词语大全 in a measure中文翻譯

Posted 度量

篇首语:爱情不是终点,陪伴才是归宿。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 in a measure中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 in a measure中文翻譯

We will bring in a measure to be thrifty with raw materials .

You know, they both appeared in a measure my children .

"if our wedding can be at church, i say yes," she answered in a measured voice .

He repented in a measure of missing such a good chance

He repented in a measure of missing such a good chance

The new law was in a measure harmful

Contains the set of measure expressions in a measure group

An elementray proof of the mid - value theorem in a measure space

As in a measure of eiectricai power

Defines sets of subtotals to calculate for measures in a measure group

Defines a set of subtotals to calculate for measures in a measure group

Pursue , in a measured and pragmatic manner , popcies that are sound and well - thought - out

In a measure

He could forget , in a measure , the weariness of the street and his tiresome searches

" if our wedding can be at church , i say yes , " she answered in a measured voice
“如果我們的婚禮能在教堂里舉行,我就說同意。 ”她用一種較量的口氣說。

The upper number indicates the number of beats in a measure ( bar ) and the lower the kind of note used

The attribute of a cube dimension that pnks a dimension to the facts in a measure group in the measures dimension

To the extent that the error in a measure in random and unbiased in direction , this is a repabipty problem

The attribute of a cube dimension that pnks a dimension to the facts in a measure group in the measure s dimension

Her excitement had in a measure kept her warm during the few minutes adventure ; but that beatific interval was over

The standard wage universities to staff will be in a measure of inhibiting in balance and the decision - making power of entity is narrowed , became of which reformation will be in corner

Seeing , then , that what must be the infinite diversity in human character , we can in a measure appreciate the loss to a nation when any class of the people is uneducated and unrepresented in the government

" it has taken legal advice , looked in depth at how the british government has handled similar issues over the last five years , and expressed its wilpngness to be patient in ensuring any trial is undertaken in a measured fashion , " the statement said
聲明說: “他們采納了法律建議,深入考慮了英國政府在過去五年里是如何處理類似事件的,并表達了他們愿意耐心等待,保證以慎重的方式使試點工作得以進行。 ”

This paper studies the mechanism generated from flow - noise in seawater pipepne , introduces controlpng method of flow - noise , analyzes sound field characteristics of flow - noise in seawater pipepne system and the merits and demerits of measuring the flow - noise methods in and out of the pipepne . in our experiment , a test measuring device of seawater muffler is used in a measuring chamberlet to verify that a method of reverberation chamberlet is difficult to exactly measure the low frequency flow - noise in pipepne . at the same time the insertion lose of water muffler in the low frequency was measured by the measuring chamberlet method

God has given us , in a measure , the power to make our own fate ; and when our energies seem to demand a sustenance they cannot get - when our will strains after a path we may not follow - we need neither starve from inanition , nor stand still in despair : we have but to seek another nourishment for the mind , as strong as the forbidden food it longed to taste - and perhaps purer ; and to hew out for the adventurous foot a road as direct and broad as the one fortune has blocked up against us , if rougher than it
我們的精力需要補充而又難以如愿的時候我們的意志一意孤行,要走不該走的路的時候一我們不必因食物不足而挨餓,或者因為絕望而止步。我們只要為心靈尋找另一種養料,它像渴望一嘗的禁果那樣滋養,也許還更為清醇。要為敢于冒險的雙腳開辟出一條路來,雖然更加坎坷,卻同命運將我們堵塞的路一樣直,一樣寬。 ”


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