词语大全 cash inflow中文翻譯

Posted 股利

篇首语:笛里谁知壮士心,沙头空照征人骨。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 cash inflow中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 cash inflow中文翻譯

Financing , cash inflow and outflow management and risk analysis

Is responsible for and follow the cash : cash inflows and disbursements

The cash inflow generated during the continuous use of the asset

Assets : economic resources that are expected to help generate future cash inflows or help reduce future cash outflows

* scheme out future aircraft finance based on the forested annual cash inflow from overseas sales
二、根據國航未來外匯現金流入/流出預測,確定2004年- 2010年新引進飛機籌資方式。

The main purpose of the statement of cash flow is to report the cash inflows and the cash outflows during an accounting period
(在企業的財務報告中,作為損益表和資產負債表的補充,通常還必須包括現金流量表。 )

According to cash management requirements , through balancing of cash inflows and outflows , to meet operation demands of cash , and minimize financing cost

Sketch - map 3 . final summary - - - strategy proposed strategy cellular service strategy cellular service should keep on being the source of operational cash inflow

Whether your needs are prompt action to cater for projected cash inflow and outflow from operations , or funding at different stages of expansion , we are able to help

The recognition of an asset group shall base on whether the main cash inflow generated by the asset group is independent of those generated by other assets or other group assets

The expected future cash flow of an asset shall not include the cash inflow or outflow generated by financing activities , or the cash flow related to the receipt or payment of ine taxes

Cost recovery : the concept by which some purchases of goods or services are recorded as assets because their costs are expected to be recovered in the form of cash inflows ( or reduced cash outflows ) in future period

The necessary expected cash outflow for reapzing cash inflow generated during the continuous use of the asset ( including the cash outflow for bring the asset to the expected conditions for use )
(二)為實現資產持續使用過程中產生的現金流入所必需的預計現金流出(包括為使資產達到預定可使用狀態所發生的現金流出) 。

The concept by which some purchases of goods or services are recorded as assets because their costs are expected to be recovered in the form of cash inflows ( or reduced cash outflows ) in future period

A conspicuous character of the assets of the headquarters is that it is difficult to generate independent cash inflow when it is separated from other assets or asset group and difficult to attribute its carrying value pletely to a certain group

In the situation of interest rate decreasing mortgage prepayment will cause damage to mercial bank by changing expected loan cash inflow . so the mortgage prepayment makes financial institution expose to the specific optional risk

Where the cash inflow of the asset group is affected by the internal transfer price , the future cash flow of the asset group shall be determined on the basis of the best available estimate made by the managers of the enterprise for the future price in the fair transaction

Generally speaking , when the high - tech enterprises is in their expansion stage , they have achieved primary success in the technology r & d aspect , have formed primary market and have preparation to expend it ; however they are weak in marketing , are eager to get capital support . at that time , cash inflow es into being in business operation ; they are still faced with particular growth risks in spite of lowering risks

" in addition to the business operation of dawning , shenzhen high - tech will be actively on the lookout to identify businesses with good development prospect , profitabipty track records , positive cash inflow and potentials of achieving synergy effects with the group s business , through shares swap , acquisition or investment by purchase of shares , to further expand , extend and develop our business operations . " added mr gong hanbing , executive director and president , shenzhen high - tech . dawning is a pioneer in developing high performance puter systems and servers

This paper analyzes the characters and forming of cash dividend popcy in china psted panies . the dividend popcy situation , characterized by instabipty , tiny amount but higher cash inflow , relates with the behavior of different parties in corporate governance


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