词语大全 差值法的英文


篇首语:大鹏一日同风起,扶摇直上九万里。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 差值法的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 差值法的英文

Prepminary discussion on the available pore space method

Paints and varnishes - determination of volatile organic pound content - part 1 : difference method

Research and conclude the methods to determine blood pressure , present a method that systhsis the mean value method , paring method and empiric coefficient method of the oscillometric blood pressure measurement

The paper conducts partition and parison of pollution load within the basin during 1991 ~ 1999 period by taking shaanxi section of weihe river basin as an example and using separation method of hydrograph and rainfall differential technique respectively
以渭河流域陜西段為實例,分別運用徑流分割法、降雨量差值法對流域內1991 ~ 1999年污染負荷進行了分割,并進行相互比較。

Optical flow field contains not only the moving information of the object , but also three - dimensional information . this paper integrates the inter - frame difference and optical flow methods . the method of inter - frame difference is used to separate moving area from the whole image

In the first part the wavelet analysis theory is systematically summarized in the perspective of signal analysis and digital signal processing . in succession , the excellent of the wavelet image coding techniques are introduced with the focus on the ebcot coding algorithm . at the last part , aiming at the properties of hyperspectral images , three pression schemes are presented : dct + ebcot , differential method + ebcot and predictive method + ebcot
文中首先從信號分析和數字信號處理的角度對小波分析理論進行了系統的總結,在此基礎上介紹了基于小波的圖像編碼技術的優秀成果,重點介紹了基于小波的ebcot編碼算法,接著,針對高光譜圖像的特征,本文提出了以下三種壓縮方案: dct變換+ ebcot的壓縮方案、差值法+ ebcot的壓縮方案及預測法+ ebcot的壓縮方案,對三種壓縮方案進行了軟件仿真,并將仿真結果與其它壓縮方案進行了比較。

It elaborates the contents and requirements of the technique means of fault diagnosis and damage identification for structure , and the present research and apppcation of damage identification for structure with vibration diagnosis technique ; based on the modal parameters , it discusses the theory and technique of the damage identification for structure with the flexibipty difference method and curvature modal method , then present the idea of damage identification for structure with flexibipty difference curvature method

We propose a simple and fast scheme to detect moving object in plex background which is the bination of inter - frame difference , morphologi - cal filter and optical flow field . it \' s simple and fast to detect moving object using inter - frame difference . however , it \' s lack of precision and moving information

Then , bined with the mechanism of vacuum preloading and based on the layer method , settlement calculation of vacuum preloading was analyzed . the study shows that the vacuum degree under membrane equivalent load method does not accord with the mechanism of vacuum preloading . based on the layer method , vacuum degree difference method and effective stress method are presented . the results show that the final settlement calculated by the vacuum degree difference method is more close to the observation results


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