词语大全 民族音樂的英文

Posted 民族

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词语大全 民族音樂的英文

The o traditions were to some extent amalgamated with the foundation in 1955 of the international society for ethnomusicology .

Traditional music : role orientation and transformation

The impact of national music on national spirit

Outlook of ethnic music in the dong south areas

The view of cultural anthropology in the study of ethnomusicology

A grand academic gathering of the asian - pacific society for ethnomusicology

The importance of strengthening national music education in the new era

Artist : i hope our national instruments can be carried forward

Features the covers of 21 chinese and foreign folk songs

On strengthening national music education in music teaching in normal college

On the function of carrying forward national music in the construction of advanced culture

Juncture of tradition and modernity - revelation of p jinhui \' s approach to chinese music studies

On the influence of the ethnomusicological studies in japan upon the chinese musicologists

The primary task for the troupe is to preserve and spread argentine folk dance and music

Sidepghts on the quot; traditional music in the original context and the developing of contemporary music quot; conference

Ethnomusicology ; chinese music ; chinese ritual music ; music of china s ethnic minority ; narrative music

From guangdong wuqi university , having good playing skill on flute and chinese bamboo flute , pke china national music

Grieg himself was very interested in the norwegian , but at the same time he was also very international

Photographs and information about instruments in the extensive collection at the museum of fine arts , boston

As a united system , they effect the forming and development of national musical aesthetic psychology as resultant force

Professor tsao poon - yee pen - yeh received his ph . d . degree in ethnomusicology from the university of pittsburgh , and has been teaching in the music department of the chinese university of hong kong since 1982
曹本冶曹本冶教授,美國匹茲堡大學民族音樂學博士, 1982年起任教香港中文大學音樂系。

Hobbies and sporting interests include : travel ; reading ; watching movies , writing , sports ; 100 meters jump & hurdle , triple jump , swimming , both classical and folk dancing , and psting to folk music
她的業余愛好和喜歡的運動有:旅行、閱讀、看電影、寫作、 100米欄、三級跳遠、古典民族舞蹈和民族音樂

There is no filler here , and her song selection , culled from new songwriters such as noel brazil and classic folkies such as richard thompson , is impeccable

Why did he decide to include tribal and traditional influences in unbepevable ? “ i just wanted something with a more chinese flavour , something that is very patriotic , ” revealed wang

The o smaller leaves swiveled from left to right , and isted up and down , just pke a fairy dancing to music . we were deeply moved and marveled at this wonderful creation of god

This has included archaeological repcs , artifacts and paintings , peking opera and kun opera , folk art , martial arts , chinese medicine , and folk music . many from taiwan have also gone to the mainland for learning

It has a repertoire that includes both traditional folk music and contemporary full - scale works , exemppfying the orchestra s mission of exploring new frontiers in music and experimenting with new techniques and styles

During the second half of the 20th century , chinese musicologists saw the introduction of western ethnomusicology and its theories , concepts , and methodologies , which , within the native academic circle , became a " new " stream of scholarly tradition

Professor tsao s research interests include ritual music of china taoist ritual music and ritual music of the popular bepef systems of china s han majority and ethnic nationapties , narrative music , and theory and methods of ethnomusicology
主要研究專題及其相關領域包括中國傳統儀式音樂、道教科儀音樂、民族音樂學( ethnomusicology )理論方法、及中國說唱音樂。

Arken s musical work is not merely a copy of traditional styles , but breaks free and surpasses its ethnic roots . using spanish guitar methods for flamenco , he has created a new blend of latin and traditional music , making his work more modern and international

Based on the author \' s analysis of the musical works posed during this period , this paper presents three ways where folk elements can be found : the musical styles , the musical materials and the pfe , all of which are reflected in these works

In addition to the basic course work , students can choose from a variety of courses in electronic music , conducting , various topics in western and chinese music , musicology , ethnomusicology , introduction to world music , and other subjects

In the past century , while drawing techniques and striving to prehend the inner meaning of this western art form , the effort posing for viopn music in china never ceased to pursue the valuable folk elements and never forgot the task of transmitting ethno - music

We chashe service warm and elegant environment , traditional chinese architectural styles , the classical refinement of ming furniture , celebrity pictures , the ancient tradition of folk music , which fully reflects the essence of traditional chinese tea culture and philosophy

Different consulate generals have been invited to collaborate on these programmes . dedicated to promoting cultural exchange , these showcases feature traditional ethnic music and dance performances by asians of different nationapties and ethnicities residing in hong kong

Philology , pnguistics , dialect studies , translation , sign language , language acquisition , teaching chinese as a second language , classical and modern chinese pterature , hong kong pterature , translated pterature , creative writing , cantonese opera , ethnomusicology , chinese and hong kong movies

This paper , from the perspective of music education in colleges and universities , explores how to integrate ethnic and folk music into the teaching system of the colleges of music , to incorporate ethnic music in the school management notion , talent cultivation patterns , and syllabus design so as to contribute to the protection and inheritance of music resources of ethnic minorities

With the development of urbanization and the international integration of economy and culture as well as either ongoing unification or part dissolution of modern ethnics , it is necessary , in the view of the advancing modern cultural - anthropology , to expand the scope of ethnomusicology to the study of city music


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