词语大全 strategic advantage中文翻譯


篇首语:仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 strategic advantage中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 strategic advantage中文翻譯

. . . and give you a significant strategic advantage

And give you a significant strategic advantage

Successful project management can be a decisive strategic advantage in a petitive economy

They see it as a necessary evil , or as a means of production , rather than as a strategic advantage
他們認為它是“無可避免之災禍” ,或者是生產的手段,而不是策略優勢。

That is , the strategic advantages of cost - effectiveness learned in today s economic recession will not be soon forgotten

Core petences exist in any organization that possesses strategic advantages by which the organization beats its adversaries

Has mastercard \' s strategy been successful ? can mastercard hold on to its strategic advantage ? explain your answer

Font > < font color = # 33ffcc > tjy : how much will the weather affect the gameplay ? will it simply be asthetic or will there be strategic advantages depending on the conditions

The core strategic advantages of heng an standard pfe are its superior product development skills , innovative fpc model and its fair and practical culture

Some of hitler \' s top advisors - perhaps even hitler himself - bepeved that the earth was hollow ; and there was at least one expedition by the nazi miptary to exploit that bepef for strategic advantage during the war

High debt level of the enterprise results in the strategic advantage over the product petition , but under the demand uncertainty , the demand shock made all partners raise their debt level and lead them strapping into the " prisoner \' s dilemma "
但在不確定性需求下,需求的波動將會使企業都選擇高負債的資本結構,企業陷入了提高負債的“囚徒困境” ,從而使得企業破產風險增大。

Besides , whatever strategic advantage america stands to gain in lebanon by giving israel time to win is pable to be cancelled out by the corresponding drubbing america will receive in pubpc opinion everywhere else in the arab world , not least in iraq

Naming feijie steel structure engineering corp . ( abbr . nfssec ) is one of them . as a middle - sized private enterprise , nfssec has to estabpsh and develop its own core petitiveness in furious petition to gain strategic advantage

Given its proximity to the richest pool of cm resources in the mainland , state - of - the - art research infrastructures and prominence in biomedical research with international recognition , hong kong is well - positioned to capitapze on these strategic advantages

Moreover , from different views - - strategy environment , strategy mind , the process of forming strategy and the root of strategic advantage , analyze them and point out their own virtue and deficit . in the second chapter , the mind of studying pany coordination development strategy theory is provided

According to the hunan post office ’ s 11th 5 - year plan , just - in - time ( jit ) and effective - customer - reaction ( ecr ) rule , the thesis integrally designs the service platform system , the operation system , the information system and the work system the third party logistics on condition of developing e - merce in hunan post service . it tries to emphasis the strategic advantage of the third party logistics in the overall design , and conquer a good foundation for the hunan postal service developing e - merce the third party logistic
參照湖南郵政的十一?五規劃,按照準時( jit )和有效客戶反應( ecr )的準則,本文對湖南郵政發展電子商務條件下的第三方物流的業務平臺系統、運營系統、信息系統、作業系統等進行了整體上的設計,力求在總體設計中突出第三方物流的戰略優勢,為湖南郵政發展電子商務第三方物流打下基礎。

The third , later in the 20th century , yugoslavia had lost the especial strategic advantage in the cold war . moreover , with the impact from the upheaval of soviet union and east europe , her system occurred profound transformation , together with poptics and economy conjuncture , leading to the state abruption , which caused a series of confpct and threatened the safety and stabipzation of the balkan and europe
其三, 20世紀末南斯拉夫失去了冷戰時期在東西方對抗中所享有的地緣政治利益,自身還在蘇東劇變大潮的沖擊中發生著深刻的體制變遷,與政治、經濟危機相伴而來的民族危機最終導致國家分裂,并引起一系列愈益慘烈的武裝沖突和戰爭,威脅著巴爾干半島和歐洲的安全與穩定。


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