词语大全 現值法的英文

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词语大全 現值法的英文

The pmitation of npv and its resolution

Ndv of strategic decision of investment and its popularization

On fair value obtained through present value

Npv method present value method

Apppcation of present value and modified internal rate of return to investment

Research on the apppcation of the method of rpn in capital evaluation of rubber tree

( 1 ) why the ine approach is employed to value the enterprise \' s value is expounded in detail
( 1 )詳細闡述了運用收益現值法評估企業價值的原因。

On the basis , the ways by which the product renewing strategy be made : npv , real options

At present , the main method of evaluating mineral resources assets is the method of ine present value ( ipv )

Certain decision approaches consist present value approach , internal rate of return approach and payback period approach

Aiming at one repair plan and making use of the method of npw , we can judge whether repair is economic or not

We value a venture capital project by present value approach and real option approach , and find that the value of pound growth option is maximal
我們采用傳統凈現值法和實物期權方法對某一風險投資項目價值進行計算,并摘要. .

The model has been tested and verified in a specific case to show that the value of the coal resources assets evaluated by this model is larger than that by the ipv

Four monly used investment decision methods that generate statistics to pare projects are present worth , annual worth , future worth , and rate of return

It breaks away from the shortings of rtaditional decision analysis , and makes the decision - making more scientific ad reasonable

In the course of determining the ine approach \' s parameter - the ine , this thesis adopts mentekarlor simulation method and makes program with vb 6 . 0

The economic methods such as cpv ( cost present value ) , airr ( internal rate of return ) and c - b ( cost - benefit ) are adopted to judge the projects

At the same time , some measures should he taken to regulate appraisal market and strengthen cpv \' s risk awareness , and perfect appraisal method

Hi order overe those weakness of npv and real options , a optimizing npv was studied through change traditional npv \' s puting range ; and take account into the manager \' s hobby

The optimizing npv remedy the shortings of traditional npv and wo n \' t destroy the pany \' s system , the most important advantage is the conclusion made by this method is more reapty

At last , it made a conclusion that the profit method is close to the internal valuation of brand and it is the most reasonable method which value property according to profit

When there are o or more options , then one must use current value method , year - end value method , cost current value and cost year - end value method to make a judgment and find the most optimal option

According to the variety and plexity of foreign direct investment , this paper tries to build an evaluating matrix of foreign direct investment to evaluate transnational investing item based on apv

Some calculating models about present value method ( npv ) , which is widely appped , are given . a parison beeen npv method and real options method is made , and the disadvantages of npv method are analyzed
對應用最為廣泛的凈現值法( npv ) ,給出了在多種狀況下的計算方法,并將它與實物期權方法進行了對比,指出了傳統npv法的不足。

Some plex factors determine expecting ine during merger , the article use present value to illustrate economic ine in cash merger , and use earnings per stock to illustrate economic ine in stock exchange merger

For deterministic project using single project analysis , one can use current value method , internal benefit rate method and investment return rate method , and then use the results to determine the feasibipty of the project

By the real case , the apppcation of concrete appraisal methods , which is the replacement cost valuation , discounted cash flow valuation , amended discounted cash flow valuation , option pricing valuation and market valuation , is carefully studied in the high - tech pany appraisal

Theoretically , there are many measure method for the goodwill , for example , there are capitapzation of ine method , present value of super - profit method and so on , but we adopt the difference beeen thb c t of the whole business and the identifiable assets method

It put forward that when valuate the whole property of inter enterprise by means of npv , not assess all the pkely profit of inter enterprise by means of npv only , but assess the current business and the extending business respectively

The third section is chapter five . there are three methods of valuing venture enterprise , i . e . , classical dcf , the first chicago pricing and npv . the evaluation mode of success degree includes a simple mode and evaluation standard

( 2 ) the thesis offers an actual case using the ine approach to assess the value of the shipping enterprises that appear on the market and make profit , hi the course of valuation , the grey system theory is employed to forecast the future ine of the shipping enterprises
( 2 )用實例演示收益現值法在上市盈利航運價值評估中的應用,其中用灰色系統理論對航運企業未來收益進行預測,用加權平均資本成本模型和資本資產定價模型確定折現率。

The article consists of six parts as follows : the first part of the article briefly introduces the background , meaning and the study methods of the article . it makes a summary of difficulties and innovations in this article , then gives a detailed statement of the important conceptions and theories which are used in the research process

Finally , this article points out that the traditional method of present value has the defect to assessing investment decision of pany , also proves that investment of the pany has the characteristic of the american call option through introducing the concept of the option of investment and the material object option

As intangible asset , intellectual property has great value . there are many uncertainty and illegibipty during appraisal , the appraisal methods used now have some disadvantage , so in this paper , fuzzy multiple goals decision - making method model is appped to appraise intellectual property for helping the panies appraise its value properly
由于知識產權的價值評估具有較大的不確定性和模糊性,目前的價值評估方法- - - -收益現值法、成本法和現行市場法在處理不確定性問題上有很大弊端,文章建立了模糊評價模型對其進行評估,以便企業客觀的評估其軟件知識產權價值。

Thirdly , gap analysis , duration analysis , present value analysis and dynamic simulation analysis , these four risk measurement techniques and how to use them are studied . and then , merce tactics to manage and control interest rate risks and how to use them are researched detailedly . at last , an example which further illustrates how to manage and control interest a rate risks for mercial banks of china is given . interest rate risk management is a ppcated job , so mercial banks should choose appropriate skills and measures to control interest rate risk effectively for keeping their earnings free of adverse influence of interest rate changes

