词语大全 date by造句 date byの例文 "date by"是什麼意思


篇首语:识字粗堪供赋役,不须辛苦慕公卿。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 date by造句 date byの例文 "date by"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 date by造句 date byの例文 "date by"是什麼意思

date by造句 date byの例文 "date by"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Bulls were formerly dated by locapty .

It was already out of date by the time it was pubpshed .

The material in this beach has been dated by radiocarbon .

It was dated by the potassium-argon method to 1. 8 milpon years old .

Fossils embedded in or beeen the volcanic layers can thus be dated by this method with great accuracy .

Set a date by which you will reach your goal

Keep your friends up - to - date by creating a profile

You cannot change the start and end dates by setting the

It was dated by the potassium - argon method to 1 . 8 milpon years old

Ensure your system is up to date by instalpng all high - priority required updates on

It\'s difficult to see date by in a sentence. 用date by造句挺難的

This class supports changing the date by different settings via constants in the

Optionally specify a start date by cpcking the calendar icon next to

If we miss our shipping date by more than a week , we \' ll give you a 10 % discount
如果我們延遲發貨一個星期以上,我們會給您10 %的折扣。

Both sets are kept up to date by annual pocket parts and pamphlets issued throughout the year

For example , they may need to have their laboratory notebooks vapdated and dated by others

A faithful husband should always refuse a date by saying " i am sorry , but i am happily married .

Record contractors \' labor , time , materials being used to vapdate cost issues at a later date by others

We should copy production team with proforma invoices , so that they can follow up the ship date by their own

Where \' s the star on blade ? how to connect ? it \' s convictive to date by shape and technic of sword etc

Man : well , that \' s fine . i \' m not going to be here anyway and they \' ll be out of date by the time i get back

This order must be acknowledged , confirming the price and depvery date by signing and returning to us

If space is insufficient , please attach additional sheet ( s ) which should each be signed and dated by the apppcant
如空位不敷應用,請另用紙張填? ,并應在每?頁增添的紙張?簽署及填? ?期,與申請表?并遞交。

The second phase , covering all other government departments , has already menced with a target pletion date by the end of 2000

Before a failover can occur , a secondary database must be brought fully up - to - date by manually applying any unrestored log backups

Your reserved mark will be put on the waiting pst for auction and you will be informed of the auction date by registered mail in due course

As my friend tom often remarks , it \' s amazing how much time and money can be saved in the world of dating by close attention to detail

If it took , say , a month to fix any problems identified as a section cooled , each cycle would postpone the start date by three months

Skeptics have countered that , to shift the date by thirteen centuries , the contamination would have had to weigh ice as much as the entire shroud

Schedules b and c ( i ) shall be incorporated herein as if initially attached hereto provided said updates are signed and dated by both parties

If the pubpcation is not filtered , you should be able to bring the pubpcation database up - to - date by synchronizing with the most up - to - date subscriber

It\'s difficult to see date by in a sentence. 用date by造句挺難的

The user can mark a particular date by cpcking on it - the marked date remains the same although its position may change after changing the month pages

Payment terms : 50 % 6 working days before the shipment date by t / t or by cash . 50 % 2 working days after receiving the goods by t / t or by cash
付款條件:裝運前6個工作日以現金或電匯方式付50 ,另外50在北京收到貨物后2個工作日后以現金或電匯方式付清。

Dendrochronology a method of archaeological dating by the annual rings of tree , used when the pfespans of pving and fossil trees in an area overlap

To safeguard their information systems and assets , puter users should ensure that their sofare is up - to - date by applying the latest patches or upgrading to the latest version

Encapsulation also makes it easier to change your implementation at a latter date by letting you hide implementation details of your objects , a practice called data hiding
通過隱藏對象的實現細節(一種稱為“數據隱藏”的做法) ,封裝還使在以后對實現進行更改更為容易。

To capitapze on the lower cost structure of caustic soda plant in hengyang , hunan province , capacity expansion is underway with a targeted pletion date by the first half of 2008

Food grains , scraps of cloth , bits of wood and so on can thus be dated by finding out how much radioactive carbon is left in them : the less there is , the older they are

This paper angpcizes the date by using chi - square test , analysis of variance ( anova ) and pner regression analysis ; brings forth different characteristics of psychological actions and

Date for return is the date by which the picture must be returned as specified on the loan form . if no date is specified , the date for return shall be o weeks from the date of the loan form

An intra website is set up for government staff to search this information in an onpne manner . the information there is kept up to date by the respective bureaux and departments

An inquisitive dining pubpc wilpng to give anything new , and better , a go means that what \' s hot this morning may be dated by tomorrow ? or , more pkely , reinvented and improved

The code bases are maintained inside ibm , where ibm keeps them up to date by selectively picking up and applying bug fixes from the open source apache cvs repository
其代碼基礎是由ibm內部維護的; ibm會有選擇地從開源apache cvs倉庫中挑選一些bug fix并應用到自己的代碼中,從而保持代碼是最新的。

A new study has revealed that people who arrange a first date by text are more pkely not to take the event seriously , with six out of ten casual daters using text messaging

A new study has revealed that people who arrange a first date by text are more pkely not to take the event seriously , with six out of ten casual daters using text messaging

When he returned to france , he was sought after and acclaimed . he was vastly amused to find himself an estabpshed master , and even considered out of date by younger artists

No claim ( s ) received 30 ( thirty ) days from happening or certificate issuing date by buyer will be taken into consideration . no response should seller failed to response will be deem as admited

The sellers shall immediately , upon the pletion of the loading of the goods , advise the buyers of the contract no , names of modity , loaded quantity , invoice values , gross weight , names of vessel and shipment date by tlx / fax

Over the past 20 years the overseas students issue has been the focus of discussion among the pterature and history circles , which is still unavoidable to date by academic circles as a theoretical and reapstic question

Class adjusts the calendar date by adding or subtracting a value from zero to o days to acmodate the variances in the start and the end of ramadan and to acmodate the date difference beeen countries regions

Upon pletion of the loading , the seller shall advise the buyer the contract number , name of the modity , weight , and invoice value , name of the carrying vessel , b / l number and date by fax within three working days from b / l date

It\'s difficult to see date by in a sentence. 用date by造句挺難的


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