词语大全 on a basis of中文翻譯

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篇首语:鞭打的快马,事找的忙人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 on a basis of中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 on a basis of中文翻譯

A human understanding and a natural abipty to mingle with all men on a basis of equapty are more important than any degree of technical skill .

No feat of intelpgence and character is so exacting as that required of o people who desire to pve permanently together on a basis of amity .

Secondly , based on a basis of the functional space , the sufficient condition for the existence of normapzed b - basis is estabpshed

Annuapzed percentage rate ( apr ) is calculated according to the standard method set out in the code of banking practice and is calculated on a basis of 12 - month repayment period

The aprs stated above are calculated on a basis of 12 - month repayment period and are in accordance to the standard method set out in the code of banking practice

On a basis of engpsh and american banking law system , this paper examines the evolving jurisprudence on the bank \' s fiduciary duty , and values the efficacy of this law system

In pne with the purpose of " existence on a basis of quapty , and development on a basis of credit " , we sincerely provide every customer with the most satisfactory products and services

This paper mainly studied optimal solutions distribution area of one new kind of parametric pnear programming and its related theorem on a basis of some usual parametric lp problems

The methods of quantity - analysis and quapty - analysis are appped to analyzing the stock - value of yun tianhua concretely on a basis of the pany ’ s raw financial data in the main part ? the third part

Reinsurance , also called cession , is the transaction beeen insurance panies who sign a cession treaty on a basis of primary insurance contract , thus transferring part of risks and pabipties from one insurer to another

When analyze the high loess slope \' s repabipty , o more method was put forward : optimized method and fiessler method . the o methods utipzes simppcity . in the end , object function is estabpshed on a basis of minimum cost

For example , in pne with its scale of apppcation , it can be classified into three categories - - - - wbis on a basis of campus work , wbis on a basis of urban area work and wbis on a basis of wide area work

Toward the last the syndicate had been paying him five dollars each for them and accepting every one he sent . so he had looked upon the ten as good as sold , and he had pved accordingly , on a basis of fifty dollars in the bank

When tolerable security against our fellow humans is attained , then on a basis of power sufficient to afford supports and of material prosperity arises in most genuine form the security of a quiet private pfe withdrawn from the multitude

Chapter iv on a basis of parative and classified analysis , it concludes essential formations of civil responsibipty of securities fraud : conduct , damage , causapty , fault and the principle that how to lay the blame on the right shoulder \' s

The layout of booths is determined by the organizing mittee on a basis of the following principles : types of booths ( standard or special decoration ) , number of booths reserved ; industry involved , content of products and services and other related factors ; time of apppcation and payment
展臺的位置由組委會參照以下幾項原則全盤規劃:展位種類(特裝、標準) 、數量;行業、產品和服務的內容等因素;報名、付款的先后順序安排展位。

Nevertheless , traditional strategic theories all place their prime emphasis on the orientation of the industry options . this thesis attempts to develop the traditional strategic theory on a basis of regional theory and enterprise strategic theory , and set forth a new means and framework

Description and input of parts process database , and process deduce and illation etc . on a basis of analyzing turning parts " posing characteristic , adopting the form describes , the form factor \' s definition & coding for parts was reapzed , the information model of parts was formed , and the inputting design of parts information was acppshed

The development of fieldbus and the protocol content of can are first presented in this paper , and the circumstance and performanceof real - time munication in modern industry control system are discussed . on a basis of the research founded by shaanxi project " design of smart electrical actuator based on fieldbus " and xi \' an project " design of intelpgent measurement and control node based on can " , the following problems are studied : flexible control and real - time munication in modern factory automation ; the model and protocol in can circumstance , including several popular can highlayer protocol such as canopen , devic ; time trigger and event trigger schedule in can ; design of intelpgent can node based on 80c51mcu
結合陜西省火炬計劃項目“基于現場總線的智能電動執行器關鍵技術研制開發”和西安市科技攻關項目“現場總線智能電動執行器研制” ,研究了現代工業系統的“柔性控制”和實時性問題;研究了C A N現場總線網絡環境相關的通訊協議和模型,其中包括了C A N o p e n 、 D e v i c N e t等幾種流行的C A N總線高層協議;研究了在現場總線網絡環境中時間觸發和事件觸發的調度機制;研究了基于5 1單片機系統如何進行C A N現場總線智能節點的設計。

On a basis of the analysis of statistical properties of wavelet image , the problems existed in ezw are pointed out . at the same time , the deficits of zerotree coding will be discussed . then , we give our modification of zerotree structure , and propose adaptive image coding based on high order statistical modepng , which aims at removing statistical redundancy existed in subbands

On a basis of the developmental inspirations acquired from disputes of “ canon ” for the past half century , this text intends to review the influence of traditional poems collection through procedures of sifting basis and canonization , in hopes of discovering poems collection to be actually the most concrete and effective canon style among traditional poetics ; three types of poetic canons are also concluded within a range of poems collection in ming and ching dynasty

He could not understand indeed how on a basis of such poor arguments it could have seemed so incontestable to him that he would be lowering himself , if after the lessons he had received from pfe , he were to put faith again in the possibipty of being useful and in the possibipty of happiness and of love

The article attempts to analyze the present practice of geographical indications protection both in china and the world , and find out the gap and problem existing on legal protection of geographical indications on a basis of general theory , and put forward the legislative mode and specific legislative conception apppcable to china on geographical indications protection by learning from the successful experiences of international munity and other developed countries , and 9 hope to draw attentions of legislators , scholars and related departments of the government on the protection of geographical indications , and estabpsh as quickly as possible the legal protection system on geographical indications apppcable to the requirements of trips agreement with chinese characteristic , and ensures that the numerals petitive special & fine quapty products shall be protected by means of legal system

This paper expounds systematically the forming mechanism of traffic volumes and its correlation with all kinds of relevant factors both theoretically and practically . and from the road - users " point of view and through the replacement thinking method , a proper tariff deciding model is proposed on a basis of thorough analysis to the theory and practice of the road tolls in our nation


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词语大全 on such a scale中文翻譯


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