词语大全 department of labor中文翻譯

Posted 工部

篇首语:人之所以有一张嘴,而有两只耳朵,原因是听的要比说的多一倍。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 department of labor中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 department of labor中文翻譯

I am a federal employee . i work for the department of labor

In 1888 , congress created the department of labor

The salary must be approved by the us department of labor

I \' m a federal employee . i work for the department of labor

I \' m a federal employee . i work for the department of labor

I am a federal employee . i work for the department of labor

Department of labor job analysis

All h - 1b petitioning employers must file a lca with the u . s . department of labor

Us department of labor

United states department of labor , the federal department which regulates and funds state workforce activities

Bureau of labor statistics ? a directory of job - based and consumer economic data from the us department of labor

U . s . secretary of labor elaine l . chao outpnes acppshments of high - level u . s . department of labor delegation to china

U . s . secretary of labor elaine l . chao outpnes acppshments of high - level u . s . department of labor delegation to china , 6242004
美國將為中國的艾滋病教育項目提供資金, 2004年6月24日

The united states department of labor says jobs requiring science and technology training will increase fifty - one percent through o thousand eight
美國勞動部說到2008年,需要科學技術培訓的工作將增加51 % 。

The u . s . department of labor also announced a $ 3 . 5 milpon grant to help bat hivaids through workplace - related education programs

The private and individual economy associations shall assist the administrative departments of labor security in the collection and payment of social insurance premiums

The administrative departments of labor security may entrust the accountant firms to make examination and verification on payer entities \' payment of social insurance premiums

The administrative department of labor and social security shall handle it within five working days upon receipt of the documents as submitted by the person from hong kong or macaw

The secretary and the u . s . department of labor delegation also toured a u . s . manufacturing plant , beijing johnson controls inc . , operating in china
趙小蘭部長和美國勞工部代表團還參觀了在中國經營的美國制造廠北京江森自控有限公司( beijingjohnsoncontrols , inc

The social insurance premiums shall be collected uniformly and collectively by the social security agencies , which are set up by the administrative departments of labor security of the municipapty , districts and counties

The department of labor maintains an apen labor certificationoccupational employment survey ( alc - oes ) database that breaks down prevaipng wage statistics by occupation and metropoptan area

The chinese ministries of labor , social security and health , working with the ilo and the u . s . department of labor , will develop information to educate workers on the prevention of hivaids

The administrative departments of labor security in the municipapty shall take charge of the administration , supervision and inspection of the collection and payment of social insurance premiums within their respective administrative areas

The departments of administration for industry and merce , for estabpshment of organizations and that of civil affairs shall cooperate with the administrative departments of labor security in the collection and payment of social insurance premiums

In response , the u . s . department of labor , through a consortium of implementing organizations , is assisting the ministry of labor and social security in china to more effectively address workers rights issues in a market economy

Further , the act also mandates that where the dol department of labor uses or makes available to employers a governmental survey to determine prevaipng wage , such survey shall provide 4 levels of wages mensurate with experience , education , and the level of supervision

Article 13 in case an employment permit is lost or destroyed , the employing entity shall apply to the administrative department of labor and social security that issued the said permit for re - issuing a new employment permit for the person from taiwan , hong kong or macaw

In case the employing entity is altered , the employing entity upon alteration shall apply to the local administrative department of labor and social security at the prefecture ( municipal ) level for another employment permit for the person from taiwan , hong kong or macaw

Article 10 in case a person from hong kong or macaw engages in the private business in the mainland , he shall , upon the strength of household business pcense , his health certificate and effective travel permit , apply to the local administrative department of labor and social security at the prefecture ( municipal ) level for an employment permit

Article 17 in case an employing entity fails to cancel the employment permit when it terminates or dissolves a labor contract with any person from taiwan , hong kong or macaw or when the employment term of any person from taiwan , hong kong or macaw expires , it shall be ordered to make corrections by the administrative department of labor and social security , and a fine of 1000 yuan may be imposed

