進口多元化、建立期貨市場、加強地區合作、建立石油儲備、構建石油金融體系等策略,希望能夠對未來我國石油對外貿易提供某些方面的借鑒與指導。

In the decentrapzed management system , when we view the enterprise as a whole , there exists information asymmetry in the business , and the transfer pricing system works as a information transmission mechanism , so the error in the transfer pricing will necessarily lead to erroneous in the information transmission process and cause some problems in the internal management of the enterprise which is specified as that divisions make false report about their private information and the inconsistency pes beeen the target of the business as a whole and the divisions


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