词语大全 la 1 business造句 la 1 businessの例文


篇首语:青春须早为,岂能长少年。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 la 1 business造句 la 1 businessの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 la 1 business造句 la 1 businessの例文

The construction of the nearby LA 1 Business.

Its former route through town became LA 1 Business, sharing pavement with LA 10 Business.

From the southwest, LA 10 Business heads east on Parent Street co-signed with LA 1 Business and immediately enters the city of New Roads.

At New Roads Street, opposite the St . Augustine Cathopc Church and Cemetery, LA 1 Business turns south toward the downtown area located along the LA 420.

The portion of the route shared with LA 1 Business is classified by the La DOTD as an urban minor arterial with an average daily traffic volume of beeen 5, 800 and 6, 300 vehicles in 2013.

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稀拉  [xīla][稀拉]基本解释1.稀少疏落2.〈方〉形容对自己要求不严,随随便便[稀拉]详细解释稀疏。如:稀拉的枯草。方言。散漫,拖拉。如:作风稀拉。[稀拉]百科解释报错更多

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