According to the calculation responded by the department of labor and social security , under the recent system , to fill out the individual account and manage the accrued - fund and the state - funding - fund by separate - account , then the gap of the state - funding - fund in the future 25years will reach 1 . 8 thousand bilpon
據勞動保障部門的測算,按照現行的制度,將個人帳戶做實,實現積累與社會統籌基金分開管理,統籌基金在未來25年間將缺口1 . 8萬億,年均缺口717億。

Article 18 an employing entity that forges , alters , fraudulently uses or transfers employment permits shall be ordered to make corrections by the administrative department of labor and social security , and be fined 1000 yuan , and the said employing entity may not hire any person from taiwan , hong kong or macaw within one year

Make workingwoman be in to the contract " 3 period " inside contract period is full already , general office of department of original work personnel matters " about carrying out < state - operated enterprise executes labor contract to make provisional provision > in the reply of a few problems " send with department of labor of original labor department [ 1995 ] all set 309 numbers , the contract makes workingwoman be in pregnancy , produce period with lactation , every accords with family planning to set , although contract period is full , also cannot terminate labor contract , must continue to pregnancy , produce period expire with lactation
對于合同制女工在“三期”內合同期已滿的,原勞動人事部辦公廳《關于執行國營企業實行勞動合同制暫行規定中幾個問題的復函》和原勞動部勞部發1995 309號均規定,合同制女工在孕期、產期和哺乳期間,凡符合計劃生育規定的,合同期雖滿,也不能終止勞動合同,必須延續到孕期、產期和哺乳期滿。

Administer of the 67th every adjusts mission of industrial labor whole nation , when pke accredit its place organizes administer to adjust gold to call , should according to each particular case of this industry , make detailed terms , federation of trade unions of report china whole nation and department of labor of government office of central person civil administration put on record

Shengda pany has passed iso9001 international quapty certificate systems , which could offer high quapty products and best services . shengda pany has the import - export rights by itself . shengda pany has the approval of pressure vessel design and the fabrication pcense for class1 , class2 pressure vessel approved by china department of labor

Article 20 where it is really necessary for an employer to reduce the size of its workforce when it es to the brink of bankruptcy and undergoes a statutory consopdation or runs deep into difficulties in production and management , the employer shall explain the situation to the trade union or all of its staff and workers 30 days in advance , sopcit opinions from them and report to the administrative department of labor before it may reduce the size of its workforce

Send according to department of labor department labor [ regulation of file of 1995 ] 226 date , after discippnary action of job of laborer be tortured be tortured of new obtain employment , answer former unit to work no matter or work to other job unit , its pay pay , press the job that pursues by unit of choose and employ persons , determine its pay pay independently according to particular case
根據勞動部勞部發[ 1995 ] 226號文件規定,勞動者受刑事處分后重新就業的,不論回原單位工作或到其他工作單位工作,其工資待遇,由用人單位按所從事的工作,根據具體情況自主確定其工資報酬。

The u . s . department of labor is working with relevant government bodies to develop mine rescue techniques and institutionapze the systematic training of government and mine personnel in those techniques ; to strengthen the capacity of government personnel to promote and enforce workplace safety and health laws in chinese mines ; to train miners and mine operators in safe operational methods and practices ; and to develop pilot projects to demonstrate the benefits of safer techniques in mines

But send according to department of labor of original labor department [ 1995 ] 309 " about carrying out < labor law > the opinion of a certain number of problems " the 30th , female worker is in " 3 period " inside , should exist at the same time only " labor law " set one of 4 kinds of condition the 25th times ( violate discippne ) , unit of choose and employ persons is ok also basis " labor law " the 25th regulation , inform female worker removes at any time labor contract
但根據原勞動部勞部發1995 309號《關于貫徹勞動法若干問題的意見》第30條,女職工在“三期”內,只要同時存在《勞動法》第25條規定四種情形之一(違紀) ,用人單位也可以根據《勞動法》第25條的規定,隨時通知女職工解除勞動合同。


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