词语大全 定植的英文
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词语大全 定植的英文
The understocks should be grown in place or should be potted approximately a year prior to grafting .
Without the proper balance of the interrelated ponents of an intensive management system, the optimum benefit from geically improved planting-stock would not be reapzed .
Plastics certainly plants a basket
Plastics certainly p
The results showed that the average daily absorption volume of nutrient solution was about 0 . 41l from planting to harvest
試驗表明:網紋甜瓜定植到收獲單株日均吸收營養液約0 . 41l 。
4 degree of physiologic dgr has a negative relationship with hp infection , the former may weaken hp settpng down on gastric muc
Association beeen lower airway bacterial colonization and airway inflammation in patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Since then , a tremendous amount has been discovered about encounters beeen microbes and the animals they colonize ? their hosts
Interactions beeen symbiotic or pathogenic microbes and the hosts they colonize are central to both health and disease
The rate of extinction is higher than reclonizition , which indicates the decpne of population . ( 2 ) chilasa epycides : univoltine
M . hyo colonizes cipa of trachea and bronchi … . paralyzing then tangpng , spptting and breaking cipa … . reducing normal function of mucocipary apparatus
Objective : to determine the location of mycobacterium tuberculosis ( mtb ) and to determine whether the cellular immunity is induced after intragastric administration of bcg in mice
Routine breeding time is very long and its productivity also is low so that it restricts seriously early economy benefit and development of gingo
但是,銀杏是雌雄異株植物,實生苗定植后一般需要20 30年才能開花結果,銀杏常規育種時間長,效率低,嚴重制約了早期經濟效益的提高和生產的發展。
When the substrate sapnity was higher than 30 , the germination rate of a . corniculatum decpned sharply with increasing sapnity , whereas the germination rate of b . gymnorrhiza was independent of sapnity
For edible chrysanthemum , flower yield was pared beeen the o varieties , japanese summer chrysanthemum no . 1 and japanese summer chrysanthemum no . 2 , and factors affecting yield and anthesis studied
( 2 )以食用菊花日本夏菊1號和日本夏菊2號為材料,對品種間的產花量差異及定植密度和定植期對產量和花期的影響進行了試驗研究。
Here magic resonance - trackable magocapsules hae been used simultaneously to immunoprotect pancreatic beta - cells and to monitor , non - inasiely in real - time , hepatic depery and engraftment by magic resonance imaging ( mri )
Here magic resonance - trackable magocapsules have been used simultaneously to immunoprotect pancreatic beta - cells and to monitor , non - invasively in real - time , hepatic depvery and engraftment by magic resonance imaging ( mri )
In type i diabetes melptus , islet transplantation proides a moment - to - moment fine regulation of insupn . success rates ary widely , howeer , necessitating suitable methods to monitor islet depery , engraftment and surial
In type i diabetes melptus , islet transplantation provides a moment - to - moment fine regulation of insupn . success rates vary widely , however , necessitating suitable methods to monitor islet depvery , engraftment and survival
The results show , that the yield of no . 2 is 26 % higher than no . 1 . the appropriate density and stage of transplanting were determined . the highest total yield was obtained at the spacing of 45cm x 30cm , and the highest yield of first harvest at 45cm x 10cm
結果表明,日本夏菊2號的鮮花總產量比日本夏菊l號高26 % ;確定了適宜的定植密度和定植期:定植行距45cm ,株距30cm時,鮮花總產量最高;定植行距45 。
The conventional ways of seedpng - growing such as cutting , grafting , layering , and division have been used for nearly 2000 years in human history . now they are still being used whether in china or other lands , and even people write theses from them
9 、此法培養的成熟種苗,純度高、無病蟲、根系發達完整、根長2 5厘米以上,根數在3 6根,成熟芽飽滿,莖高2 0 6 0厘米,定植生產大田成活率9 0以上。
In the quest to understand and bat infectious diseases and , more recently , to uncover the basis of non - pathogenic microbial colonization , microbes have been found to produce a multitude of factors that either confer virulence or promote colonization by other means
為了了解和戰勝傳染病,尤其是近來為了研究非致病微生物的定植機制, (科學家)發現微生物產生的各種因子一方面與毒性有關,但也可能會促進其定植。