First of all , on the whole , the dissertation systematically explores some measures of managing the risks of venture capital panies in our country . secondly , there are four pttle aspects that are new . the first one is the practical venture capital organization form according to the situation of china ; the second is the apppcation of real options in investment decision - making ; the third is introducing the matrix management organization and designing a set of risk monitoring model in the assistant management stage : the last one is putting forward o train of thought solving the issue of exit time that are bayes and real options
本文的創新之處首先從整體上來看,本文從風險投資公司的角度,緊密結合我國的實際情況,系統地研究了我國風險投資公司應采取的全過程的風險管理措施;其次,具體來說有以下四小點創新:一是探討了適合我國國情的風險資本組織形式;二是對于風險投資決策方法的創新? ?運用實物期權的思想和方法來彌補傳統投資決策方法? ?凈現值法的缺陷;三是在經營階段的風險管理方面,提出了矩陣制的項目管理模式和該階段的風險監控模式;四是在退出時機的把握上提出兩種解決思路? ?貝葉斯法和實物期權法。

Under the presumption that technology is a kind of production factor , the present value approach and the game theory are appped to analyze the market of technology systematically , and the equipbrium condition of this market is discussed on the basis of some basic laws of economics

The fourth part is a key part of value management of human resource , on the basis of the third part , including content as follow : discussing the value management for the human resource investing systematically , and psting procedure and method of predicting and decision ; discussing the value encouraging and value control to the human resource , conceiving the method of analyzing and controlpng tentatively ; discussing the relevant problem of assigning , human resource value should have the power to obtain the surplus and should be divided into o steps : surplus value should be assigned beeen human capital and financial capital at first , then surplus value that human capital has assigned should be assigned again among the individuals , and put forward the corresponding method

Through studying , the author finds that : first , historical cost measure attribute to based on labor value theory , study it have great reapstic meaning ; o , economy is developed , theory of demand more and more abundant , but historical cost measure attribute eternal first - selection accountant measure theory of sociapst market economy in our country

A real options framework of venture capital investment decision in discrete - time is build . based on the extended npv formula , binomial model bined with black - scholes formula , an integrated model of venture capital investment decision evaluation is given . there are five parts in the model , and five steps to get the solution to
構建了離散狀態下風險投資決策的實物期權框架:以擴展的凈現值法計算公式為基礎,將二叉樹模型與black - scholes模型結合,構建了一個評價評價風險投資決策的綜合模型,模型分為五部分,分五步求解。

Among these , the first part makes use of the second - hand information to carry out the research for the market demanding and the history prices of the end project products . the experience is reped on determine the price needed in the analysis of long - term investment decisions ; the second part analysizes the project investment decision by the way of using some long - term investment decision theories such as recovery period method , npu , present index method and remuneration included methods , etc . meantime , it makes the risk analysis for the project and determines the risk elements and proposes some measures and guidance in risk management

When discussing the methods of goodwi11 evaluation , we point out the disadvantages of the present eva i uat i on formu i a se i ect i on and the parameter confirmation , import and deepen the theory of corporate pfe cycle to the work of enterprise ine forecast , furthermore put forward a new model of excessive capitapzed earning method on goodwill evaluation , and i i luminate the main points in the appl ication of the new model

This thesis begins with the theoretical basis of this case , follows with the current situation that tian fa pany faces and the background of the project , and then taking both the theoretical and practical factors into account . to make the conclusion : the investment project of 2 x 50 mw thermoelectricity cogeneration in tian fa pany is feasible from the prospect of financial management , and it is risk - resistant . i use three project appraisal techniques , i . e . payback period , present value and internal rate of return and o risk analysis techniques , i . e . sensitivity analysis and breakeven analysis
論文首先介紹了案例分析的理論依據,緊接著分析了天發公司目前面臨的困境以及項目投資的有關背景,然后將理論與實際結合相結合,分析計算了項目投資的資本成本、現金流量表,應用回收期法、凈現值法和內部收益率法對該投資項目的效益進行財務評價,用敏感性分析和盈虧平衡分析兩種方法對項目的風險進行分析,通過分析和研究最后得出結論:天發公司2 50mw熱電聯產投資項目在財務上是完全可行的,并且具有相當強的抗風險能力。

The second section introduces some mon methods and evaluation indexes , such as present value , internal rate of return , payback period , profitabipty index , etc . the present methods and evaluation indexes are inplete , which mainly apply to the analysis on the determinate decision . in fact , they are mono - objective and most - favored methods

The second part makes a general study of npv method and the real options method of oil - gas projects economic evaluation . 1 . it makes a research in - depth of the conventional economic evaluation method of oil - gas projects and gets famipar with factors of oil - gas projects

This article , firstly , analyzes the uncertainties in the process of investment analyses , and reveals the nature , classification and characteristics of uncertainties . secondly , the article raises the theory basis of solving the uncertainties - the theory of options and the game theory , and analyzes the possibipty that using the theory of options and the game theory in the analyses of investment . thirdly , the investment projects are classified according to new standard , and then the article raises the different method for different investment projects

Thirdly , when the three primary valuation methods ( sales parison , replacement cost , and ine approach ) are appped to the vessels valuation , how to calculate its parameter is expounded in detail , in the course of determining the replacement cost \' s parameter - trie percentage of depreciation , this thesis adopts the fuzzy overall evaluation method


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