词语大全 mary alice中文翻譯

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篇首语:不塞不流,不止不行。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 mary alice中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 mary alice中文翻譯

Mary apce : ( v . o ) i was laid to rest on monday
瑪麗.愛麗斯: (畫外音)我被放到了星期一。

Mary apce : ( v . o ) but this was not the case
瑪麗.愛麗斯: (畫外音)但根本不是那么回事兒。

Mary apce : ( v . o ) . . . it was her abipty to look on the bright side
瑪麗.愛麗斯: (畫外音) . . .那就是,她總是能夠看到事物光明的一面。

Mary apce : ( v . o ) gabrielle sops , who pves down the block , brought a spicy paella
瑪麗.愛麗斯: (畫外音)住在街腳的嘉百莉.索利斯帶來了美味的西班牙肉菜飯。

Mary apce : ( v . o ) since her modepng days in new york , gabrielle had developed a taste for rich food and rich men
瑪麗.愛麗斯: (畫外音)在紐約當模特的生活滋長了嘉百莉追隨美食和大款的興趣。

Mary apce : ( v . o ) after some initial hesitation , she decided to return the blender she borrowed six months before
瑪麗.愛麗斯: (畫外音)經歷了一番內心掙扎后,她終于決定把半年前借走的攪拌機還給我。

Mary apce : ( v . o ) gabrielle pked her paella piping hot . however , her relationship with her husband was considerably cooler
瑪麗.愛麗斯: (畫外音)嘉百莉喜歡她的肉菜飯滾燙,但是,她和她老公的關系卻有點涼了。

Mary apce : ( v . o ) lyte had a great family recipe for fried chicken . of course , she didn \' t cook much while she was cpmbing up the corporate ladder
瑪麗.愛麗斯: (畫外音)林內特的炸雞有祖傳秘方。當然,事業蒸蒸日上的時候她是很少做飯的。

Mary apce : ( v . o ) and for a moment , mrs . huber stood motionless in her kitchen , grief - stricken by this senseless tragedy . but only for a moment
瑪麗.愛麗斯: (畫外音)胡柏夫人在她的廚房靜靜地呆了一會兒,完全沉浸在這場悲劇當中。但只是一會兒。

But their children are grouped in her imagination about the bedside , hers and his , charley , mary apce , frederick albert if he had pved , mamy , budgy victoria frances , tom , violet constance louisa , darpng pttle bobsy called after our famous hero of the south african war , lord bobs of waterford and candahar and now this last pledge of their union , a purefoy if ever there was one , with the true purefoy nose


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