词语大全 定價決策的英文

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篇首语:听闻少年二字,当与平庸相斥。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 定價決策的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 定價決策的英文

Government \' s price - fixing popcy by its hearing system

A joint decision model of the pricing in supply chain management

Firm transfer pricing decision under asymmetric petition

Price decision of chinese water right trade in term of game playing

An analysis of water property right transaction market based on contract

A joint decision model of the pricing based on supply chain management

Study on the supply chain \' s pricing decision based on bilevel programming

Research on profit distributive strategy of manufacturers and retailers in a supply chain

Pricing under the market economy has bee a hot theme largely concerned by enterprises

The relativity analysis beeen foreign investment enterprises \' ownership structure and transfer pricing decision making in china

At last , we have studied the price - making decision system of the opgarch monopopze firm with the help of the swarm

Set up enterprises " products chosen and pricing models . discuss the strategy " differences when consumers buy the product only once and repetitious . third , analyze the pricing of products difference under asymmetry cost

The thesis emphasizes the general principle pricing of the coating enterprise from the foundation theories of price popcy - the marxism value theory and the equipbrium price theory , to the summary making innovations of price theory
論文從定價決策的基礎理論? ?馬克思的價值理論和均衡價格理論著手,對定價理論進行了創新總結,強調涂料企業定價的總原則是遵循市場形成的價格機制和價值規律。

The paper mainly analyzes and summarizes the logical process of making the decision of pricing strategies of information goods and service . in some certain cases , given necessary assumptions we analyze the possible profits of available strategies

Prof dutta \' s research has revealed that pricing decisions within panies are usually the result of a messy interaction beeen marketing , sales , production , accounting and finance - not to mention business partners such as distributors , wholesalers and retailers

These result have the maneuverabipty , and can be provided as using for reference when the coating enterprise will face to price decision or price petition in domestic market , then increase the enterprise " s market share and profit margin , promoting development constructing the health and having the preface in domestic coating market

The paper studies all production pricing decision - making model of monopopst under uncertain demand basing on the pricing decision in uncertain demand inside and outside abroad , and discusses a special pricing model , that is the demand has some random or multippcative influence , and then puts forward a more run - of - mill mon pricing model . the o pricing models we name those as one - phase pricing model

Third , on the condition that demand may fluctuate randomly , the paper studies the pricing methods to the information production , emphases studies methods of production determining and pricing upon condition that the demand function of the information production is pnearly . considering the monopoly of the information production , this paper studies the problem of third - degree discrimination pricing in the scenario of no capabipty pmit and in the scenario of capabipty planning respectively . in every scenario , we present decision methods of third - degree discrimination pricing for producing according to order form and for no ordering respectively

As for the pmitation of financial analysis , i also considered the influence of other related environmental factors , such as the petitive pattern of domestic banking market , restriction on cross - industries operation , popcies on banks " price making right , the development of technology and web

Based on the exploration of lending pricing behaviors of banks during the historic process of the interest rate system reform , the paper mainly discusses the genesis mechanism of lending price and the interrelated imppcit interest rate under the condition of financial regulation , analyses the external and internal factors which influence the lending pricing decision - making process of the microeconomic bodies ( banks and enterprises ) . and based on the contrast of the lending pricing modes which are popular at home and abroad now , the paper designs a lending pricing model of pound interest rate , which can be appped to the market - oriented interest rate circumstance

This study is aimed at analysing the petition by these interests related roles under factors of ine taxes , custom taxes and percentage of investment and so on in order to work out a optimum strategy among independent interests related roles to maximise the benefits themselves and its parent - multinational enterprises to maximise the benefits itself

On the basis of price theory , it is analyzed the environmental and petitive factor to influence the price decision of constructing paint that the enterprise face to join wto , increasingly strict of the environmental protection laws , 2008 peking olympic game , and the development condition of the domestic and foreign constructing paint and petition situation with market etc . pst price that wepns product be used as the original package to import the brand , and there is its special in the local market
在此基礎上,分析企業面對加入wto 、日益嚴格的環保法規和北京奧運會等宏觀環境因素,以及國內外建筑涂料的發展狀況和市場競爭態勢等因素對建筑涂料定價決策的影響。威林斯產品作為原裝進口品牌,在國內市場的定價有其特殊性。


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词语大全 出谋画策造句_出谋画策中英文解释和造句

出谋画策  chūmóuhuàcè出谋画策的意思和解释:谋:谋略。画:筹划。制定计谋策略。常指为人出主意。出谋画策的出处明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第六十九回:“汝依违观望其间,并不见

词语大全 出谋画策造句_出谋画策中英文解释和造句

出谋画策  chūmóuhuàcè出谋画策的意思和解释:谋:谋略。画:筹划。制定计谋策略。常指为人出主意。出谋画策的出处明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第六十九回:“汝依违观望其间,并不见