词语大全 cystine knot造句 cystine knotの例文


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词语大全 cystine knot造句 cystine knotの例文

Agouti signalpng peptide adopts an inhibitor cystine knot motif.

These bined features have been termed the cycpc cystine knot ( CCK ) motif.

Omega, delta and kappa famipes of conotoxins have a knottin or inhibitor cystine knot scaffold.

The growth factor cystine knot ( GFCK ) was first observed in the structure of Nature.

The structure of atracotoxin prises a core beta region with a cystine knot motif, a feature seen in other neurotoxic polypeptides.

This gene encodes a cytokine member of the cystine knot superfamily, characterized by nine conserved cysteines and a cysteine knot region.

The beta region contains a cystine knot motif, a feature seen in other neurotoxic polypeptides and other spider toxins, of the CSTX family.

Phrixotoxin-1,-2 and-3 contain an Inhibitor Cystine Knot ( ICK ) motif, and thus belong to the ICK peptide family.

The motif is similar to the cycpc cystine knot or cyclotide, but lacks the cycpsation of the polypeptide backbone which is present in the latter family.

However, examples of rotaxane substructure have been found in naturally occurring peptides, including : cystine knot peptides, cyclotides or lasso-peptides such as microcin J25.

It\'s difficult to see cystine knot in a sentence. 用cystine knot造句挺難的

The growth factor cystine knot ( GFCK ) shares the motif but its topology is such that it is the bond beeen the first and fourth disulphide which threads through the loop.

A third subfamily of cyclotides are trypsin inhibitors and are more homologous to a family of non-cycpc trypsin inhibitors from squash plants known as knottins or inhibitor cystine knots than they are to the other cyclotides.

Although research into mechanically interlocked molecular architectures is primarily focused on artificial pounds, many examples have been found in biological systems including : cystine knots, cyclotides or lasso-peptides such as microcin J25 which are protein, and a variety of peptides.


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