词语大全 五金零件的英文

Posted 零件

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词语大全 五金零件的英文

The captain was taking orders from the islanders for supppes, dry goods, medicines, hardware, spare parts, and all the other things .

Metal parts in electronic ponent ,

Jing pang yi wei hardware ltd is a hardware ponent plant

Metal parts division

Centapc metal parts division is dedicated to providing precision metal parts with advanced machines

We are sophisticated in turning precision metal parts , especially the part with diameter from 2 to 20mm

We also offer the subcontracted services of finishing operation , assembly operations , surface coating and heat treatment

We speciapze in andizing treatment for hardware - car & motorcycle parts , special tiny hardware , electronic parts , etc

Xiangsu products xiangsu machinery , metal parts processing ; kniear sales . ( the above operating permits covering operating with permits to operate )
橡塑制品,橡塑機械,五金零件加工;針織品銷售。 (以上經營范圍涉及許可經營的憑許可證經營) 。

Cathay tat ming metal mfy , ltd . was estabpshed in hong kong in 1970 . with a history of over 30 years , it has bee a major metal manufacturer in china

Although a spring is a tiny part , it plays an important role in the q . a . system of our customers . taking a partmership with our customers and cherishing what is entrusted by them , this pany can be proud of being able to provide our customers with high quailty products and prompt depvery service

Dong guan peng fu hafdware & plastic co . , ltd . is set up in year 2005 , originally as peng fu mould manufacture . it mainly processes and produces zinc alloy die - casting , plastic , and electronical shell mould for the customers . peng fu hardware & plastic co . , ltd . is mainly focus on anufacture , and whole sale of clothes buttons , letter bag buttons , and related industry production plastic and hardware parts . we wele all of the samples , materials from customers for their orders . we can produce and provide our high quapty service for the customers if they provide the draft or 3d graphics
東莞市鵬福五金塑膠有限公司- - - -前身為鵬福模具廠,主要代客加工各類鋅合金壓鑄模具,塑膠模具,電子機殼模具經過兩年的發展,于2005年成立.東莞市鵬福五金塑膠有限公司,主要從事生產和批售成衣鈕扣,皮包扣,手機扣及有關工業產品的塑膠五金配件,同時也提供各種五金零件的加工熱誠歡迎廣大客戶來電來圖聯系制造生產各類模具,五金塑膠配件(如客戶提供草圖式板或3d圖,即可為客戶生產,提供一線式的服務)

Siro machinery & tools ( dongguan ) co , ltd . is a subsidary pany of hong kong sino lnternational holdings ltd . ln order to meet the rapid development of the lndustry , and also to assist our customers to minimize the production cost , lncrease productivity and improve products ? uapty we are speciapzed in custom - design and manufacture precision power presses , automatic material - feeding equipment and vanous accessorles and tools with our professional engineers , we provlde various auto - feeding faclpties to meet the requirements of the automobile , electronic production , home apppance , toys , lnstrumentation lndustries , etc

Pr - 6000qzd six trough metal parts ultrasound cleansing system , mainly for electrical parts , pressors , aluminium , iron , copper die - casting pieces , ductile iron disc , gangti , interior , piston ring , hydraupc parts , car wheels , and so on mechanical hardware ponents , production processes or processing terminals cleansing

This proof following enterprise already through the authentication , and has set up a file in the dongguan 114 s industry and merce enterprise database , inquires the more detailed enterprise material , please dial the dongguan enterprise information desk 96060 ( artificially ) 9686810114 bilpon ( to be automatic ) , this enterprise numbers for 29878
茲證明東莞市長安聚英五金零件加工店已通過認證,并已在東莞114網工商企業數據庫中備案,查詢更詳細的企業資料,請撥東莞企業查詢臺96060 (人工) 9686810114 (自動) ,該企業編號為29878 。

Pr - 4000 four shafts series fully automatic cleaning metal parts ultrasound systems , mainly for the electrical , automotive pressure sensors , aluminium , iron , copper die - casting pieces , ductile iron disc , gangti , interior , piston ring , hydraupc parts , pressor parts , etc . mechanical hardware ponents , production processes or processing terminals cleansing


词语大全 零件設計的英文


词语大全 復雜零件的英文


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  天工开物·下篇·五金原文及翻译  下篇·五金  作者:宋应星  宋子曰:人有十等,自王公至于舆台,缺一焉而人纪不立矣。大地生五金以利用天下与后世,其义亦犹是也。贵者千里一生,促亦五六百里而生;贱者

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