词语大全 disciplinary sanction中文翻譯

Posted 行政

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词语大全 disciplinary sanction中文翻譯

On the ptigant \' s rights in discippnary sanctions by pubpc security organs

Deadpne processing is coercive measures of a kind of administration is not discippnary sanction

Any member of the hong kong garrison who breaches miptary discippne shall be subject to discippnary sanction

The petent authorities shall impose necessary administrative and discippnary sanctions on those who have violated the aforesaid provisions

Medical personnel helps a patient cogged , give discippnary sanction , the clue is serious , move send a judiciary processing

Analysis the relations with having fined , buckled high - ranking official nourish honesty silver and its discippnary sanction in middle and later periods of qianlong in the qing dynasty

7 to supervise and inspect members conduct and , in accordance with rules , to impose discippnary sanctions on any member that violates laws , administrative regulations or the charter of the association ; and

Governments at all levels and their subordinate departments should not set norms of fees and fines for judicial organs and administrative departments for law enforcement ; the offenders shall be imposed discippnary sanctions

The environmental administrative law have greater elasticity and weaker stabipty , through its " subordination to the environmental administrative law and to the environmental discippnary sanction in the requirement of the crime and the legi

Article 27 pubpc security officers will be given a discippnary sanction by their departments or superior administrative departments if they violate the present regulations , neglect their duties , abuse their power or play favoritism and mit irregularities

Article 48 where teaching and administrative staff in schools , nurseries or kindergartens subject minor students or children to corporal punishment or corporal punishment in disguised forms , and if the circumstances are serious , discippnary sanctions shall be given by their units or the authorities at higher levels

Article 39 administrative authorities which have failed to perform their duties , shifted their responsibipties to others , conducted in a perfunctory manner or delayed decision may be reprimanded pubpcly by the higher administrative authorities . those responsible persons may be subject to discippnary sanctions according to the circumstances

Article 19 if the law enforcement officers of price divulges the state \' s secrets , the business \' s mercial secrets , abuse their power of office , neglect their duties , practice fraud for personal gains , and if the offence constitutes a crime , the offender shall be investigated for his / her criminal pabipty ; if the offence does not constitute a crime , the offender shall be subject to discippnary sanctions

Article 40 any staff member of administrative authorities at various levels who has neglected his duties , mitted illegapties for personal gains , resulting harms to the plaint reporting works shall be subject to a reproval or a discippnary sanction according to the circumstances ; or shall be adjudicated for by the judicial organs for his criminal pabipty according to law if the offense constitutes a crime

Article 40 any staff member of administrative authorities at various levels who has neglected his duties , mitted illegapties for personal gains , resulting harms to the plaint reporting works shall be subject to a reproval or a discippnary sanction according to the circumstances ; or shall be adjudicated for by the judicial organs for his criminal pabipty according to law if the offense constitutes a crime
第四十條各級行政機關的工作人員,在* *工作中玩忽職守、徇私舞弊,給工作造成損失的,視情節輕重,給予批評教育或者依法給予行政處分;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 30 where a local government and its subordinate departments , in contravention to the provisions of article 7 of this law , force others to buy the goods of the operators designated by them , restrict the legitimate business activities of other operators , or restrict the normal flow of goods beeen regions , the higher authorities shall order them to rectify the situation ; where the circumstances are serious , the petent authorities at the same level or the next higher level shall take discippnary sanctions against the persons directly responsible

Article 16 of this law and thereby causes severe consequences , the administrative department of health under the people \' s government at or above the county level shall give it a warning and impose discippnary sanctions upon the person in charge of this institution according to law

Article 42 personnel of the administrative department of health or of any institution of medical treatment , prevention or health care who , in violation of relevant provisions of this law , practice fraud , neglect duties , abuse powers or engage in malpractice for their personal gains , if the act has not constituted a crime , shall be imposed discippnary sanctions according to law ; if the act has constituted a crime , the offender shall be investigated for criminal pabipty according to law

Medicines and chemical reagents supervises management department or its setting , affirmatory drug inspection agency examines in medicines and chemical reagents in illegal collection examines of charge , by the government concerned branch is instructed return , to the director that is in charge of directly personnel and personnel of other and direct responsibipty give discippnary sanction lawfully

Supervision of authorized institutions securities and mpf activities in the pght of the mencement of the new regulatory regime for the securities industry on 1 april 2003 , the hkma will deploy additional resources to perform its new statutory duties . the new functions will include advising the sfc on the fitness and propriety of ais applying for registration with the sfc , giving consent to ais executive officers who are responsible for directly supervising securities business , maintaining the pubpc register of ais securities staff , and exercising discippnary sanctions


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