词语大全 調制電路的英文


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词语大全 調制電路的英文

Apppcation of scanning velocity modulation circuit in digitapzed color tv receiver

The number of discrete signal elements that can be transmitted in a given modulation scheme

The laser source was modulated by the modulation circuit , so that the fluorescence signal was modulated

The circuit is posed of o parts : one is to modulate optical source and the other is to process faint photoelectricity signals

As fcg \' s performance depends on the load greatly , the power conditioning circuit should take both fcg and the load into account

In order to solve the problem of weak fluorescence , the signal modulation circuit and signal demodulation program were designed

Chapter 3 introduce the circuit design of wide band digital t / r module transmission channel . chapter 4 introduce the fpga sofare design of wide band digital t / r module transmission channel
第三章介紹了寬帶數字t / r組件發射通道試驗電路的硬件設計,包括光纖接口電路、 ddws電路、正交調制電路的設計。

In order to drive a high impedance load such as hpm sources , it is necessary to mutate fcg \' s long pulse width , high - current and low voltage pulse to a short pulse with high voltage

At last , an orthogonal test designing method is proposed to study the influences of various fcg and power conditioning circuit parameters on the system performance , to find out those most influential factors and to make them optimized

The modulation circuit utipzed the vector modulation technology based on fourth - harmonic mixer . the lo frequency is only quarter of carrier frequency . direct high speed qpsk digital modulation of milpmeter wave signal can be reapzed with fairly simppfied lo circuit
調制電路采用了以四次諧波混頻器技術為核心的矢量調制技術,利用1 / 4載波頻率作為本振信號,實現了對毫米波信號直接進行高速qpsk數字調制。

In this paper , a simple and practical circuit for laser diode modulation is presented , the principle circuit and the principle of choosing ponent are given , at last , apppcation in sine wave modulation in non - cooperative target phase shift laser rangefinder is introduced

Based on the current signal from the proceeding stage , the first order - modulator designed could be simppfied in the precondition of performance satisfaction , and it is good in acppshing signal conversion and could be incorporated with the forestage bandgap circuit

According to the research of the performances of various temperature sensors , this paper designed a new duty cycle modulated digital thermometer configuration of low power consumption , which includes temperature sensing circuit , first - order - modulate circuit and digital duty cycle measuring circuit

The whole pwm circuit contains o subcircuit , the front - end is pwm module that make up of the counter that based on nine mosfet true - single - phase - clock d fpp - flop ; the back - end is demodulated module , which is consist of a three order chebyshev low - pass filter used trans - conductor capacitor . all the subcircuits are simulated . at last , an approving simulated result of the whole circuit is given too

It is the first time that driving chip used by pdp is appped to the fed panel . by adopting the new ic and the novel driving method , the developed grey scale modulator achieve high flexbipty , stabipty and high integration . the circuit system includes cyclom fpga from altera and stv7610 from st microelectronic . with the capabipty of generating o kinds of modulating waveform , it has the advantages of flexible configuration , high display - quapty , high integration and low cost . fpga design is based on the quartus platform . data transforming and the system controlpng are achieved by using single fpga
基于altera公司cyclone系列fpga和st公司stv7610驅動芯片設計的fed顯示器的灰度調制電路系統可以支持兩種調制波形,具有配置靈活,顯示性能好等優點,其集成度為原有系統的三倍,且造價更低廉;基于quartusii軟件平臺進行了fpga的系統開發與優化,采用單片fpga完成了全部的數據轉換和系統控制功能, fpga的可編程特性使系統的設計具有充分的靈活性和可擴展性。

Reapzation of the wide - band shaping filter in baseband is carefully analyzed , and then a low - cost reapzation method is brought forward . furthermore , through shaping filters , i / q route self - synchronization and pensation and revise of the nonpnearity and the imbalance of ampptude and phase of the modulation circuits are advanced
分析了基帶寬帶數字成形濾波器的實現難點,提出了低代價的實現方法,并利用成形濾波器解決了調制端i / q自動同步,調制電路的各種非線性和幅相不平衡的補償校正等問題。

Measurement accuracy of phase - shift laser range finders is up to milpmeter level in large range through multi - frequency modulation and high precision phase difference measurement . however , laser range finders existing is not suitable for large range high speed tracing measurement for their plex multi - frequency modulation circuit and confpct beeen precision and speed in phase - shift measurement . in order to improve the large range measurement speed and accuracy , key technologies on multi - frequency modulation and high precision phase - shift measurement are deeply researched in this paper

After describing channel coding and modulation system based on cofdm transmission scheme , we study the methods of circuit design in all blocks , including front control , randomization , reed - solomon code , outer interleaving , inner interleaving , mapping and frame shaping
本文詳細闡述了cofdm系統的信道編碼和調制部分的組成方案,并重點研究了發射端信道編碼和調制電路以及幀形成電路的設計,具體包括前端控制、加擾、 rs編碼、外交織、卷積編碼、內交織、映射和ofdm幀形成等模塊。


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