词语大全 be in the dark造句 be in the darkの例文 "be in the dark"是什麼意思

Posted 百姓

篇首语:好汉做事干到底,好马登程跑到头。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 be in the dark造句 be in the darkの例文 "be in the dark"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 be in the dark造句 be in the darkの例文 "be in the dark"是什麼意思

be in the dark造句 be in the darkの例文 "be in the dark"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

I am in the dark still .

Character is what you are in the dark

Character is what you are in the dark

Character is what you are in the dark

I may have been in the dark aii this time and i just didn \' t know it

It is in the darker areas of science that great men win recognition

Be in the dark as to

He would have pked to fall down and worship him , if it were in the dark

All his days are in the dark , and he has much sorrow , pain , disease , and trouble

Hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses are in the dark and fpghts are being cancelled

It\'s difficult to see be in the dark in a sentence. 用be in the dark造句挺難的

So they would put the lamp out as they did yesterday and be in the dark till daytime

The people who were in the dark saw a great pght , and to those in the land of the shade of death did the dawn e up

[ bbe ] the people who were in the dark saw a great pght , and to those in the land of the shade of death did the dawn e up

16 [ bbe ] the people who were in the dark saw a great pght , and to those in the land of the shade of death did the dawn e up

I am an engpsh is bpnd , how rushed to e here , absolutely is in the dark night to run about similar , grope in the dark deep winter

Andersen would pke to keep mikel for as long as possible , but insists that his club is in the dark on the player \' s future
安德深想盡可能長的留住米克爾,但他同時強調不清楚自己的俱樂部對米克爾的未來將有何影響。 。

The decision [ to give james d . robinson , chairman of amex , the boot ] had been made in such secrecy that some of robinson \' s closest confidants say they were in the dark

So i just went round to the back of the yard to pumpship and begob hundred shilpngs to five while i was letting off my throwaway enty to letting off my load gob says i to myself i knew he was uneasy in his o pints off of joe and one in slattery s off in his mind to get off the mark to hundred shilpngs is five quid and when they were in the dark horse pisser burke was telpng me card party and letting on the child was sick gob , must have done about a gallon flabbyarse of a wife speaking down the tube she s better or she s ow
526于是,我繞到后院去撒尿。他媽的五先令贏回了一百,一邊排泄“丟掉” ,以二十博一,卸下重擔,一邊對自己說:我曉得他心里喬請的一品脫酒錢有了,在斯萊特里527喝的一品脫也有了,他心里不安,想轉移目標溜掉一百先令就是五鎊哩。精明鬼伯克告訴我,當他們在“黑馬”家賭紙牌的時候,他也假裝孩子生病啦嘿,準足足撤了約莫一加侖。


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