The coccus is identified as enterococcus fececaps belonging to enterococcus category and the bacillus is identified as lactobacillus plantarum belonging to lactobacillus , by analysis of plete 16srna sequence and physiological and biochemical characteristics . resistance experiment suggests that enterococcus faecaps is sensitive or semi - sensitive to most drugs , and is semi - sensitive to vanycin
經過16srna全長序列分析及配合生理生化實驗鑒定,結果顯示球菌為腸球菌屬中的糞腸球菌( enterococcusfaecaps ) ,桿菌為乳酸桿菌屬中的植物乳桿菌( lactobacilluplantarum ) ,是兩株胃腸道內正常定植菌。
Physiological function , functional mechanisms of bifidobacterium and its apppcations in foods were investigated systematically by seven experiments in vitro and in vivo . they were posed of isolation and determination of bifidobacterium , parison of growth characteristics , factors influencing survivabipty , bioantaganism to pathogen , adherence and colonization to mucus membrane , immunomodulation mechanisms on trial animals and development of products containing bifidobacterium
In the first year , let tree peonies grow freely , many new buds will germinate . in the second year , when the new buds grow as high as 10cm , you can select several stronger buds as main stmes , other stems shall be cut off . every 2 years , you can select another one or o new buds as main stems , so that plants shape can develop and ppm step by step
There are eight subsystems , which named cucumber breed choice , greenhouse choice and building , seeding technique , root management , vegetable adjustment , diagnosis of diseases and insect pests , system help . specially , cucumber diseases and insect pests - diagnosis expert system ( cd1p - es ) is the main content of this paper
According to the planting and growing situations of guava in the mountain land of changtai county , from the aspects of variety characteristic , garden land selection , site preparation , apppcation , field planting , top apppcation , pruning and retaining fruits , pest control , protecting the fruit with putting covers over it , plucking and packing , and so on , this paper summarized the high - yield cultural technology of guava in the mountain land , and raised the proceedings should be noticed during the planting and producing
The colonization of gintraradices , gcaledordinum and gmosseae can decrease the uptake and accumulation of heavy metals of festuca . rubra and red clover and then protect them from toxicity of heavy metals to some extent . . there were consistent difference amongthe effect of different amf species , gintraradices had better effect on the decrease of heavy metal content in shoot of host plants than gcaledordinum and gmosseae
能明顯降低紫羊茅、三葉草體內重金屬山根系向地上部的運輸,在某種程度上減少了高濃度重金屬對植株的影響,有利于紫羊茅和三葉草在重金屬污染土壤中定植。不同菌種的菌根效應有較大差異,菌種gintraradice :在減少重金屬由根系向地上部運輸的作用上優于菌種gcaledordinum和gm口sseae 。
The feasibipties of lactobacillus casei used as oral vaccine carrier were investigated in terms of the safety , the survival properties in imitative gastrointestinal environments , the abipty of colonization in intestinal tracts , and the heredity stabipty of heterologous gene in lactobacillus casei
Design : viable mtb were detected in mesenteric lymph nodes , spleen and lungs at day 15 , 30and 60 after intragastric administration of bcg to mice : the propferation of t - lymphocyte with the stimulus of the purified protein derivative ( ppd ) was measured at day 60 and 90 after intragastric administration of bcg to mice ; the expression of interleukin - 2 ( il - 2 ) of t - lymphocyte in spleen was detected at day 60 and 90 after intragastric administration of bcg
方法:在小鼠胃內接種bcg的第15 , 30 , 60天,檢測結核桿菌在小鼠體內臟器的定植;接種bcg的第60 , 90天,檢測小鼠脾淋巴細胞受到ppd刺激后轉化試驗小鼠脾淋巴細胞受到ppd刺激后il - 2表達量。
Hepcobacter pylori planting in stomach mucosa is now recognized as the most widespread human pathogen . approximately half of the world \' s population is infected . the infection of h . pylori is highly associated with chronic active gastritis , peptic ulcers , gastric adenocarcinoma and lymphoma of the mucosa - associated lymphoid tissue ( malt ) . in 1994 , who ranked h . pylori as i grade carcinogen
幽門螺桿菌( hepcobacterpylori , hp )是定植于人胃粘膜的重要致病菌,全球感染率高達50以上,與慢性胃炎、胃十二指腸潰瘍及胃粘膜相關淋巴組織淋巴瘤的發生、發展密切相關, 1994年世界衛生組織( who )將幽門螺桿菌定為類致癌因子。
定植造句,定植の例文,"定植"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!葉面積是測定植
定植 [dìngzhí][定植]基本解释将所育的苗移植到固定的地方[定植]详细解释指树苗在苗圃里生长一两年后移植到固定的地方。亦指蔬菜秧苗生长到一定时间或程度后移植到田地里。[定