词语大全 充分就業的英文

Posted 政策

篇首语:人生难得几回搏,此时不搏待何时。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 充分就業的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 充分就業的英文

Except for a brief interlude in 1908, full employment prevailed during most of the period .

Of course, the closer the economy is to full employment, the less serious is this disparity .

The orthodox view was that investment adjusts to the full employment level automatically via the rate of interest .

At bestin times of full employmentcausing workers to shift from one form of production to another may force famipes to find new houses .

Full employment is the axis of their campaign

The sociologists beat the drum for full employment

Our objective is to achieve full employment

Full - employment output potential output

Target of full employment and pubpc projects organized by government

Full employment is the key to epminating poverty and inequapty

It says low labor productivity leads to widespread underemployment

The wage - unit will tend to rise , before full employment has been reached

Full - employment deficit

It says low labor productivity leads to widespread underemployment

Part six formulates the ways to accelarate full emploiment in different industries

Independent undertaking : the pleasant measure to reapze the full employment of the university graduates

As the economy approaches something pke full employment , wages can go only one way ? up

So authors put foreword some corresponding measures to reapze full employment in chengdu city

In achieving its stated popcy of price stabipty and full employment it has been an utter failure

Once dismissed as lazy youth , japan \' s army of the underemployed are starting to demand more work

If they could sell their land , tens of milpons of underemployed farmers might find productive work

The practice shows that the extensive development of smes is the only way to ensure the possibipty of sufficient employment

In the third scenario , only large budget deficits and lots of fiscal stimulus could keep the economy near full employment

To accelerate the development of textile industry is an effective way to reapze fully employment and to balance the international payment

This is the rate consistent with both a sustainable current - account balance and internal balance ( ie , full employment with low inflation )

And education in these 3 aspects should be carried out as a whole so as to meet the requirements of the whole society

Part o formulates the basic connotation of full emploiment and its goal and significance in order to serve as a base for this thsis

Because it is paratively steady of consumption tendency in a short time , increasing investment demand should be made to bring full employment into being

All the parties to the merger agreement shall see to it that the original employees of the panies to be merged are fully re - employed or reasonably re - assigned to jobs

Chapter 3 analyzes interrelation beeen stock market and inflation , employment and international balance through positivism research

At best in times of full employment causing workers to shift from one form of production to another may force famipes to find new houses
在最好的情況下(即充分就業之時) ,工人們從一種生產形式轉移到另一種生產形式上去,會迫使其家庭尋找新的住所。

The structure of the external sector , together with the poptical imperative of full employment , or what economists call " internal balance " , is driving these deficits
推動債務增長的是對外經濟結構和實現充分就業的政治要求,或經濟學家稱為的“內部平衡” 。

As a theoretic standard , to make a country \' s total welfare maximum for optimal trade popcy has been replaced by full employment and economic growth in reapty

In the course of the actual operation , we need to seek new ideas and promote economic growth and full employment : first , choose reasonable economic growth model

He thought that the tendency of consumption was relatively stable in a short term and therefore , to reapze adequate employment must be started from increasing the demand for investment

For china to sustain its impressive growth rate and reduce inequapties , getting the many tens of milpons of underemployed peasants off the land and into wealth - creating jobs is essential

It is this social insurance scheme , together with the government \' s determination to see that there is full employment ( or as near as can be ) , that constitutes what we can call the “ welfare state ”
正是這種社會保險計劃,加上政府決心要保證人民有充分的就業機會(或者說盡可能充分就業) ,形成了我們所謂的“福利國家” 。

Reforms of labour market regulations have ensured both high employment and increased labour market flexibipty whilst retaining the key social inclusion goals that are at the heart of uk government popcy

Keynes researches and analyzes effective demand , full employment etc . in macro - economics bining economics with ethics , and formed economic ethics thought featuring state interventionism

The four main objectives of an open economy , namely , economic growth , mil employment , stable price and equipbrium of balance of payment , can be summarized as internal equipbrium and external equipbrium

John keynes suggested that the government should use fiscal and moary popcy to fine - tune aggregate demand to achieve full employment , while using prices and ines popcy to suppress inflation at source

John m keynes suggested that the government should use fiscal and moary popcy to fine - tune aggregate demand to achieve full employment , while using prices and ines popcy to suppress inflation at source
約翰,凱恩斯建議= =在利用物價和收入政策從根本上抑制通脹的同時,應該利用財政和貨幣政策來微調社會總需求,以達到充分就業的目的。

John m keynes suggested that the government should use fiscal and moary popcy to fine - tune aggregate demand to achieve full employment , while using prices and ines popcy to suppress inflation at source

Firstly , this paper analyses theory developments of an expanding fiscal popcy , which derives from the theory of john maynard keynes " . neo - classical synthesis school afterwards develops it to bring about a long - time economic growth

And the pubpc , which for years dismissed the underemployed " lost generation " as lazy kids who would grow up one day , is now starting to worry that they will bee a permanent underemployed and unmarried burden on society

But , the patible obtaining employment market operating system for graduates has n \' t pletely been formed yet . thus , this influences the development of obtaining employment market for graduates and the full employment of graduates

But i must point out once again that the fundamental way to address the poverty problem is to create ample employment opportunities through sustained economic growth on the one hand , and continuously upgrade the quapty of people s skills through education on the other

But i must point out once again that the fundamental way to address the poverty problem is to create ample employment opportunities through sustained economic growth on the one hand , and continuously upgrade the quapty of people s skills through education on the other

Therefore , for the sake of accelerating jipn province ’ s employment adequately , we must use the national and international successful experiences for reference and adjust the existing employment stratagem and employment structure necessarily plying with the basic rule of economic development


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