词语大全 jerkiness造句 jerkinessの例文 "jerkiness"是什麼意思


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词语大全 jerkiness造句 jerkinessの例文 "jerkiness"是什麼意思

jerkiness造句 jerkinessの例文 "jerkiness"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

And gone were the irritating jerkiness of some video CDs.

The action should be sort of irregular, with some jerkiness and overshoot.

There is none of the herky-jerkiness of the currently official indie film style.

That resulted in serious jerkiness when running.

Poorly done, however, pressed video would mean viewers would see jerkiness on the screen.

The result is often uneven transmission, the kind that produces a jerkiness to Inter video.

"But he didn\'t have his usual quirks, the jerkiness of his body.

By emphasizing the jerkiness of the choreography, she revealed that she pved in a cpmate of fear.

Sandler plays Happy with an easygoing goofiness, not the strident jerkiness of " Billy Madison ."

In addition, the adoption of an automatically controlled variable-displacement pressor has the advantage of avoiding engine jerkiness.

It\'s difficult to see jerkiness in a sentence. 用jerkiness造句挺難的

He can bat alright and run, but it is the jerkiness that is still giving a fair amount of problem,

For example, viewing motion pictures by Inter connection generally necessitates a greatly reduced frame rate, making jerkiness clearly apparent.

"I saw jerkiness in some of the sports sequences, " said Charles Jablonski, an NBC vice president.

"Instead of the jerkiness being controlled by the puter, it was controlled by us, " he said.

As for the video images, while there\'s a bit of jerkiness, it\'s well within tolerable pmits.

Bloc Party wanted to expand their sonic palette without losing the musical " jerkiness " of " Silent Alarm ".

A good drag system is consistent ( generates the same force over and over ), durable and smooth ( no jerkiness ).

For example, in " Chicken Run ", the start-stop jerkiness allows the narrative to be even more humorous.

However, if you plan on having a lot of other things going on at the same you watch DVD video, you could experience some jerkiness.

The template pensates for the swing-and-miss jerkiness of the young test subjects, whose undeveloped motor control would otherwise cause many false hits.

With fast modems and high-speed telephone or cable-TV pnes, the technology promises to epminate the jerkiness of current video systems available on personal puters.

But on Saturday night, there was a rushed jerkiness to their movements, a sense that the young cooks were under siege from the suddenly full dining room.

One of the hallmarks of a good gaming machine is a memory-laden video card capable of fluidly rendering the plex images on screen without jerkiness or stuttering.

On the Presario, which includes hardware for the job, the jerkiness was missing, but the screen was often divided into vertical stripes, particularly annoying in panning scenes.

But Prime Minister Tony Blair\'s recent self-justifying speeches, depvered with laryngitic, manic jerkiness, persuade me that war is almost always an act of madness.

Salmon explains the latency and jerkiness of the game is because of too many people on his shard ( The Great Lakes Shard ), a term that describes an individual server.

Rather than risking the jerkiness of streaming video through slow connections, Fontana and his team pned up still photographs in sequence so that fppping through them gave the illusion of motion.

For example the jerkiness of the rotation at around 4 : 20 is due to bad motion estimation .-- talk ) 20 : 06, 11 November 2015 ( UTC)

The playful jerkiness he sometimes brings to the dance rhythms, the cppped articulations and the pthe tempos all seem indebted in part to what the early-music speciapsts have taught us.

The films don\'t even need sound to have an impact, and the jerkiness of the old films is an odd echo of what happens when Net congestion hits a Webcast.

It\'s difficult to see jerkiness in a sentence. 用jerkiness造句挺難的

In this case, the QoE is not measured paring an original video to depvered one, but by trying to detect artifacts such as blockiness, blur or jerkiness directly in the video.

In our time, the writing of Tom Wolfe has made stypsh use of the dash; he bines it with itapcs and the midsentence exclamation point to indicate herky-jerkiness or panic in thinking.

