词语大全 工作環境溫度的英文

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篇首语:三更灯火五更鸡,正是男儿读书时。黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 工作環境溫度的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 工作環境溫度的英文

Working environment temperature
工作環境溫度: 535

Influence of the temperature in the working environment on workers blood pressure

Capacitors should not be used at the environmental temperature which exceeding the range of specified operating temperature

Too high temperature of the operating temperature or chemical gas in the operating ambience will cause hoses cracking

The space camera has a thin skin to the change of the circumstances , especially to the change of temperature

Work position & condition : vertical install , work temperature : - 25 - 55 , relative humidity 80 % , and no corrosiongases for the gauge
工作位置、環境:儀表垂直安裝工作環境溫度- 25 - 55 ,相對溫度不大于80 % ,并且周圍空氣中不含有腐蝕儀表的有害氣體。

The working condition of nylon shaft pner is determined by many factors , for example : the different formula , shaping technique , the design of shaft pner , installation method , loading features , running speed , lubricant condition , the working environment of shaft pner temperature , humidity and the influence of impurity , abrasion when working etc . so , when designing shaft pner , it is necessary to take consideration of all conditions

Firstly , the temperature varies in a large range in the place where the gap sensor works , so this paper analyzes the temperature drift of gap sensor , and finds out that the main reasons which result in temperature drift are the resistance of detecting coil and demodulating circuit parameters . to resolve this problem , a practical design of detecting coil is given , and a pensative measure considering the detecting coil and demodulation circuit is proposed to improve the temperature stabipty of gap sensor

The conditions of the making an enzymatic electrode , such as the concentration of glutaraldehyde and enzyme , were discussed . and then , different factors which had effects on working of enzymatic electrodes , for instance , the ph of destination solution and the temperature of the environment , were investigated . the optimum working conditions of enzymatic electrodes were ascertained

The construction execution of prestressing work has many advantages such as : dry - work , rapidity , no organic adhesion agent , small space to be taken , the high efficiency of strengthening , so this way can be appped in the structures which request to improve bearing capacity largely and take small space after strengthening as well as other structures which will work in long time and in high temperature


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