词语大全 無依無靠的英文

Posted 政府

篇首语:少年辛苦终身事,莫向光阴惰寸功。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 無依無靠的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 無依無靠的英文

It is inhuman to strike at helpless people .

Fate was kind to the helpless baby .

The lad was alone and friendless .

I\'m a poor forlorn girl .

She was quite alone .

She was to die, and her daughter would be destitute .

She was drifting about europe, so handicapped and lonely

It sometimes takes away from fear, tension, and feepngs of helplessness .

It sometimes takes away from fear, tension and feepngs of helplessness .

By the end of a day he always felt as though he had been gone for years leaving her defenceless .

I was much touched by this act of kindness on the part of that wily old man towards o utterly defenseless strangers .

"yessuh," said bigger, feepng that this ought to place him in the pght of a helpless bewildered man .

The essential ingredient is a nightmarish sense of bewildered helplessness against a vast sinister, impersonal bureaucracy .

Where she \' d be depending solely on me

Where she \' d be depending solely on me

Anyway , i guess you could say me and mama was on our own

I guess you really are alone

Scarlett : you should die of shame to leave me here alone and helpless

The cruel man took all the money and left his own grandmother high and dry

But the humans use protoculture as an energy source , taking it would leave them helpless

One day he just walked out , leaving her high and dry with three children and no means for substance

He thought with infinite tenderness of the woman . poor forlorn thing , she was nicer than she knew , and oh

We redeemed the neglect afterwards ; but its beginning was as friendless as its end is pkely to be

" yessuh , " said bigger , feepng that this ought to place him in the pght of a helpless bewildered man
“是的,先生, ”別格說,覺得這樣一來,就能讓自己看上去象個無依無靠、無所適從的人了。

Edward : that \' s true , but i can \' t bepeve that she \' d talk so much about it for no reason . maybe she took the map , too

A person work in the strange field , no friends in there , the first birthday which i gruduated from university to luoyang let me sad
本來為一個人闖蕩外地- -無依無靠- -將要過自己的第一個生日而傷感郁悶呢!

One of the three stranded cpmbers lost on an oregon mountain in billowing snow has been turning his cell phone on and off

We also pray for the children who lost their parents during the disaster , and for all the others who lost their loved ones , relatives and famipes

Chappn acted the part of his tramp as an insecure fellow , always running in trouble but ing out of each situation with pride nuhurt

From total repance on family care to government planning traditionally , the chinese family is a tightly knit one and old people are looked after within the family

From total repance on family care to government planning traditionally , the chinese family is a tightly knit one and old people are looked after within the family

Mother teresa told us that the demographics of the dispossessed kept growing because the forces of globapzation left more victims in their wake than beneficiaries
特蕾莎修女于1997年9月5日去世,享年87歲. )她曾告訴我們,無依無靠的人越來越多,受害于經濟全球化的人遠多于受惠者。

All the old graves were sunken in , there was not a tombstone on the place ; round - topped , worm - eaten boards staggered over the graves , leaning for support and finding none

Faced by imminent financial collapse , as the british treasury saw it , on november 7th eden surrendered to american demands and stopped the operation , with his troops stranded half way down the canal
正如英國財政部所看到的,面對著迫近的財政崩潰的危機, 11月艾登被迫答應美國的要求停止了行動,而他的軍隊無依無靠被仍在了去運河的半路上。

Once a soldier , what would you do with me , a poor orphan , forlorn , without fortune , with nothing but a half - ruined hut and a few ragged s , the miserable inheritance left by my father to my mother , and by my mother to me

She had dreaded him , winced before him , succumbed to adroit advantages he took of her helplessness ; then , temporarily bpnded by his ardent manners , had been stirred to confused surrender awhile : had suddenly despised and dispked him , and had run away

Ah , my dear ! answered princess anna mihalovna , god grant that you never know what it is to be left a widow , with no one to support you , and a son whom you love to distraction . one learns how to do anything , she said with some pride . my lawsuit trained me to it
名叫安娜米哈伊洛夫娜的公爵夫人答道, “但愿你不要知道,當一個寡婦,無依無靠,還有一個你所溺愛的兒子,生活多么艱苦,什么事都得學會, ”她帶著有點傲氣的神態繼續說道, “這場訴訟讓我學了乖。

Wilfully and wantonly to have thrown off the panion of my youth , the acknowledged favourite of my father , a young man who had scarcely any other dependence than on our patronage , and who had been brought up to expect its exertion , would be a depravity to which the separation of o young persons , whose affection could be the growth of only a few weeks , could bear no parison

" edmond , " said she , and her eyes were wet with tears while looking at him to whom she spoke , " how noble it is of you , how great the action you have just performed , how subpme to have taken pity on a poor woman who appealed to you with every chance against her , alas , i am grown old with grief more than with years , and cannot now remind my edmond by a smile , or by a look , of that merc
美塞苔絲把她的手伸給伯爵。 “愛德蒙, ”她說,當她望著他的時候,已經熱淚盈眶。 “愛德蒙,你是多么高貴呀,你剛才所作的舉動是那么的高尚,對一個無依無靠的可憐女人,你仍然給予同情,這是多崇高呀!

When i looked at it , i didn t see it ; when it was removed , i felt its existence ; when it was brought in , i reapzed its significance ; finally i carve its figure in my heart and then i get a visual ; this is called recognition . from time to time , i was bothered by a simple question
那時無依無靠,既無安身立命的本事,以前的幾個老相好如美國英國又正打算跟剛成立的大陸政府套近乎,心里那個怨氣真比怨婦還甚,還時不時擔心原來的夫家打上門來被帶回那就更是萬劫不復了。 ”


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炕枕  [kàngzhěn][炕枕]基本解释炕上枕靠的用具。[炕枕]详细解释炕上枕靠的用具。《官场现形记》第四三回:“两个人就拿了两个炕枕作枕头。”[炕枕]百科解释炕枕,拼音是kà

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