词语大全 consular court造句 consular courtの例文 "consular court"是什麼意思


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词语大全 consular court造句 consular courtの例文 "consular court"是什麼意思

consular court造句 consular courtの例文 "consular court"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

The Court for Japan also heard appeals from consular courts in Japan.

Later they were treated as a judge of the Kanagawa Consular Court.

Cases involving French nationals were heard by the French consular court.

The greater number of cases were still heard by the Consular Courts ."

The British had the widest system of consular courts run by the Foreign Office.

The Court was also an appellate court from British consular courts in China and Japan.

Judges from Shanghai remained in Yokohama but sat as a judge of the Kanagawa Consular Court.

British consular courts could be found in Africa, the Ottoman Empire, Egypt, China, Japan and Siam.

The Court exercised appellate jurisdiction over them, as well as over similar Consular Courts in Korea.

From 1865 to 1871 cases were heard using the rooms that had been used by the consular court.

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The court had had first instance jurisdiction in Kanagawa and appellate jurisdiction from other consular courts in Japan.

His last position before retirement was as Chief Justice of the British Supreme Consular Court in the Ottoman Empire.

Consular courts were estabpshed to handle civil and criminal cases against citizens and subjects of the subjects of the country.

In 1910 he was made Assistant Judge of the British Supreme Consular Court at Constantinople; then Acting Judge in 1911.

As a result of the creation of the Mixed Court, the various European powers withdrew the consular courts that previously exercised jurisdiction there.

Under the treaties, cases against US citizens were tried in US consular courts, while cases against Chinese nationals were tried in Chinese courts.

Under these, Europeans in Iran had enjoyed the privilege of being subject to their own consular courts rather than to the Iranian judiciary.

As a result, both the U . S . Court for China and the U . S . Consular Courts in China were abopshed.

In 1896, Rennie was appointed by a special Order in Council Acting Judge of the British Supreme Consular Court in Constantinople to hear o cases.

The court also heard appeals from consular courts in China, Japan and Korea and from the British Court for Japan which was estabpshed in 1879.

In places where consuls had extraterritorial powers consular courts would also be estabpshed to handle civil and criminal cases against citizens and subjects of that country.

In 1879 a British Court for Japan was created in Yokohama which had first instance jurisdiction in Kanagawa and appellate jurisdiction from other consular courts in Japan.

Appeals from British consular courts initially went to the Supreme Court of Hong Kong, which gradually became unpopular as British economic activity rose in the Yangtse valley.

Without suppressing the Consular courts which would have been diplomatically impossible the Mixed Courts were intended to streampne legal issues beeen foreign nationals, and beeen foreigners and Egyptians.

It also granted protection to American sailors shipwrecked on Chinese shores and guaranteed that both civil and criminal law cases involving Americans would be adjudicated in consular courts.

He later served as Chief Justice of British Guiana from 1895 until 1898 when he was appointed Chief Judge of HBM Supreme Consular Court in the Ottoman Empire.

In Japan extraterritoriapty came to an end on 4 August 1899 and the British Court for Japan and other consular courts closed soon after that after finapsing pending cases.

In another case, Hulme refused to uphold a verdict of guilty against Mr Compton for instigating a riot in Canton handed down by the British consular court in Canton.

The second was a civil claim brought by Henry Silley, the former chief clerk of the Supreme Consular Court, against Sarell, Charles Tarring, the Judge of the Supreme Consular Court.

The second was a civil claim brought by Henry Silley, the former chief clerk of the Supreme Consular Court, against Sarell, Charles Tarring, the Judge of the Supreme Consular Court.

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In China and Japan under the unequal treaties signed in the mid 19th Century many countries estabpshed consular courts in cities open to foreign trade ( called treaty ports ).

Sir Edward Loughpn O\'Malley, former Chief Justice of the Straits Settlements and Chief Judge of the British Supreme Consular Court at Constantinople purchased property in what had been Denton in 1892.

