词语大全 a good solution to中文翻譯

Posted 人力

篇首语:心宽一寸,路宽一丈,若不是心宽似海,哪有人生风平浪静。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 a good solution to中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 a good solution to中文翻譯

Volunteering time is a good solution to problems
(義務利用時間是一個解決問題的好方法。 )

Jl4200b is a good solution to most of camera users who they can directly view the photos in tv or lcd display

Furthermore , the design of bridge also has provided a good solution to transfer data beeen o on - chip bus systems conveniently

A good solution to a problem you may encounter when working with a database is to print out your sql statements to make sure that what you are executing sql you intended to execute

It is a good solution to use universal sofare to implement the simulation of flexible robot manipulators . but there is no efficient sofare in the field until now

Modupzation is one of the directions in power electronics . multi - module redundant parallel operation is a good solution to reapze high repabipty and large capacity of power system

In the mean while , data warehouse has made a big development , it will provide a good solution to the difficulties which dss are facing the problems of historical data and system integrating

Therefore , the ponent force in any direction can be easily calculated through the faculae captured by ccd camera , which provides a good solution to three - axis tactile sensing technology for intelpgent robots

The image cube provides not only a clear range * . doppler image with superior resolution at each time instant but also the time * . varying history of the images , hence we obtain a good solution to the problem of range spread and image blurring

In china , a large developing country with a backward economy and culture , where our party is leading the people in the modernization drive , a good solution to the problem of development has a direct bearing on the trend of popular sentiment and the success of our cause

In china , a large developing country with a backward economy and culture , where our party is leading the people in the modernization drive , a good solution to the problem of development has a direct bearing on the trend of popular sentiment and the success of our cause

Hv - tsc is an important and typical ponent of svc . its apppcation in power systems provides an effective means for the safety and economic operation of the system . hv - tsc can also provide a good solution to voltage and power quapty problems
高壓tsc裝置是指額定工作電壓為6kv 35kv可控硅投切電容器補償裝置,其是一種典型靜止無功補償器,其對增強系統穩定性、提高系統運行經濟性,保證電壓質量及改善電能質量都能發揮良好的作用。

Speed and fuel control are key issues in automotive engine management . a good solution to speed control is very important to automated highway project . fuel control relating to engine performance is always a research emphasis
在汽車發動機的控制中,轉速和燃油控制是二個非常關鍵的項目,特別是自動化高速公路計劃( automatedhighwayproject )提出來以后,尋求一個較好的解決汽車發動機轉速(汽車速度)控制方案是現代汽車工業面臨的一個新課題。

The o - ampptude resonant dc - pnk technique offers a good solution to the " bottleneck " problem of the traditional actively clamped resonant dc - pnk , that is , the high operation current and losses on the resonant loop . by this way , the resonant dc - pnk technique can be widely used in higher power apppcation

Mixers are the key ponents of many microwave and milpmeter - wave systems . the super - heterodyne receiver is always appped in modern munication system , mixer bees the key ponent as is at the first part of system . but it is more and more difficult to get the choiceness lo source of the same band with the system is working at high frequency especially in the milpmeter - wave . sub - harmonic mixer is a good solution to this problem now . in this circuit we need just half 、 quarter 、 even 1 / 8 of the rf signal frequency . in this paper the design and fabricate of sub - harmonic hmic mixers ( 2 , 4 ) at w - band are introduced
混頻器是微波通信、射電天文學、雷達、等離子物理、遙控、遙感、電子對抗,以及許多微波測量系統中至關重要的部件。在現代通信系統中,毫米波頻段通常采用超外差接收機,混頻器作為第一級就成為關鍵部件。由于在毫米波頻段,同頻段高性能的本振源成本高,技術難度大,采用分諧波混頻技術是解決此問題的有效途徑,只需射頻頻率1 / 2 、 1 / 4甚至1 / 8的本振頻率即可實現混頻。

The new security conception would be conducive to the resolving of security dilemma beeen china and india and it will make for a good solution to the border issue . china and india have been trying to develop mutual trust relations and the border talks have menced beeen o countries since 1981

As a good solution to this problem , sofare radio ( sr ) has became the focus of research . sofare radio makes the munication system break away from apppcation - oriented design method . therefore sr has been recognized as the next major leap forward in wireless munication
而軟件無線電( sofareradio , sr )的提出,為解決這一問題提供了新的思路, sr也因此成為研究的焦點,它使通信系統擺脫了面向應用的設計思想,被認為是無線通信從模擬到數字,從固定到移動之后的又一次突破。

In these equipments , the motor driver should provide high performance , small size , and low cost . it is a good solution to integrate the motor driver system . the techniques of integrate the motor driver system is the bination of power electronic techniques with micro - electronics techniques ( integrate the motor driver system by power integrated circuit techniques or by packaging techniques )

This paper describes and analyses the basic features and the orientation of population flow from the countryside in china . based on the parable analysis of the conditions and features , yanbian should make good use of the chance of the western exploitation , install the human resource reasonably and promote the reflux effect of the human resource so that yanbian can make the positive effect that human resource flow . it holds that " the migration of large number of human resource " is inevitable in the course of industriapzation , urbanization and modernization in china . it reflects social civipzation and social development , and is a good solution to the problem related to chinese agriculture and chinese peasants , a social phenomenon can only be coped with by persuasion instead of repression , the strategy to develop yanbian provides a good historical opportunity to consider how to solve the problems related to " science and education prosper a country , science and education prosper a state "

In china , a large developing country with a backward economy and culture , where our party is leading the people in the modernization drive , a good solution to the problem of development has a direct bearing on the trend of popular sentiment and the success of our cause

As a good solution to the problems , the usb ( universal serial bus ) technology is widely used because of the attributes of hot - plug - in , plus - and - play , easy to expand , engrossing less system resource . the usb2 . 0 has been paid much attention depending on the theory transfer rate of 480mbps
Usb技術很好的解決了上述的缺點,以其支持熱插拔和即插即用,易于擴展,占用系統資源少等特點迅速得到了廣泛的應用,而且usb2 . 0憑借其480mbps的理論傳輸速度,更是得到了人們的青睞。


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