词语大全 h 12造句 h 12の例文 "h 12"是什麼意思

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篇首语:知识分子优于文盲,如同活人优于死人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 h 12造句 h 12の例文 "h 12"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 h 12造句 h 12の例文 "h 12"是什麼意思

h 12造句 h 12の例文 "h 12"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

12h 12h environmental testing - tests - test db and guidance : damp heat , cycpc 12 h 12 h cycle
環境試驗.試驗.試驗db :循環濕熱試驗

The gene cloning and sequence analysis of senv - d and senv - h isolated from china according to the pubpshed nucleotide sequences of sen viruses , specific primers were designed and synthesized . from the serum of o chinese patients with non - a - e hepatitis , one senv - d isolate named senv - d - bj1 spanning the plete coding region was amppfied by semi - nested pcr , another isolate named senv - d - bj2 spanning the partial coding region ( including orf1 and orf2 ) was amppfied too . from one blood donor serum , o senv - h isolates named senv - h12 - 1 and senv - h 12 - 2 spanning the plete coding region were amppfied by nested pcr respectively
Sen病毒d和h亞型中國分離株的克隆及序列分析我們在前期工作的基礎上,結合已發表的文章及基因序列,針對senv - d和senv - h基因組設計特異性引物,利用套式pcr技術從兩例non - a - e肝炎患者血清中分段克隆得到了一個senv - d亞型分離株( senv - d - bj1 )的全部編碼區基因序列,還得到了一個senv - d亞型分離株( senv - d - bj2 )的大部分編碼區基因序列(包括orf1和orf2 ) ;從一例健康人血清中分段克隆得到了兩個senv - h亞型分離株( senv - h12 - 1和senv - h12 - 2 )的全部編碼區基因序列。

The orf1 protein of senv - h12 - 1 isolate was consisted of 675 amino acids and 92 amino - terminal amino acids less than senv - h ( ax025838 ) , it had insertion in o sites also . the orf1 protein of senv - h 12 - 2 isolate was 7 amino acids less than senv - h ( ax025838 ) because of deletion . because the first start code was mutated , the orf2 protein of senv - h 12 - 2 isolate started from the second atg code , so that it was 7 amino acids less than senv - h ( ax025838 ) from its n - terminus
兩個senv - h亞型分離株的情況與已發表的博士學位論文: sen病毒分子病毒學和流行病學研究對sen琴h ( ax025838 )株分析的結果有所不同: senv - h12一1分離株的orfi僅由675個氨基酸組成,比senv - h ( axo25838 )的orfi少n一末端的92個氨基酸,此外在2個位點上還存在插入: senv - h12一2分離株在一些位點上的缺失造成o盯1蛋白比senv - h ( axo25838 )少7個氨基酸,由于第一個起始密碼子發生突變,采用位于下游的第二個起始密碼子使得o即2蛋白比senv - - h ( axo25838 )少n一末端的7個氨基酸。

It\'s difficult to find h 12 in a sentence. 用h 12造句挺難的


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