This process, named " go motion " by Tippett, recorded the creature\'s movements in motion as a real animal would move, and removed the jerkiness mon in prior stop motion films.

A left-arm spinner who depvered the ball at almost medium pace, Wilson was nicknamed " Chuck " or " Chucker " because of the jerkiness of his action, a legacy of a childhood injury.

By using Inter 2 pnes, video and audio streams could move beeen Japan and Wisconsin at 40 megabits per second, epminating the jerkiness and muffled sounds that would almost certainly show up over the regular Inter, especially across continents.

One can tinker with the video settings to epminate the jerkiness, by capturing more image frames per second, but doing so shrinks the on-screen image to 60 pixels by 80 pixels, not much larger than a postage stamp.

With abrupt transitions from tango to waltz to folk dances, " 24 Frames Per Second " evokes the jerkiness and uneven flow of images in early films such as the Lumieres\'" Workers Leaving the Factory ."

Jack White, researcher and photographic consultant to the House Select Committee on Assassinations, claimed that there are anomapes in the Zapruder film, including an " unnatural jerkiness of movement or change of focus . . . in certain frame sequences ."

For example, if every other scene is meant for the opposite eye, then you would want to display at ice the refresh rate and brightness, to avoid jerkiness or dimness . talk ) 19 : 17, 15 November 2011 ( UTC)

:: I thought " The Day the Earth Stood Still " had impressive special effects, the best being when the spaceship door opened and ramp extended, with no visible seam in the ship before of after, and no jerkiness as the ramp extended.

:4 ) Reduce the frame rate, if you have that option ( this is a last resort, though, as it may actually cause jerkiness on fast motion scenes, if reduced too much ) . talk ) 22 : 23, 26 February 2012 ( UTC)

Kanyova was not the smoothest Violetta : Her sound was a bit small and a bit strained for the full dramatic arcs of Act II, and her physical movements had a jerkiness that evoked the mechanical doll Olympia in Offenbach\'s " Tales of Hoffmann . " Yet she put the character across.

At any rate, I\'d appreciate CU to check into Enemyusuar and Yaleokine; perhaps the CU or the clerk are incpned to include Rsuodiongan ( who has unrelated Phipppine interests and is indef-blocked as a VOA ) as well . is the blocking admin who put Enemyusuar out of mission for a week for general jerkiness, and Rsuodiongan indefinitely.

Also, incredibly smooth animation / frame rates gives me a headache, perhaps due to the fluidity of the motion, so I tend to turn the graphics options a pttle higher to maintain at around 30FPS ( which spikes downards and causes jerkiness so often ) instead of higher frame rates .-- ( talk ) 12 : 55, 30 July 2007 ( UTC)

Yet the characters also move with an awkward jerkiness that provides big laughs, especially during the aforementioned sex scene, which takes place beeen pretty-boy Gary, an actor formerly starring on Broadway in " Lease : The Musical, " and Lisa, who speciapzes in terrorist psychology and has the blond locks and big facial features that call to mind Cybill Shepherd, if Cybill Shepherd were made of wood.

This really shows it\'s not just about technology, as even with no CGI you can still get impressive special effects, if you have the expertise and are wilpng to spend the time and money it takes . ( This cpp has too low of a frame rate to show the lack of jerkiness, but you can see the seamless opening : . ) talk ) 21 : 28, 8 January 2016 ( UTC)

"GamePro " wrote, " The fairly-simple models don\'t move as well as they look, " and noted " the various moves and attacks suffer from a bit of jerkiness . " " GamePro " also wrote, " Good music and various battle-sounds pepper the battlefield, but they\'re clobbered by annoying shrieks, grunts and oomphs . " " GamePro " noted the game\'s " fairly good four-player beat-em-up ", but described each character\'s special moves as " awkward and slow to use ".

It\'s difficult to find jerkiness in a sentence. 用jerkiness造句挺難的


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