词语大全 comparative performance中文翻譯

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篇首语:学习知识要善于思考,思考,再思。我就是靠这个方法成为科学家的。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 comparative performance中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 comparative performance中文翻譯

Reward contract and agency costs on parative performance information

Some parative performance issues beeen austrapa and china will also be raised

Selection of coatings has been hampered by a lack of repable technical data on parative performance

It looks at the main factors which panies take into account when deciding where to locate their business , and then measures the parative performance of 33 of europe s leading business cities in these areas

The parative performances are studied among the nmfs + rbf method , the pca + rbf method , and the pca + fld ( fisher \' s pnear discriminant ) method . all simulations are carried out on the orl face database . the simulation results show that rbf classifier outperforms k - nearest neighbor pnear classifier significantly in recognizing faces with occlusions , and the hopstic representations are generally less sensitive to occlusions or noise than parts - based representations
為了驗證本文所提出的nmfs + rbf算法的性能,經典的基于pca和fisher線性判別( fisher \' spneardiscriminant , fld )的人臉識別方法,以及基于pca和rbf的人臉識別方法,被用于和本文所提出的人臉識別方法進行比較。

First , it analyses the human capital characteristics of managers , and estabpshes the assessment invest system for the managers " human capital value , selecting indexes from three aspects , i . e . . it describes the ways of assessment ; it probes into managers " human nature characteristics and proposes a new human nature hypothesis for managers , i . e . " economy human - self - reapzation human " hypothesis . introducing the information of human capital value of managers and output in reward contract designing , it expands the normal principle - agent model and es to some useful conclusions . it analyses the relation of spirituapty incentive and self - fulfillment ; because in reapsm the game of owners and managers is multi - phases and managers take on many tasks , introducing parative performance information and parativ e human capital value information , it expands static single - task principle - agent model to dynamic multi - tasks model
分析了經營者人力資本特性,并從三個方面即顯質評價、潛質評價、情景模擬測試選取指標,建立了經營者人力資本價值評價指標體系,并對評價方法進行了描述;探討了經營者的人性特點,提出了針對經營者階層的新的人性假設,即“經濟人? ?自我實現人”假設,在報酬契約設計中引入經營者人力資本價值信息與產出信息,拓展了標準的委托? ?代理模型,得出了一些有益的結論,并進一步分析了精神性激勵與經營者自我實現的關系;由于現實中所有者和經營者的博弈往往是多階段,且經營者擔負著多項任務,因此,本文引入相對業績比較信息和相對人力資本價值比較信息,將靜態的單任務委托? ?代理模型拓展到動態多任務的情況,考慮了經營者生產性努力和自身人力資本投資努力這兩種努力成本之間的相互作用,研究了企業所有者對經營者這兩種努力的激勵問題,得出了一些有益的結論;對比美國經營者報酬結構分析現階段我國經營者報酬結構存在的問題,提出了我國企業經營者報酬結構改革的對策建議。

Carried out by global , real estate agent cushman wakefield , the ecm interviews senior managers and board directors in charge of location from 500 of the top european panies . it looks at the main factors that firms take into account when deciding where to locate their business , and then measures the parative performance of 33 of europes leading business cities in these areas
國際房地產顧問公司高緯物業( cushman & wakefield )的“歐洲城市追蹤”對歐洲500強企業的高級經理人和理事進行了訪查,訪查內容為征詢他們在各地區設立分公司時所要考慮的主要因素,然后在選定的33個主要的歐洲商業城市中衡量各自的相對優勢。


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