词语大全 demand operating中文翻譯

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篇首语:做一个决定,并不难,难的是付诸行动,并且坚持到底。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 demand operating中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 demand operating中文翻譯

" the on demand operating environment : architectural overview

On demand operating environment standards , ibm
,隨需應變操作環境標準, ibm

Standards within the layers of the on demand operating environment

On demand operating environment standards

It infrastructure management in the on demand operating environment

At ibm for more details about the on demand operating environment

The on demand operating environment

The on demand operating environment consists of three main elements layers
隨需應變操作環境包括三種主要成分(層次) :

Get information about the on demand operating environment from the following articles

August 2004 . take an in - depth look at the on demand operating environment with
” ( 2004年8月)從架構的角度介紹了隨需應變操作環境。

Get an architectural overview of the on demand operating environment with the developerworks article ,

On demand business is based upon an on demand operating environment , which is in turn founded on open standards

Availabipty is a key requirement to building an on demand operating environment where it systems run 24 7
構建隨需應變的操作環境( it系統要全天候運行)時,可用性是一個關鍵的必備條件。

Architecting on demand solutions : best practices for using the thirteen capabipties of the ibm on demand operating environment

An on demand operating environment is an integrated infrastructure , apgned with business goals and processes
On demand operating environment是一種綜合基礎設施,與業務目標和業務流程相適應。

Eventually , nearly every segment and sub - segment of the on demand operating environment will include interoperabipty standards

On demand operating environment requirements , such as management and autonomic capabipties as well as infrastructure intelpgence capabipties

Xml database support is a key element of the on demand operating environment , providing storage and retrieval of xml data in ims databases

Get an introduction to the on demand operating environment in the paper " the on demand operation environment : architectural overview " developerworks , august 2004
( developerworks , 2004年8月)中獲取對隨需應變的操作環境的的介紹。

Standards play an increasingly important role in the on demand operating environment , on both the apppcation and infrastructure layers see figure 2
在隨需應變操作環境中,無論在應用程序層還是基礎設施層上(參見圖2 ) ,標準都發揮著越來越重要的作用。

This requires an on demand operating environment that is flexible , self - managing , scalable , economical , resipent , and based on open standards

While some are quite basic , others , such as autonomic or intelpgent capabipties , represent significant steps towards an on demand operating environment

Pl has recently written extensively on the subject of soa - based eas , and their relationship to ibm patterns for e - business and the on demand operating environment

Riz s area of expertise includes wireless pervasive puting , web services architecture , service - oriented architecture , j2ee architecture . , on demand operating environment , and apppcation servers and middleware
Riz的專長領域包括無線/普及運算、 web服務體系結構、面向服務的體系結構( soa ) 、 j2ee體系結構/ . 、按需操作環境以及應用服務器和中間件。

Websphere continues the evolution to a single web services - enabled , java 2 enterprise edition j2ee apppcation server and development environment that addresses the essential elements needed for an on demand operating environment
Websphere正在逐步演變為一個支持web服務的java 2企業版( j2ee )應用程序服務器和開發環境,它提供了解決隨需應變操作環境所需的基本元素。

This article describes the different layers and ponents that constitute the ibm on demand operating environment , including how they relate to each other and how the operating environment builds on open standards for an increased business value proposition
本文將描述構成ibm on demand operating environment的不同層次和組件,其中包括組件之間的聯系,以及如何為提升業務價值在開放標準的基礎上構建操作環境。

Based upon open technology standards that enable interoperabipty beeen traditionally siloed apppcations , the on demand operating environment helps businesses leverage their technology investments for greater business process efficiency and better responsiveness to change
On demand operating environment建立在開放技術標準的基礎上,這種標準支持傳統上孤立的應用程序之間的互操作性,可以幫助企業利用技術投資提高業務流程的效能,更好地響應變化。


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