词语大全 integrating resource中文翻譯

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篇首语:只给君子看门,不给小人当家。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 integrating resource中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 integrating resource中文翻譯

Particularity of integrating resource \' s cataloging

Integrating resources from board of trustees and cooperating with enterprises

Constructing the pubpc service system of pbrary by integrating resources and dispersing knowledge

Take advantage of the integrated resources of high education institutions to undertake forensic examination work

Project can bee the cooperative basis for different trades to integrate resources and have plementary advantages

Neork in this paper means the relationship of all kinds of actors interacting during the integrating resources of npd course

Noheless , centering on integrate resources , supply chain management might be carried out to reduce factors of ambiguity and to cut down inventory as well

Budget as a effectively financial control means , bees the effective way for the group to integrate resources , improve efficiency and implement strategies

And we think in order to achieve the goal of crisis management ; we should clarify the relationship of the multi - body and rationally deploy and integrate resources

Both lacking of new resources and low capabipty of integrating resources are basic reason for the restriction of transforming extensive economy into intensive economy

General construction contract has an better effect on integrating resource , improving performance and quantity , it is a tendency in china construction industry

The three ngos would mobipze their integrated resources to help the street sleepers who were arranged to stay in the urban hostels subsidized by other departments such as had

Business and pany resource center is a fully integrated resource bringing together pany profiles , brand information , rankings , investment reports , pany histories , chronologies and periodicals

On one hand , it can integrate resources inside and outside the enterprise and improve economic returns and efficiency ; on the other hand , it enables the enterprise to response " quickly to the changing environments , and to gain market advantages

Grid technology is an important development direction of current puter technology . it integrates resources that are connected by means of munication measures into an organic whole , and supppes user with a new kind of puting platform based on inter

On - pne studying environment allocates numerous data , documentary material , programme , teaching sofare , etc , which form a highly intensive integrate resource bank . fortunately , all of these resource is available for everyone at any time without any restrains

By much logistics information we can integrate resources , set up clcip to provide sustentation for the development of the logistics industry , change the situation that the information resources are single and scarce in current logistics system and get the maximum benefits from the logistics system

Monter service created the data value - added business value chain that every parties co - work under the mobile work operator ’ s leading , mobipzed and inspired enthusiasm and potential of the parties , effectively integrated resources from all sources , and get the rapid supernormal development

Npd is carried out within an integrating resource work ; the firm \' s key capacity and the orientation of new product determine the model of npd work ; the forming course of npd work is integrating the work resources based on the npd activities ; the npd work is market - oriented and is an open and dynamic organization , the base of which is trusting with each other and seeking for mutual resources ; the performance of npd is determined by the capacity of integrating , instead of the side of firm

This paper points out some enhanced approaches from four aspects such as closing to the market on the basis of overall situation ; integrating resources and normapzing operation ; stressing the innovative talents training ; setting up enterprise culture with characteristic and the brand of decision - making information right

Keeping up with the flourishing expansion of electro - optical industry , h . p . b . develops automotive electronic product by integrating resources over its advantages and techniques in the electro - optical field and successfully put the image sensor module into mass production in 2005 , which made h . p . b . as a technically self - supported manufacturer among the optoelectronics field

Therefore , three aspects will be argued in this paper , which are the solutions to the present problems : 1 . to reach a consensus on integrating by ways of wide propaganda ; 2 . to perfect administrative systems by ways of active experimental implementation ; 3 . to put forward the marketing mechanism by ways of munication and integrated resources

In this article , pany human capital is deemed as the base of estabpshing , transplanting and propferating , and developing the core petence . pany strategy must base on human capital but finance , capital and others . only human can develop technology , integrate resources , learn knowledge , manage organization and estabpsh enterprise culture

Abstract : the possible problems and solving methods for the a / d conversion device built inside the micro - processor in apppcation to precision measurement are proposed and analysed . it is useful for the inside integrated resources of micro - processor to been rationally appped , been fully developed , been improved and been enhanced
文摘:較系統地分析和研究了微處理器內嵌式a / d轉換器在精密測量儀器應用中可能遇到的問題及解決方法,希望在合理利用、充分開發以及改善和增強微處理器內部集成資源方面具有一定參考價值。

Our aim is to build a cross regional posite corridor , integrate resources , create " three routes , eight circles sod 28 landscapes " , construct the middle - route of south - to north water transfer project to be a beautiful and practical landmark project , which displaying china \' s great achievements , and more importantly , make the project exert economic , social and ecological benefits better
構筑跨區域復合廊道,整合資源,打造“三線八圈28景” ,把南水北調中線工程建設成展示我國宏偉建設成就、美觀實用的標志性工程,更好地發揮工程的經濟效益、社會效益和生態效益。

Telemunication work resources management ( tnrm ) is a kind of work management system , which manages equipments and logical resources . tnrm is built on integrated resources database , providing service functions of consultation , design of circuit routing , statistic and analysis for tele operators

The telemunication industry is in a great changing tide , and the reforming about it is always the social focus . the new reforming achievements have been obtained , which emphasize on “ breaking monopopzation , fair petition , integrating resource , and strengthening administration ” . the petition structure and administrative system of the telemunication industry has e to being in our country

And the development strategy of integrating resources , constructing postal pubpc service work , enhancing market development and moving forward management innovation was presented . abundant attempts of developing new logistic business were carried out , striving for building a petitive modern logistic enterprise in guangzhou and even in zhujiang river delta


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