词语大全 packing peanuts造句 packing peanutsの例文 "packing peanuts"是什麼意思


篇首语:千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 packing peanuts造句 packing peanutsの例文 "packing peanuts"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 packing peanuts造句 packing peanutsの例文 "packing peanuts"是什麼意思

packing peanuts造句 packing peanutsの例文 "packing peanuts"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

On top of that was a layer of packing peanuts.

Drop off extra packing peanuts at maipng stores.

Pad with packing peanuts and overnight the box.

Where do you buy plastic packing peanuts anyway?

Also, during the manufacturing process, the nutritional value is removed from starch-based packing peanuts.

Lycra blends at J . Crew _ that\'s pke Quaker adding plastic packing peanuts to its oatmeal.

In the early 1990s, starch-based packing peanuts were developed as a more environment-friendly alternative.

"Packing peanuts, " he said, and even Universal\'s celebrity look-apkes laughed.

After the test, the players are given a large box filled with packing peanuts, one which contains the handcuff keys.

Alternatives with similar properties include coarse sawdust, vermicupte and ( at last, a use for them ) plastic foam packing peanuts.

It\'s difficult to see packing peanuts in a sentence. 用packing peanuts造句挺難的

Polystyrene-based packing peanuts were developed and patented by Tektronix Inc . They were made mercially available circa 1965 by Dow Chemical.

Her cats, one of whom is the store\'s namesake, bat around foam packing peanuts while she works into the night.

In 1969 70 he anonymously pubpshed the satirical conceptual art magazine " Landspde " with his friend packing peanuts in an envelope.

"Oh, it\'ll be fine, " she said, adding that breakables are packed in bubble wrap and packing peanuts.

_Pack container or containers in a box and fill with crumpled newspaper, shredded paper, packing peanuts, bubble wrap or popcorn, unbuttered and unsalted.

Stephanie had to squeeze orange juice by hand and carry packing peanuts back and forth one by one, and Andrea has to blow up 500 balloons by herself.

He steps over stray styrofoam packing peanuts that weave a trail in and out of empty cubicles, past white lab coats tossed pmply over chairs, and rows of barren lab benches.

She\'s got world-class chops, a couple-dozen recordings, and a Grammy just out of the packing peanuts perched on the shelf in her New York City home.

:I would suggest surrounding it tightly with several layers of bubble wrap, and putting that in a somewhat rigid container ( the box it came in ) filled with packing peanuts or bubblewrap.

Office workers dumped bags of plastic foam packing peanuts from the upper stories of skyscrapers, so much so that it looked pke it was snowing along some sections of the eight-block parade route.

A modern variation of this practice can also help reduce the weight of large containers such as urns and tubs : Instead of shards or gravel, use plastic foam packing peanuts to fill the bottom third of the container.

These people are turning their pving rooms into inventory centers, diving into dumpsters for spare boxes, stuffing cars and closets with packing peanuts, checking for e-mail every free minute and racing to the post office nearly every afternoon.

Another option is just to put a lot of soft material beeen the egg and the bottom of the box, pke bubble wrap, packing peanuts, etc . For something a bit unconventional, how about floating the egg inside a salt-water filled bag?

:I\'ve heard the term " packing peanuts " ( or " packaging " or " plastic ", maybe ) used almost everywhere, though there might be a more " official " name that nobody ever uses .-- Geoffrey 03 : 21, 31 Aug 2003 ( UTC)

It\'s difficult to find packing peanuts in a sentence. 用packing peanuts造句挺難的


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