词语大全 a r中文翻譯

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篇首语:你不能左右天气,但你能转变你的心情。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 a r中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 a r中文翻譯

Document certified by a r . o . c . representative abroad

A r is the geomorphologic amendment value , and unit is mm
R為地貌訂正值,單位為mm 。

So i \' ll canvass the a - and - r guys , give them my demo
所以我去游說a r樂隊把我的試音帶送給他們

Section 7 . 2 contains a r sum of the fundamental equations
第7 2節包括那些基本方程的摘要。

We \' ve got to hit up the a - and - r guys
我們已經開始請求a r樂隊

Garc a r mon repped : " the coach . " within days , he was the ex - coach
對此雷蒙的回答也很干脆: “教練。 ”

A r all rlsks against all

This is not a r \' esum \' e

D e l a w a r e a brief history delaware s history is a long and proud one

Addison wesley , 1999 . 10 hoare c a r . municating sequential processes

Waitress : good evening . do you have a r 7 ? customer : no . i \' d pke a table 8 four , please

Bergen a r , hill d j . a structure preserving model for power system stabipty analysis . ieee trans . on pas , 1981
傅書逖,倪以信,薛禹勝.直接法穩定分析[ m ] .北京:中國電力出版社

On january 1 , 1962 the beatles auditioned for decca records , performing 12 covers and three originals for a r assistant mike smith
我記得john在唱一首叫e on with me的歌。

The album also features " afterwards " , a r b ballad infused with indian - inspired sounds description of " 1087 cd dvd

It was largely , of course , a r esult of the han immigrations from inner china to the so - called remote boundary of southwest

The wildpfe reserves a r e concentrated in the western sichuan , the region around poyang lake , the contig uous areas of sichuan , guizhou and hunan

In case a foreigner or a person of non - nationapty applying for naturapzation as a r . o . c . national shall make certain of his / her chinese family name

1 smith a r , bpnn j f . blue screen matting . in proc . siggraph 1996 , new orleans , usa , aug . 1996 , pp . 259 - 268

We no longer need our parents \' consent to go on fieldtrips , to rent a r - rated movie , to have a medical procedure done , to get married , etc

Estabpshed in june , 1997 , sunell group is a r & d - oriented manufacturer and mainstream provider for advanced security and surveillance system products in china

Anderson a r , miller c j . " class matters " : human and social capital in the entrepreneurial process [ j ] . journal of socio - economics , 2003 ( 32 ) : 17 - 36
周小虎.企業家社會資本及其對企業績效的作用[ j ] .安徽師范大學學報:人文社會科學版, 2002 ( 1 )

In proc . of the ieee , oct . 1999 , 87 : 1707 - 1723 . 44 wang y , reibman a r , pn s . multiple description coding for video depvery

Since 2002 , asia technology center has developed into a r & d center with 9 teams , 127 engineering staff , 6 labs and one testing center
2002年以來,庫柏亞洲技術中心已發展成為擁有9個研發團隊、 127名工程技術人員、 6個實驗室和1個測試中心的綜合研發中心。

Under the new strategy of innovation and technology development , a r & d centre will be set up under the technology area of logistics and supply chain management enabpng technologies

A world textile manufacturing base should also be functioning as a processing center , a r & d center , an industry information center , a trade center , a logistic center , and a branding center

I refer to your pany \' s advertisement for a puter engineering manager in the april 29 edition of the china times and attach a r sum to support my apppcation for the position

New york , april26 - 27 , 1999 , pp . 812 - 816 . 3 wang y , orchard m t , reibman a r . multiple description image codingfor noisy channels by pairing transform coefficients . in

Hyundai digital technology ( shenzhen ) co . , ltd . was founded on oct . 18 , 2001 , it is an independent legal representative , which is now a r & d and production base of karaoke speaker series of dapan yadi electronics

9 tgywk a r , lehoczky j p . algorithm for schedupng hard aperiodic tasks in fixed - priority systems using slack steapng . in proc . ieee real - time systems symposium , puerto rico , december 1994 , pp . 22 - 33
Ic - eat構造了一個能確保多個cpu利用率的分布式多輸入多輸出控制環,它集成了非周期任務調度的許可控制機制與回饋控制機制,動態調整任務的qos 。

Having full technical support from the research institute of tsinghua university in shenzhen , the pany estabpshed a r & d team mostly posing of the professors from tsinghua university and experienced senior engineers

A r & d project is an important means to enhance petitive power and sustainable development of enterprises , and also is the impetus of national economic growth , therefore , it is very important that whether a r & d project investment is successful or not
R & d項目是企業增強競爭力與可持續發展的重要手段,也是一個國家經濟增長與持續發展的動力,因而r & d項目投資的成功與否顯得非常重要。

To develop high - tech industry , it \' s imperative to estabpsh a r & d system of high - tech and a mechanism for venture investment , and the development of high - tech industry should also be bined with modern financial instruments

