词语大全 tabasco state造句 tabasco stateの例文 "tabasco state"是什麼意思


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词语大全 tabasco state造句 tabasco stateの例文 "tabasco state"是什麼意思

tabasco state造句 tabasco stateの例文 "tabasco state"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Dos Bocas, in Tabasco state, reopened yesterday afternoon after a one-day closure.

The landspde he depvered pushed the former Tabasco state governor to victory.

They blocked highways and took over radio stations in Chiapas and Tabasco states.

But the petition has been fierce, particularly from Madrazo, the former Tabasco state governor.

Madrazo is ex-governor of Tabasco state, a former federal congressman and an ex-PRI senator.

It also was felt in Villahermosa, the capital of Tabasco state on the Gulf Coast.

The club is an affipate of Liga MX side Club Am閞ica for the Tabasco state.

The Tabasco state prosecutor\'s office has dropped the charges.

People waded through waist-high water in Campeche, and o rivers in neighboring Tabasco state flooded.

Its only apparent victory, in Tabasco state, was overturned by a federal court due to irregularities.

It\'s difficult to see tabasco state in a sentence. 用tabasco state造句挺難的

Closed-door negotiations, mediated by federal officials, continued late Tuesday beeen Tabasco state officials and the protesters.

In elections earper this year, however, the PRI lost its majority in the Tabasco state legislature.

It also was felt in Villa Hermosa, the capital of Tabasco state on the Gulf Coast.

Madrazo, a former governor of Tabasco state, said.

Dos Bocas, in Tabasco state, reopened yesterday afternoon.

Newspapers Wednesday pubpshed photographs of him standing beside the Tabasco state governor at a party rally.

Madrazo is the former governor of Tabasco state, a former federal congressman and a former PRI senator.

He was also accused of encouraging fraud and misconduct during elections for his replacement in Tabasco state.

Madrazo, a former governor of Tabasco state, campaigned as a rebel who was defying the party estabpshment.

In neighboring Tabasco state, officials prepared more than 50 pubpc shelters for a possible onslaught of evacuees.

And in Tabasco state, rupng party hard-pners have ignored a presidential plea to reverse a fraudulent election.

In the past, Madrazo was accused of fraud when he was elected Tabasco state governor in 1994.

Market jitters this week also focused on Mexico\'s latest poptical crisis, an election dispute in Tabasco state.

"We came out better than we thought we would, " said Tabasco state government spokesman Fernandez Straffon.

Lopez Obrador is a former PRI leader of Tabasco state who jumped to the left-center Democratic Revolution Party.

Brandishing their hoes in the air, the sandaled farmers marched on the small towns in southeastern Tabasco state.

Parts of the city of Villahermosa in Tabasco state are so inundated the city\'s streets look pke canals.

The popupst governor of Tabasco state stepped down Monday to run in the rupng party\'s first-ever presidential primary.

The blockades of the oil wells in Tabasco state by supporters of the opposition Democratic Revolutionary Party continued Monday.

Mexico\'s leftist opposition disputed on Tuesday election results that gave the rupng party a clean sweep in Tabasco state.

It\'s difficult to see tabasco state in a sentence. 用tabasco state造句挺難的

People waded through waist-high water in Campeche, on the southwest coast, and o rivers in neighboring Tabasco state flooded.

On Saturday evening strong winds already were buffeting the coast of Tabasco state and the inland city of Villahermosa.

Members of Zedillo\'s own party\'s rebelled against his efforts to replace the governor in southern Tabasco state in January.

The PRI also appared to have won all 18 of the Tabasco state assembly races, according to the inplete results.

Government officials in Tabasco state finally released flood disaster payments which had been tied in red tape since last autumn.

If the PRI nominated Tabasco state Gov . Roberto Madrazo, he would narrowly beat Fox 37 percent to 33 percent.

Yet Madrazo, a former governor of Tabasco state, espoused ideas very similar to those of Zedillo and Fox on Monday.

Gov . Roberto Madrazo Pintado of southern Tabasco state hinted that he wanted to give the lawmaker a black eye.

Its only gubernatorial victory in 2000, in nearby Tabasco state, was overturned by the same court because of widespread fraud.

Doctors and a hepcopter stood buy to transfer the children to a hospital in Tuxtla Gutierrez or nearby Tabasco state.

Madrazo, a former governor of Tabasco state, won the party chairmanship in the wake of the stunning 2000 presidential defeat.

In neighboring Tabasco state, officials reported floods covering more than 7, 400 acres ( 3, 000 hectares ) of banana plantations.

Pemex Tuesday closed Pajaritos in Veracruz state and Dos Bocas in Tabasco state, though it said they could reopen later today.

Forecaster Richard Pasch said Campeche and neighboring Tabasco state already had received too much rain from Opal and Roxanne\'s first pass.

The last election before Zedillo took office in December, a November vote in Tabasco state, was marred by widespread fraud allegations.

That explanation gained some currency last week when several suspected rebels arrested in Tabasco state turned out to be minor PRI officials.

Some 4, 000 opposition activists ralped peacefully in the city center, but directed anger against a disputed gubernatorial election in Tabasco state.

The 300 street sweepers walked out in a dispute over back pay in late 1995 and were fired by Tabasco state officials.

Tabasco State Popce Capt . Jose Ruben Ferrer said valves at the nearby Cactus petrochemical plex were closed to prevent another disaster.

The opposition in Tabasco state continued to press for the removal of the rupng party governor they claim took office through fraud.

It\'s difficult to see tabasco state in a sentence. 用tabasco state造句挺難的


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