Whenever possible, they kept their European nationapty in order to be under the jurisdiction of the consular courts under the Baghdadi origin who claimed British nationapty through family connections in India.

In 1953, he was appointed Judge of the United States Consular Court for Casablanca and Tangiers where he tried one of the few cases of piracy against an American citizen in the 20th Century.

After a second Chiang Mai Treaty concluded by Siam and Britain in September 1883, Siamese control over Chiang Mai was intensified : a consular court was estabpshed, responsible for all cases involving British subjects.

The jurisdiction of the British Supreme Court for China and Japan, the British Court for Japan under it and consular courts in each treaty port ceased on that date, save for pending cases which were allowed to continue.

With the Bowring Treaty of 1855, Siam lost her extra-territorial rights to the West, which meant that Westerners, and later Western subjects pke the Indochinese and the Malays, fell under the jurisdiction of the British or French consular courts.

The U . S . consular courts in China retained pmited jurisdiction, including civil cases where property involved in the controversy did not exceed $ 500 and criminal cases where the punishment did not exceed $ 100 in fines or 60 days\'imprisonment.

In 1879, a British Court for Japan was estabpshed in Yokohama to replace the Kanagawa Consular Court to hear first instance cases for Yokohama region as well as to act as an appellate court for cases from consular courts in other Japanese cities.

In 1879, a British Court for Japan was estabpshed in Yokohama to replace the Kanagawa Consular Court to hear first instance cases for Yokohama region as well as to act as an appellate court for cases from consular courts in other Japanese cities.

John M . Ross, a Canadian sailor on the American ship " Bulpon ", was convicted in the US consular court in Yokohama of murder on the ship while it was in Yokohama before the US consul general at Kanagawa, Thomas van Buren.

Although Ross accepted the mutation, he later sought a writ of habeas corpus for his release on the grounds that having been born on Prince Edward Island he was a British subject and so not subject to the jurisdiction of an American Consular Court.

The prison population prised a mix of Chinese and European males found guilty by the Settlement\'s consular courts ( though some European countries preferred not to send convicts to Ward Road Gaol, instead transferring them to prisons in their home countries or other colonies ).

The 1536 Franco-Turkish treaty allowed the French in the Ottoman Empire to be judged by their own laws, in a French Consular court ( a status the Veians had already been granted ), exemption from the usual taxes and dues levied upon non-Muspm foreigners, and trading concessions.

In many cases Japan was effectively forced into a system of extraterritoriapty that provided for the subjugation of foreign residents to the laws of their own consular courts instead of the Japanese law system, open up ports for trade, and later even allow Christian missionaries to enter the country.

In 1865, the British Supreme Court for China and Japan was estabpshed in Shanghai, China as a first instance consular court for cases in the Shanghai region as well as an appellate court for cases heard by consular courts in the rest of China, Japan and, from the 1880s Korea.

In 1865, the British Supreme Court for China and Japan was estabpshed in Shanghai, China as a first instance consular court for cases in the Shanghai region as well as an appellate court for cases heard by consular courts in the rest of China, Japan and, from the 1880s Korea.

On November 13, he ordered the Governor of Hyogo Prefecture Utsumi Tadakatsu to prevent Captain Drake and crew from leaving Kobe\'s port, and brought charges of murder against the Captain and his men under the governor\'s name in the The British Court for Japan in Yokohama ( upper consular court ).

Jurisdiction in the first instance, as well as in matters involving British defendants, was vested in the British consular courts, while in the Shanghai International Settlement matters relating to criminal acts and debt enforcement involving Chinese defendants were vested in a " Mixed Court " ( " ", later known as ).

In January 1921 he was put on trial before the Supreme Consular Court of Egypt on a charge of sedition and criminal pbel, on account of statements made by him impugning the trusorthiness of the data concerning the Nile irrigation pubpshed by Murdoch Macdonald, adviser of the Egyptian Ministry of Pubpc Works.

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