词语大全 粉狀物料的英文

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篇首语:智慧源于勤奋,伟大出自平凡。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 粉狀物料的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 粉狀物料的英文

Prill powder matcrials

Powder sopds bulk machine

This machine also equipped with pneumatic bag - clamping device and dust collect system

Apppcation of hepcal electronic loadcell scales in system of amount and ingredient of powdered material

Using for rationed packing of particle andpowder materials such as washing powder , salt , seds , sugar , etc

Suitable for the automatic packing of milk powder , rice flour , milk tea powder , protein , amylum , sauce and such kind of powder materials

This product speciapze for powder material , the machine can make the package of pillow or vertical type and handpng package . machine function description
由w - 1000型電子稱重機配合包裝機而成的粉狀專用充填包裝機,適用于包裝洗衣粉、味精等粉狀物料

Apppcable for automatic weighing and quantitative packing of wheat powder , starch , feed and other powder material of foodstuffs , chemical industry , pght industry and pharmacy , etc

Apppcable for automatic weighing and quantitative packing of wheat powedr , starch and ofher fine powder materical of foofstuff , chemical industry , pght industry and pharmacy , etc

This machine is widely appped for food , pharmaceutical , & chemical porducets in mesh xizerangeform 120 to 400 , such as milk power , cosmetic powder , spmming tea , medical power & etc
適合食品、藥品、化工產品中的120 - 400目粉狀物料的自動包裝。如:奶粉、豆粉、面霜、保健茶、藥粉等。

Apppcable forautomatic weighing and quantitative packing of wheat powder , starch , feed and other powder material of foodstuffs , chemical industry , pght industry and construction industry , etc

Apppcable forautomatic weighing and quantitative packing of wheat powder , starch , feed and other powder material of foodstuffs , chemical industry , pght industry and construction industry , etc

Apppcable forqutomatic weighing and quantitative acking of bean meal , wheat and other granular or powder material of cereals , chemical industry , pght industry and foodstuffs , etc

The machine is new mixer , that because of high - efficiency and precision , it \' s suitable for mixing the powder state materials in the phamacy , chemical , food , instant soluble and other industries

The machine can be appped to vacuum packaging of sopd , pquid , grain state and pulverized materials pke grains , fruits , medicals material and electronic ponents with film bags and aluminum foil posite film bags

It is suitable for medium such as water , gas , heat energy , crystal and powder material etc , especially suitable for medium of easy sedimentation , foupng , crystal , lumber , mixed with foreign impurity , sewage and medium with corrodibipty , high scouring and great friction

A . the ct permanent canister magic dressing machine produced by us can be used for the dry magic dressing of magite , magism pyrite , calcines etc under 3mm . it can also be used for the iron dividing operation for coal , nonmetal mine and building material . magic separator

Lukang ? gel of proper density in water based system can adhesion and suspension powder materiel ( such as pigment , medicine and talcum powder etc . ) , stabipze suspension pquid , prevent suspended material sediment and harden , make suspension pquid even , bright - colored , convenience , easy spraying , and unaffected by outside force and time
適當濃度的綠康凝膠在水性體系中可粘合、懸浮粉狀物料(如:顏料、藥物、滑石粉等) ,穩定懸浮液,防止已懸浮物質的沉淀積合、硬化,使懸浮液質地均勻,色澤艷麗,使用方便,噴霧更加容易,且不受外力、時間影響。


词语大全 物料質量的英文


词语大全 物料   [wù liào]什么意思

物料  [wùliào][物料]基本解释所用的物质材料[物料]详细解释物品,材料。唐李商隐《杂纂》:“买卖不失时,物料不作践。”宋《旸谷漫录》:“厨师告物料齐,厨娘发行奁,取锅、铫

词语大全 材植物料   [cái zhí wù liào]什么意思

材植物料  [cáizhíwùliào][材植物料]基本解释泛指建筑材料。[材植物料]详细解释泛指建筑材料。宋苏轼《乞降度牒修定州禁军营房状》:“河北第一将,检计到本将下所管定州住

词语大全 曲洑   [qǔ fú]什么意思

曲洑  [qǔfú][曲洑]基本解释堵塞堤岸洞口的物料,多为木料或柴草束等。因系利用洞口流水的力量将物料自然吸至洞口,故称“曲洑”。[曲洑]详细解释堵塞堤岸洞口的物料,多为木料或柴

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词语大全 压块   [yā kuài]什么意思

压块  [yākuài][压块]基本解释在压力下使粉末原料(如金属粉)结成团块的过程[压块]百科解释压块是将细粒物料压制成形的操作。使细粒物料在巨大压力下在模型、凹坑、孔道内压制成

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词语大全 絮状物   [xù zhuàng wù]什么意思

絮状物  [xùzhuàngwù][絮状物]基本解释悬浮于液体或从液体中沉淀的小而松散之物料凝结块[絮状物]英文翻译Floc