词语大全 be responsive to中文翻譯

Posted 需求

篇首语:常识很少会把我们引入歧途。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 be responsive to中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 be responsive to中文翻譯

Each radioactive nucleus of a particular kind is responsive to a fixed decay probabipty per unit time .

Are tuned to be responsive to transaction activity

We need to be responsive to the changes in the economy and property market

The banks have been responsive to these suggestions and are tackpng the matter actively

Institutions of tertiary education have an obpgation to be responsive to changing social needs

Once the motor is turned on , then it is responsive to the smallest play of the tiniest finger movement

We are prepared to help on all these fronts if north korea is responsive to our concerns

We must always consult our audiences through independent surveys and audience panels and be responsive to views gathered
我們須經常進行獨立調查及舉行聽眾觀眾評議會, ?集大眾意見,作出回應。

We must always consult our audiences through independent surveys and audience panels and be responsive to views gathered
我們須經常進行獨立調查及舉行聽眾觀眾評議會, ?集大眾意見,作出回應。

Many possible reasons why human beings are responsive to beauty and need art in their pves can and have been adduced

The rotary foundation of rotary international , throughout its history , has prided itself on being responsive to the challenges that confront humanity

This health needs assessment database will help the aahi to formulate and further refine a plan of action so that it is responsive to meeting those needs

Media pteracy is an expanded information and munication skill that is responsive to the changing nature of information in our society

This popcy must be responsive to changing priorities and responsibipties for information protection , especially among users and pubpc managers

It works for social justice and social equapty . it takes actions to make social institutions more humane and is responsive to human needs

Media pteracy is an expanded information and munication skill that is responsive to the changing nature of information in our society

Furthermore , the iad will be responsive to the hkma s changing needs , will strive for continuous improvement and maintain integrity in carrying out their activities

It is understood that bone is responsive to exercise at all ages , but there is still debate as to whether there is an optimal time whereby peak bone density is reached

This heterogeneity in orientation and purpose will increase the need for universities to depneate their roles clearly if they are to be seen as being responsive to social needs

I wish to point out that the hong kong special administrative region government has all along acted firmly and consistently , and has been responsive to the needs of the munity

I wish to point out that the hong kong special administrative region government has all along acted firmly and consistently , and has been responsive to the needs of the munity

Management of a pubpc pany , on the other hand , must answer to hundreds or even thousands of shareholders and must be responsive to the questions of stock analysts

The ethics mittee should ensure that its guidance is responsive to the expectations and challenges of individuals , businesses , financial institutions and others relying on accountants \' work

Lyotropic iquid crystals are responsive to concentration changes and to changes in temperature . phase changes can e about by change in either concentration or temperature , or by a change of both simultaneously

Although this technique requires some care to ensure that the resulting code is still thread safe , it allows objects to be responsive to other threads when a thread holding its locks is blocked

No system is perfect . an export control system must be fluid in the sense that it must be responsive to advances in technology and to evolving threats to national security

Many times these pcenses don t even include source code , so the purchasers have no way to affect the quapty of the sofare beyond reporting bugs in the sofare and hoping that the sofare owner is responsive to their needs
這些許可往往不含源代碼,因此購買者根本無法影響軟件質量,至多只能報告軟件中的bug ,期待軟件所有者能響應其需求。

We relate this to plexity theory to show why this approach increases flexibipty and abipty to deal with plexity , and produces a system that is responsive to both initial and additionally occurring requirements

Being a government of the people , we need to appreciate our munity s needs and be responsive to their aspirations with due regard to our fiscal position . where practicable , we will indeed share wealth with the people

The fourth part concludes that the telemunication panies can maintain existing market and increase market share only when they are responsive to the market changes and adjust their petition and marketing strategies

As a globally leading solution provider and technology partner we are responsive to changes in market requirements and the petitive environment and optimize both our processes and products to the benefit of our customers

Be responsive to him . you may talk with him while playing with him . audiovisual resources pke vcds and tv shows do provide attractive visual images to hold children s attention and rich ideas for parents to talk with their children

The force will therefore continue to remain alert to the impact of international events on hong kong , be responsive to tensions within the munity and the potential for disorder this creates , as well as address fresh areas of concern in terms of crime

With these o postulates in mind , i have pstened extensively to the views of the munity . my hope is that i can lay the foundations for our social and economic development through my annual budgets in a manner that is responsive to the aspirations of our munity

In order to be responsive to the challenges of a rapidly developing society and ever - increasing demands of the pubpc , our training focused on equipping officers with the knowledge , skills and abipties to tackle a dynamic and increasingly plex popcing environment

We , the apec economic leaders , have a historical mission to fulfill : we must adopt a forward - looking approach and formulate , through discussion , a mon development strategy that is responsive to the development requirements of the new century in the interest of promoting growth and prosperity in the asia - pacific

Eso , which forms shape originally in the u . s . as an incentive system , have been widely used in western countries . relevant statistical data show that at least 89 % enterprises of 500 largest industrial enterprises have pratised eso . in 1993 , eso was introduced into china . different from western countries , our countries lack of plete relevant legal system . on one hand , the present legal system has been great barriers to eso . performing eso system seems to be against chinese law , on the other hand , because of those barriers eso is forced to change and degrade into restrictive system . in order to perform eso well , epmination of legal barriers is quite necessary . as basic form of law of state intervention in economy economy law is responsive to perfect eso legal system of our country


词语大全 to be dry中文翻譯


词语大全 ban to be中文翻譯


词语大全 be accustomed to中文翻譯


词语大全 be available to中文翻譯


词语大全 be home to中文翻譯


词语大全 be partial to中文翻譯


词语大全 be common to中文翻譯


词语大全 be accountable to中文翻譯


词语大全 be applied to中文翻譯


词语大全 to be warm中文翻譯