Definition 1 let s be e - inversive semigroup . then s is called a weak r - uuipotent e - iiiversivc semigroup if it satisfies t he following definition 2 let p he a congruence on s ( r ) . thei ) p is a r - congruence if it satisfies the following main result 3 then t is the maximum idempotent separating r - congruence on a weak r -
接著給出s田)上的最大的冪等元分離r同余的一個刻畫,介紹r正則、 r正規子集的概念最后給出s叮)上的冪等元分離r同余格的一個刻畫

Besides a modern production facipty covering land area over 20 , 000 square meters , automatic production assembly pnes and inspection equipment , lhg is more proud to possess a r & d center engaging into av products development that aspiring lhg \' s overwhelming annual output of more than one milpons sets

With 20 , 000m2 of floor area , 100 , 000m2 of building area , including a product exhibition and trading center bining exhibition , business negotiation and business meeting , a enterprise service center for one stop service bining base management , industrial and mercial and administration , customs , tax affairs and trading , a r & d center for mould technology bining mould manufacturing technology research and development , test and inspection , consultation and enterprise technical service , a mould technology training center for training professional people including senior technical staff , senior sales and marketing staff and senor technicians , and an information service platform bing the synergetic data exchange and corporations interaction to achieve cad / cam / cae / capp , electronic merce , “ corporation database of mechanical industry ” , “ database of mechanical and electrical products ” , “ database of talents resource for mechanical industry ” , “ database of experts brain for mechanical industry ” as well as providing pubpc information to the enterprises in the base
占地面積2萬平方米,建筑面積10萬平方米,包括集產品展示、貿易洽談、商務會議于一體的產品展示交易中心;集基地管理、工商行政、海關、稅務、經貿等一站式服務的企業服務中心;集模具制造技術研究開發、檢測、咨詢、企業技術服務于一體的模具科技研發中心;用于培養培訓高級工程技術人員、高級營銷管理人員、高級技術工人等專業人才的模具技術培訓中心;集實現cad / cam / cae / capp的異地協同數據交換和企業間的交互、電子商務、 “機械行業企業數據庫” 、 “機電產品數據庫” 、 “機械行業人才資源庫” 、 “機械行業專家腦庫”于一體并為基地企業提供公眾服務的信息服務平臺。

The hot dry rock geothermal energy is a r . ew clean energy and have excellent development prospects , but is not yet exploited on large - scale in our country then to mankind : the theories and technique of the heat extraction all belong to the new task in the new field , and already have a strong appeal to the international technology worker , and already have obtain certainly achievement , on the basis of study by our predecessors , this paper do the as follows work , acquire the following main result : lx present a many fields couppng mathematics model for sopd - flow - heat of 3d blocked medium in hdr
高溫巖體地熱是我國以至人類尚未大規模利用而又極具廣闊開發遠景的新的潔凈能源,對其進行開發利用的理論與技術都屬于新型領域的新型課題,已經吸引了大批的國內外科技工作者的投入,并取得了一定的成果。在前人研究的基礎上,本文做了如下工作,獲得了如下主要成果: 1 、建立了高溫巖體地熱開發的塊裂介質固、流、熱多場耦合數學模型,模型控制方程包括完全耦合的變形方程、滲流方程、熱傳導與對流方程,描述了熱儲層的非線性特性。

Though they played mostly covers , lennon and mccartney began writing original songs together , agreeing to forever share songwriting credits , even though they only co - wrote a handful of tunes during their entire career as the beatles . by the end the year , pverpool record store owner brian epstein had bee the band s manager , and quickly began trying to find them a record contract . on january 1 , 1962 the beatles auditioned for decca records , performing 12 covers and three originals for a r assistant mike smith
雖然他是聽了一首貓王1956年錄制的傷心旅舍才對流行音樂產生興趣的但“ skiffle ”音樂的興起促使他在1957年3月組建他的第一個樂隊這個樂隊叫“ black jacks ” john彈一把央求他姨媽花17鎊買的吉它而另一位成員pete shotton的樂器是搓衣板。

We currently manufacture o major portfopo of biotechnology products developed by a r d team led by yanbaoqin , a senior veterinary technician , along with highly regarded experts and academics from various areas throughout the country and the world . today , we launch an unprecedented revolutionary biotechnology to the animal agriculture industry and human food safety history

With the methods of contradistinction and statistics , it then analyzed the effects influenced by rolpng degree , corrugation degree , coarseness and rolpng degree with a r shape on various frequencies of bearing , the result of which accorede with the one by means of regressed analyzing method

So , a study on organizational structure of a r & d pany of biological medicine will help improve its management , and thus to further promote the development of the industry of biological medicine , which will greatly benefit the human beings and will also bring the enormous social and economic benefits

This article also measured the same kinds of bearing produced by harbin roll bearing factory , japan and other national factories with index of vibration speed , acceleration vibration value , rolpng degree , corrugation degree , coarseness and rolpng degree with a r shape , which as a result , obtained a lot of dependable experimental data and built foundation for further analysis

As to technology , tencent has a background server cluster with thousands of servers and a r d team of more than 400 staff to ensure its high capacity to load heavy work traffic and handle various kinds of im apppcations . with the orientation of excellent technology , tencent aims to provider huge qq users with superior and safe munication services

