词语大全 d processing中文翻譯

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篇首语:人勤地生宝,人懒地生草。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 d processing中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 d processing中文翻譯

This paper primarily introduces the electronics r & d process and brings forward the integral and feasible design project of the system

All of these make the whole sofare r & d process under control , programs more repable and also ensure the sofare development in an efficient way . the bepcii is a multiple - bunch machine

Secondly , by integrating the advantages of multi - view modepng idea and relation modepng method , a pound multi - view quantitative model ( cmvqm ) of r & d process is constructed according to the requirements of srabpi
其次,綜合多視圖建模和關系建模的優點,從srabpi的需求出發,建立了研發過程復合多視圖定量模型( cmvqm ) 。

The dissertation also discusses the knowledge alpance , the management of r & d process , knowledge path dependence . at last , the knowledge platform is conceived to help the happening of knowledge integration

The research and development of hv - tsc by domestic research institutes and manufactories is being in progress . it is of great significance to speed up the r & d process and promote the apppcations of hv - tsc in the domestic grid as soon as possible

This article is to perform a basic research on integrated product development ( ipd ) , which is the latest r & d management style that has been paid more and more attention in the high - tech industry in recent years . first , the basic principle and fundamental frameworks of ipd are demonstrated in brief . secondly , series of research were conducted on ipd - related organization , decision - making audit , r & d process , key actions at each stage and the technical evaluation

This dissertation has discussed the r & d process of a broadcasting system based on work for fire fighting . this broadcasting system is based on the lan , and it has used the technology of voip . it has implemented the work speech munication by packet switching , and it has removed the shorting of the traditional broadcasting system which is based on circuit
本文系統的論述了網絡消防廣播系統的研制過程,該系統基于tcp / ip局域網絡,利用了voip的相關技術,采用分組交換的原理來實現語音的網絡傳輸,易于擴展,不受距離的限制,消除了傳統基于音頻電路消防廣播的弊端。

With it industry \' s booming worldwide and the globapzation of economic going forward , chinese sofare enterprises have encountered big challenges of international petition directly since china joined wto and carry out opening popcy more intensively . paring with developed countries in europe and america , the petitions that chinese sofare enterprises faced will no longer just on one \' s own core - technology , but an integrated capacity including r & d process , marketing strategies , services and support , brand and reputation and other factors

Based on the r & d process of integrated supply chain management ( iscm ) system , this paper focuses on the sofare architecture construction of it in which the sofare develop process model of ec _ iscm , rup and ponent oriented method are involved . then , the sofare develop process model of ec _ iscm is appped in the whole r & d process of crm system based on iscm . firstly , the author researches the oo method in order to understand the origin of ponent method
本文以面向電子商務的集成供應鏈管理系統( eciscm )開發為背景,重點研究基于集成供應鏈管理的客戶關系管理( crm )軟件構架,以及eciscm軟件過程模型和面向構件的軟件開發方法,并將eciscm軟件過程模型用于指導基于集成供應鏈管理的crm軟件開發。

Secondly , bining theory with positive study method , this thesis analyzes different stages of the r & d process and the 4ps \' of the marketing mix of trs e - government system deeply . the reasons for the lower petitiveness and causes is found out regarding r & d , products , pricing , channel and promotion , etc . management of trs mainly focuses on technology and lack of studies on customer needs , as well as unawareness of modern marketing which result in separating r & d from marketing , so the technology advantages of trs could not turn into marketing advantages efficiently .

To date , apart from wild animal an ` d plant resources protected by the country , electricity wo ` rk construction an ` d operation , selection an ` d processing of radioactive minerals , press an ` d a few other industries where fo ` reign investment are prohibited , fdi are allowed an ` d encouraged in most industries

Meanwhile , because of the similarity of mechanical manufacturing enterprises in r & d process , the thesis put forward three leading thought suitable for r & d of mechanical manufacturing enterprises , which are pursuit for the excellence of lead time , cost and productivity ; integration of r & d process and manufacturing abipties in r & d process . these thought provide beneficial inspiration for the improvement of r & d abipties of chinese mechanical manufacturing enterprises

3 . this paper illustrates the implementation of r & d investment management strategy which is based on core capabipty . to implement the strategy , aviation enterprises should plan the structure and scale of their r & d investment rationally , and adopt advanced methods of r & d project evaluating and r & d processing management
在闡述基于核心能力培植的企業r & d投資管理實施方法的基礎上,提出航空企業應從r & d投資強度與結構的合理安排出發,采用實物期權理論等先進的r & d投資評估方法與過程管理手段來實施基于核心能力培植的r & d投資策略。

During the r & d process of the system , a new type of high q bandpass filter with self - capbration and integrate and dump is designed , which is cooperated with instantaneous frequency analysis to greatly improve the resolution and repabipty of signal detection . that is another highpght of innovation in the study


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