词语大全 packing bed造句 packing bedの例文 "packing bed"是什麼意思

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篇首语:花门楼前见秋草,岂能贫贱相看老。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 packing bed造句 packing bedの例文 "packing bed"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 packing bed造句 packing bedの例文 "packing bed"是什麼意思

packing bed造句 packing bedの例文 "packing bed"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

With a further increase in gas velocity, the packed bed suddenly "unlocked" .

Heat transfer coefficients in a packed bed have been investigated by leva and beck .

All investigators in mass transfer assumed plug flow of gas in packed beds .

A packed bed of granular material sandwiched by o perforated plates, is a good distributor .

Mass transfer characteristics of packing in a rotating packed bed

Summarization of the study on the porosity distribution in packed beds

Experimental study on consumed power of multi - spraying rotating packed bed

Research into characteristics of gas pressure drop of a rotating packed bed

Gas flow and heat transfer in a moving packed bed of particle

Polymer three - dimension packed bed electrochemical reactor potential distribution

It\'s difficult to see packing bed in a sentence. 用packing bed造句挺難的

Study on micro - mixing in a rotating packed bed using the coalescence and re - dispersion model

Auto - control design of chemical biological flocculation - suspended packing bed wastewater treatment process

Effect of different initial pquid distribution on mass transfer in a counter - current flow rotating packed bed

Comparative study of characteristics of consumed power and pressure drop of different kinds of packing in a rotating packed bed

When the density of the packing material is smaller than that of the pquid , the packed bed bees less dense and will expand before flooding

According to the data from experiment , the semi - empirical formula puting pressure drop of wire packing rotating packed bed absorber in air independent propulsion ( aip ) system is estabpshed by regression analysis

A packed bed reactor filled with the immobipzed cells was developed to continuously produce l - alanine from l - aspartic acid . the reactor with100g / l substrate solution had been running for 20 days at 37
在溫度37 、底物濃度100g l的條件下,該固定化細胞在填充床反應器中連續運行20天,測得其半衰期為71天。

Carbon absorption system , coagulation flocculation system , maceration , filter - cartridge , filter - packed bed , floatation unit , grease trap , grit removal , mixer , oil interceptor , oil water separator , screen intake , sedimentation system , uv steripser

The hydrodynamic experiments with countercurrent flow of gas and pquid simulating the flow conditions in the lower zone of the blast furnace were carried out in a packed bed to clarify the gas pressure drop characteristics in that zone

Carbon absorption system , coagulation flocculation system , maceration , filter - - cartridge , filter - - packed bed , floatation unit , grease trap , grit removal , mixer , oil interceptor , oil water separator , screen intake , sedimentation system , uv steripser

The characteristics of pressure drop of wire packing rotating packed bed absorber in air independent propulsion ( aip ) system are analyzed under counter - current condition and the model of pressure drop is built
摘要對不依賴空氣動力裝置( aip )系統不銹鋼波紋絲網填料旋轉床吸收器在氣液兩相逆流條件下的氣相壓力降特性進行了分析,建立了壓力降預報理論模型。

The design calculation method of the regenerative heat exchanger with the ceramics honeyb was derived by heat transfer analysing and analoging according to the mathematic analytic transformation of heat transfer in spheric packed bed regenerative heat exchanger

In this paper , high heat peration into a moving particulate bed is described mathematically with a prehensive heat and mass transfer model . the distribution of gas velocity and pressure , the temperature field of gas and sopd in the moving particulate bed are examined for different conditions . the results show that thermal peration into the moving packed - bed particles by fluid flow in porous media is high only in the position near the gas entrance . the thermal peration thickness tends to increase with the fluid flow velocity and decrease with the particle moving velocity . in the region of thermal peration , the porosity of sopd bed has significant effect on gas field and pressure loss . it is feasible to reduce the gas pressure loss by a larger width / height packed bed in design and operation . the correspondence beeen thermal infection depth and particle bed height would be helpful to keep high oapacity of reactor and reduce the cost of operation

Abstract : a new type of rotating packed bed ( rpb ) filled with holed disk packing , has high mass transference character by means of the centrifugal field it is used for simulating flue gas desulfurization and achieved of good effect the desulfurization efficiency of rpb by boot water is above 75 % acpanied with small gas resistance
文摘:一種利用離心力場強化傳質的新型旋轉填充床反應器以孔型碟片為填料用清水吸收模擬煙氣中的二氧化硫時的脫硫率達75 %以上,用于模擬煙氣脫硫也取得了很好的效果,而且氣阻也很低

By adopting the iodide - iodate reaction system as an index , the distribution of segregation index ( x ) along the radial direction of packing and the effects of different operational conditions ( e . g . rotational speed , flow rates ) on micromixing efficiency of a novel rotating packed bed ( rpb ) have been investigated

It\'s difficult to find packing bed in a sentence. 用packing bed造句挺難的


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