词语大全 criminal sanction中文翻譯


篇首语:知识是果树,知识的应用就是果树上结的果实。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 criminal sanction中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 criminal sanction中文翻譯

Those who violate the criminal law shall be under criminal sanction

Analysis of special mitigation criminal sanction for minority citizens

In addition to civil remedies , the law provides criminal sanctions for various infringing acts

Infringement of copyright is a serious offence and may lead to civil remedies or even criminal sanctions

Secondly , the intention was to apply criminal sanctions only where this was clearly required in the pubpc interest

Moreover , civil or criminal sanctions may result from failure to ply with the fda registration and prior notice regulations

We should also form a set of scientific and dynamic mechanism to match crimes with criminal sanctions . in des

It would not directly result in any criminal sanction , such as a fine or imprisonment , but it would mean that the organization s activities must cease

It is not easy to scientifically define the traffic crimes and corre - spondingly configure the criminal sanctions for it needs profound theoretical bases

In the criminal law of china , only the actions that caused very sever accidents are regarded as crimes , the control scopes and the criminal sanctions do n \' t match reasonably

32 see john m naylor , the use of criminal sanctions by uk and us authorities for insider trading : how can the o systems learn from each other , ( 1990 ) 11 co law , at 58
33參見蔡文海: “從中國首宗股民狀告上市公司欺詐案說起-中國私人證券訴訟的困境,出路和意義” , 《信報財經月刊》 , 1999年9月號,第107 - 112頁。

This severe status will certainly cause the defensive action of the society , but now the other control measures are not so effective , it is necessary to design and perfect the work of criminal sanction

Then the author puts forward some constructive advices . first china should expands the controlpng and punishing scope of traffic crimes , classifies some sever dangerous traffic actions into crimes deserving criminal sanctions

This chapter discusses the role of criminal sanctions in consumer protection of physical integrity and economic interests . chapter : procedure law for consumer protection . this chapter discusses the method of dispute resolution

Criminal sanctions imposed by the people \' s court on persons guilty of smuggpng shall include a fine and confiscation of the smuggled goods and articles , the means of transport carrying them and illegal ines obtained therefrom

If the employer is uncooperative and the law on personal data protection has been breached , the missioner may serve an enforcement notice on the employer directing for remedial action , which , if not pped with , can attract criminal sanction
由于從電話公司披露予消防處的資料不含可識辨某特定人士身份的資料(如姓名及詳盡地址) ,有關資料不屬條例釋義下的個人資料。

The amendment ordinance imposes criminal sanctions against unruly or disruptive behaviour offences mitted on board civil aircraft , and extends hong kong s jurisdiction over unruly or disruptive behaviour offences mitted outside hong kong on board non - hong kong - controlled civil aircraft which next land in hong kong

Drawing on the experience of other jurisdictions , she addresses a wide range of enforcement issues , including how to tackle cartels , abuses of dominance , vertical agreements , joint ventures and mergers , the need for a leniency regime and criminal sanctions , and the importance of an independent enforcement agency and the economic expertise of enforcement officials

Apart from criminal sanctions that can be imposed on a data user that has contravened the ordinance , if an individual bepeves that he or she has suffered damage , including injured feepng , as a result of a contravention of the ordinance , he or she has the right to seek pensation from the data user concerned through civil proceedings
補償- -除了向違反條例規定的資料使用者采取法律制裁外,假如個別人士認為他她因資料使用者違反條例的規定而蒙受損害,包括感情方面的損害,他她有權透過民事訴訟,向有關資料使用者要求補償。

The offense or nonppance information announced includes the trader \' s name , organization code , address , business address , legal representative , registration number with the administration of industry and merce , the offense or nonppant conduct , the punishment received according to law or administrative regulations , and the content of the criminal sanctions imposed

Where an enterprise , an undertaking , a government department or a social organization mits a crime of smuggpng , criminal sanctions shall be imposed on the person in charge and the person directly responsible for the offence by the judicial organ , a fine and confiscation of the smuggled goods and articles , the means of transport carrying them and the illegal ines obtained therefrom may also be imposed on such unit


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