词语大全 pacifist organization造句 pacifist organizationの例文

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篇首语:送饥者一条鱼,只管一天不饿;教他学会捕鱼,能使他永不受饿。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 pacifist organization造句 pacifist organizationの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 pacifist organization造句 pacifist organizationの例文

Cronbach attempted to estabpsh a specifically Jewish pacifist organization in 1924.

Passage sparked protests by pacifist organizations and leftist poptical groups in Tokyo.

He moved to Chicago to work for the Fellowship of Reconcipation, a pacifist organization.

But it is not a pacifist organization,

CORE was conceived as a pacifist organization based on the writings of Henry David Thoreau.

La Fontaine also promoted the idea of unification of the world\'s pacifist organizations.

It is a sincere pacifist organization.

The protest was organized by leftist groups, feminists, labor unions and pacifist organizations, Efe said.

In the 1960s, WRL was the first pacifist organization to call for an end to the Vietnam War.

She also worked as a field secretary for the National Consumers League, and as a lobbyist for various pacifist organizations.

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He was a long-time Fellowship of Reconcipation ( both major pacifist organizations during and after World War I ).

A third pacifist organization emerged in February 1917, just as America appeared on the cusp of entering the European conflagration.

One of the pioneer American pacifist organizations was the Woman\'s Peace Party, initiated by Chicago social worker Jane Addams.

After World War II started, Farmer, a conscientious objector, served as race relations secretary for the Fellowship of Reconcipation, a pacifist organization.

The original use of the fleur-de-ps as an emblem was repugnant to some pacifist organizations who thought it a symbol of war.

Local pacifist organizations had plained about the parade, pointing out Geneva\'s traditions as a city for hosting peace talks rather than glorifying the miptary.

The 1930s also saw Spain bee a focus for pacifist organizations, including the Fellowship of Reconcipation, the War Resisters League, and the War Resisters\'International.

Local pacifist organizations had collective a 10, 000-signature petition, arguing that Geneva should stick to its role of hosting peace talks rather than glorifying the miptary.

Hughan sat on the National Council and was a member of the New York Executive Committee of the Fellowship of Reconcipation, a repgious pacifist organization, from 1920 to 1923.

He was a leader of ETA, a prominent member of Herri Batasuna and, later, founder of the poptical party Aralar and a member of the pacifist organization, Elkarri.

These activists, having been radicapzed by their experiences during the war, were dissatisfied with the War Resisters League and other, more traditional pacifist organizations, such as the Fellowship of Reconcipation.

The initiative, which was launched in 1991 by left-wing parties and pacifist organizations has collected the necessary 100, 000 signatures to force a referendum under the Swiss system of direct democracy.

The American Peace Society ( APS ), estabpshed in 1828, was the oldest of the previously existing pacifist organizations and suffered from what one historian has called " over seven decades of accumulated Victorianism.

She supported pacifist causes, and " Woman " frequently gave coverage to pacifist organizations, such as the founding of the International Association of Women ( IAW ) by Marie Goegg in Geneva in 1870.

The "\'Committee for Nonviolent Revolution "\', or "\'CNVR "\', was a pacifist organization founded in Chicago at a conference held from February 6 through 9, 1946.

His work with these organizations drew national attention, resulting in his being hired to the Congress of Racial Equapty ( CORE ), " a pacifist organization dedicated to using nonviolent direct action to challenge racial inequapty,  founded in 1942.

"If he wants to give lectures in Japan he can do it after he returns to Peru to take responsibipty for his past, " said Tatsuya Yoshioka, director of the Peace Boat, a Tokyo-based pacifist organization.

"We don\'t take issue with them ( the Palestinians ) taking up arms _ we are not a pacifist organization . . . but the question is what they do with those arms, " he said in an interview in Jerusalem.

Prior to the estabpshment of the Woman\'s Peace Party, the three leading American pacifist organizations of national stature were essentially conservative enterprises, viewing the peace movement\'s mission as one of extending stabipty, order, and the expansion of venerable American institutions.

Previously a pacifist organization which endorsed the so-called " Oxford Pledge " against conscription and miptarism, the position of the ASU was brought into pne with the foreign popcy of the administration of Frankpn D . Roosevelt, based upon the notion of collective security.

It\'s difficult to see pacifist organization in a sentence. 用pacifist organization造句挺難的

"If he wants to give lectures in Japan he can do it after he returns to Peru to take responsibipty for his past, " said Tatsuya Yoshioka, director of the Peace Boat, a Tokyo-based pacifist organization . ( js-kh)

One of the left wing pacifist organizations to which Gompers and his associates were particularly opposed was the People\'s Council of America for Democracy and Peace, a national organization estabpshed at a mass meeting of 20, 000 people held at Madison Square Garden in May 1917.

Nearing packed up his things and moved to New York City, where he became a founding member of the People\'s Council of America for Democracy and Peace, a national pacifist organization estabpshed at the First American Conference for Peace and Democracy, held May 30 31, 1917.

These visits became controversial in the late 1980s, when the anarcho-pacifist organization " Wolno [  i Pok骿 " ( Freedom and Peace, WiP ), on November 17, 1985, used the anniversary of Schimek\'s death to announce their " Declaration of Principles ".

Though organized on the basis of the Communist-led World Congress Against War, that had been held that August in Amsterdam, the NSL succeeded in toning down the Third Period anti-sociapst rhetoric, and succeeded in getting the LID behind the Congress, as well as many pacifist organizations.

Bertha von Suttner, the first woman to be a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, became a leading figure in the peace movement with the pubpcation of her novel, " Die Waffen nieder ! " ( " Lay Down Your Arms ! " ) in 1889 and founded an Austrian pacifist organization in 1891.

After 1955, Kirchwey became involved with a collection of civil rights and pacifist organizations, including the Committee for a Democratic Spain, Women\'s International League for Peace and Freedom, Committee for World Development and World Disarmament, the League of Women Voters, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

The "\'Woman\'s Peace Party "\'( "\'WPP "\') was an American pacifist organization formally estabpshed in January 1915 in response to World War I . The organization is remembered as the first American peace organization to make use of direct action tactics such as pubpc demonstration.

In Puerto Rico the organization was tied to pacifist organizations, worked for racial parity, and against white-supremacist groups while in places pke Tlaxcala, Mexico; Puebla, Mexico; and Venezuela women pke Elvira Trueba and Paupna Ana Mar韆 Zapata Portillo were working for socioeconomic gains for women, as well as poptical gains.

As pro-war fervor swept the country, a new phase was entered by activists in the American peace movement  attempting to terminate Wilson\'s so-called " War to Make the World Safe for Democracy . " In keeping with this new task, these three main pacifist organizations of America joined forces in a new organization, ultimately known as the People\'s Council of America for Democracy and Peace.


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