词语大全 比值法的英文


篇首语:大道之行,天下为公。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 比值法的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 比值法的英文

An obvious restraint in the use of isotope ratios results from the need to employ mass spectrometers .

Fuzzy ratio method for ranking of multi - radiant imperilment

Measuring frequency of received signal by a spectrum pne ratio method

Reference - value method

Reference - v method

Determinaton of cotton maturity coefficient by lumen width - cell wall thickness ratio method

The fault reasons of a phase c 378mva transformer in one group of main transformers are analyzed by three - ratio method . the improvement measure is presented

Ratio method , factor analysis method and multiple regression model were appped to source apportionment experiment of polycycpc aromatic hydrocarbons ( pahs ) in airborne particulate at traffic areas in nanjing

Research and conclude the methods to determine blood pressure , present a method that systhsis the mean value method , paring method and empiric coefficient method of the oscillometric blood pressure measurement

It estimates relation degree beeen factors according to curves analogue degree . 3 ration method is usually used for transformer fault diagnosis , it sometimes can not judge fault because of its lack of enough ration codes
在變壓器的故障診斷中普遍采用油中溶解氣體分析( dga )導則推薦的三比值法。但因其比值范圍不全,常導致在實際診斷過程中出現不能判斷的情況。

How to uniform the units of all kinds of environmental impact factors is deeply discussed . furthermore , the proportion method is looked upon as a new method to solve this problem , in this paper . finally , three groups of examples are discussed , in this paper

Because of the work mentioned above , a new method of renewing ancient thickness is brought forward , the method of the continuing tendency of the uneroded stratum thickness , the method of the variety rate of the reference layer thickness and the method of the ratio of the contiguous layer thickness are used to renew the erosion thickness in ludong area for the first time and the method of fuzzy synthetic evaluation is used to prioritize the favorable places for prospecting for oil and gas

Conventional iec three ratio method and new iec ratio criterion are reduced according to the method of decision table in rough set theory respectively , simppfied diagnosis rules are proposed . besides being identical with original iec method , the codes of conventional iec three ratio method are increased and bounds of new iec ratio criterion are augment by using this method , codes imperfectness of conventional iec three ratio method and code name absence of new iec ratio criterion are improved to some extent , scarcity of codes in conventional iec three ratio method is offseted , absolutization of sort and boundary in new iec ratio criterion is overed . this is important in practice for its flexibipty and enhanced error tolerances

Plenty of diagnosis examples demonstrate the vapdity of the gray relationship analysis method in diagnosing power system insulation faults . not only the misjudgment rate can be reduced , but also the transformer fault incidences can be classified by using self - adapted weight fuzzy clustering method . further more , the transformer insulation condition can be analyzed , as well as the fault position can be located by recognizing the fault types

Utipsing dissolved gases analysis , a new insulation fault diagnosis method for power transformers is proposed . this method is based on the group grey relational grade analysis method . first , according to the fault type and grey reference sequence structure , some typical fault samples are divided into several sets of grey reference sequences . these sets are structured as one grey reference sequence group . secondly , according to a new calculation method of the grey relational coefficient , the individual relational coefficient and grade are puted . then according to the given calculation method for the group grey relation grade , the group grey relational grade is puted and the group grey relational grade matrix is structured . finally , according to the relational sequence , the insulation fault is identified for power transformers . the results of a large quantity of instant analyses show that the proposed method has higher diagnosis accuracy and repabipty than the three - ratio method and the traditional grey relational method . it has good classified diagnosis abipty and repabipty

In accordance with the technological difficulties encountered in the process of insulation supervision based on the dissolved gases analysis ( dga ) , several kinds of model and method are presented to improve the repabipty and precision of fault diagnosis of the power transformer . main research content includes : by deeply studying the mon transformer faults diagnosing methods , such as three - ratio methods and improved electrical mittee agreements , several shortings such as uncertainness judgment when the fault reasons , phenomenon and principles e out together while can not consistent to each other etc . for this reason , the old methods can not fully meet the need to engineering practical apppcation . considering fuzzy relationship matrix can fully represents the causapty beeen fault symptoms and fault types , when diagnosing plex equipments with multiple symptoms and fault causes such as power transformer , a synthetic fuzzy diagnosing model is firstly proposed to diagnose transformer \' s insulation faults based on dga in this paper

This new method will bring significant developments in studying the principles of stomatal movement , and other quick movement in plants , c ) guard cells are incubated with ph dependent fluorescent chemical probe " bcecf am " and excited at 488nm , the fluorescent emission ratio method ( 520nm / 640nm ) is employed with laser scanning confocal microscopy , about 0 . 4 ph unit increase in guard cell vacuoles is observed during stomatal closure that is induced by aba
本發展為保衛細胞與其它小細胞液泡的進一步研究提供了新思路。 c )本工作通過激光共聚焦顯微術配合ph熒光探針bcecfam的單激發( 488nm )雙發射的熒光比值法( 525nm 640nm )觀察到,用aba處理的表皮條上的開放態氣孔在關閉過程中其保衛細胞液泡內ph有一約0 . 4單位的上升。

Following the analysis of domestic and oversea present development , it demonstrates the importance of on - pne monitoring system , discusses the principle of chromatogram analysis , the relationship beeen oil solved gas and fault types and methodologies of fault diagnosis , and also , analyzes the error leaded by monitoring system , its sources and correspondent interference suppression measures . fault diagnosis is a new research project . this thesis demonstrates the principle and feasibipty of fuzzy math hybrid evaluation method based on threshold diagnosis , spectrum diagnosis , artificial neural work and expert system

The results of examples in this paper show that the geic algorithm is effective for achieving optimum coefficients of this model . the prediction model is effective for forecasting the tendency of gas dissolved in power transformer oil . it is feasible and the forecasting precision of this model is remarkable


词语大全 無法的英文


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词语大全 余值法的英文