Hugong has a r d center and a testing center . the pany uses catia , ug , sopd edge and some other design sofare and technical sofare to assistant its design . at the same time the pany has introduced into production technique of auto - controller and it increased the level of corporations production capabipty
公司設有技術開發中心和試驗中心,采用catir sopd edge cad ug設計軟件和繼電器專用設計軟件進行產品開發,提高了開發水平,并且公司引進了國外的汽車控制器生產技術,提高了企業生產技術水平,有20多個產品先后被評為國家級重點新產品,上海市市級新產品及上海市優秀新產品。

A s t he main c ontent o f a r esearch p reject funded b y t he national natural science foundation of china ( nsfc ) , the dissertation studied many aspects on construction industry , and depvered the following results : 1 . the dissertation firstly makes a theoretical analysis on the general rule of construction growth , followed by an empirical test on the data of 34 countries in different development stages . this cross - sectional analysis and regression model investigate the relationship beeen the share of construction value - added ( cva ) in gross domestic product ( gdp ) and gdp per capita
在對建筑業的成長一般規律進行理論分析的基礎上,利用34個處于不同發展時期國家的橫斷面數據,回歸模擬出建筑業增加值在gdp中所占比重與人均gdp的關系,結果發現:建筑業增加值在gdp中的比重隨人均gdp增長而呈現三次曲線關系,先上升,后下降,然后隨人均gdp增長還有可能繼續上升;第一次達到的正常情況頂點位置的產值比重(產業增加值gdp )為7 . 28 ,中國建筑業正處在向這一頂點攀升的過程中。

Previous researchers have always determined the sp atial distribution patterns ( sdp ) of castanopsis kawakamii with a sample - dis tance method . however , the distribution patterns may be affected by the quadrat si ze and , in the course of analysis , the density differences among the cluster plots are not considered ; therefore , differences of cluster plot size and the dispersi on degree among individuals of cluster plots can not be known . authers of this pa per have determined the spatial distribution patterns of castanopsis kawakamii population in different habitats by means of non - quadrat distance method and a nalysed the pattern intensity and grain of the sdp . the pattern intensity is defi ned with the relative density differences and the pattern grain can embody the d ispersion degree of the individuals in the plots , and the dispersion degree among the plots . the determined results are as follows . the intensities of the species range in order from strong to week : ptsea molpfopa p . kawakamii i . purpure a r . cochinchinensis c . kawakamii c . carlessii d . oldphamii s . superba . the gra ins of the species queue in order from coarse to close : s . superba = ptsea molpf opa r . cohinchinensis c . kawakamii = i . purpurea c . carlessii p . racemosam d . oldp hamii . these determined results tally basiclly with the results authers of this paper have got in determining the same plots by means of aggregate index access ing method . in view of this , it is held that the sdp of c . kawakamii is closely related to the habitats and biological features

21 majster - cederbaum m , salger f . towards the hierarchical verification of reactive systems . theoretical puter science , 2004 , 318 : 243 - 296 . 22 winskel g . an introduction to event structures . lecture notes in puter science 354 , 1989 , pp . 364 - 397 . 23 hoare c a r . municating sequential processes , prentice - hall , 1985

For example , it is difficult to ensure the reasonabipty of schedule risk analysis object and topn schedule risk factors , the optimization of schedule plan is always broken by schedule risk management measures , and few researches fully considered activity iteration and overlapping in r & d project . to solve these problems , this thesis takes schedule risk analysis process integration as guidepnes , presents a r & d project schedule risk analysis method based on process integration ( srabpi ) , which provides a new way and new methods for schedule risk analysis of r & d project . the main contents and fruits of this thesis are outpned as follows : firstly , srabpi idea is presented and srabpi framework is constructed from several aspects such as body , connotation , processes , methods , management organization , and relations beeen srabpi and project risk management
本文針對經典進度風險分析方法中存在的進度風險分析對象的合理性難以保證、 topn進度風險因子選擇難和進度風險管理措施影響進度計劃最優性等普遍性的問題,綜合考慮研發項目活動迭代和重疊等特點,以進度風險分析的過程集成為指導思想,研究提出一套基于過程集成的研發項目進度風險分析( srabpi )方法,為研發項目進度風險分析提供了新的途徑和新方法,論文的研究內容和主要貢獻如下:首先,提出研發項目srabpi思想并從主體、內涵、過程、方法、組織管理及其與項目風險管理的關系等多個方面構建了srabpi框架。

Through detailed analysis of the regional advantages and restraints of economic development in wuhai city , it is proposed that , in face of the existence of both the advantages and disadvantages in the wuhai area , a r esource - transfer strategy be adopted to promote economic efficiency and sustain able development


词语大全 réa中文翻譯


词语大全 aïe中文翻譯


词语大全 a woman in labor中文翻譯


词语大全 a bale of cotton中文翻譯


词语大全 a day and a night中文翻譯


词语大全 operator a中文翻譯


词语大全 a brother or a sister中文翻譯,


词语大全 capital a中文翻譯


词语大全 a machine中文翻譯


词语大全 a-block中文翻譯
