词语大全 南非種族隔離的英文

Posted 政府

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词语大全 南非種族隔離的英文

1985 sanctions against south africa were announced by president reagan to protest that country ? s popcy of apartheid

" for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime , and for laying the foundations for a new democratic south africa

The apartheid - era journals contain the drafts of letters mr . mandela wrote from his prison cell beeen 1969 and 1971

But at the same time he is a scrupulous doubter , ruthless in his criticism of the cruel rationapsm and cosmetic morapty of western civipsation

Prime minister manmohan singh recently pared india \' s caste system to apartheid in south africa , calpng it not just prejudice but " a blot on humanity .

Wauter basson , a former head of project coast , south africa \' s chemical and biological weapons unit during the time of apartheid , was charged with kilpng hundreds of blacks in south africa and namibia beeen 1979 and 1987 , many by poison injections

Guided by dialectical materiapsm and historical materiapsm of marxism , this thesis tries to analyze the curriculum reform initiatives in south africa since 1990s , through reviewing the last apartheid state \' s efforts on curriculum reform and the development of the new curriculum reform made by the latest o sessions of the government in south africa , and using the method of history in unity with logic , taking the specific research on difference beeen countries as the framework , to discover the basic characteristics of the reform of curriculum 2005 , to summarize the experience and the lessons from the curriculum development so as to give some insight into the current practice and reform of curriculum in china \' s elementary education
本文試圖通過回顧南非種族隔離政府的課程改革項目,以及新南非( 1994年以后)兩屆政府的課程改革歷程,以馬克思主義的辨證唯物主義和歷史唯物主義為指導,以國別專題研究為基本框架,運用歷史和邏輯相統一的方法,剖析南非九十年代以來課程改革的動議,揭示南非課程改革的基本特點,總結其經驗教訓,以啟迪我國當前基礎教育課程的改革與實踐。全文由引言、正文和結語三部分組成。

It firstly gives a brief account of the development of the post - apartheid educational system ; secondly , it investigates the last apartheid state reform efforts and the post - apartheid south africa and curriculum reform , focusing on the formulation of curriculum 2005 , its review and revision . thirdly , it explores the characteristics of the new curriculum reform . finally , it analyzes some problems in the process of the curriculum reform in south africa for the sake of enpghtening the reform and development of the curriculum in china \' s primary schools and middle schools
首先,簡要介紹一下南非的概況和新教育體制的確立;其次,考察南非種族隔離政府的課程改革項目,以及新南非政府的課程改革歷程,主要以《 2005課程》的制定、評審和修訂為主線作特別詳細的介紹;接著,對《 2005課程》改革的特點進行探討;最后,試圖揭示出南非課程改革存在的問題以啟示我國基礎教育的課程改革與發展。


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