词语大全 eastern pacific中文翻譯

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词语大全 eastern pacific中文翻譯

Eastern pacific warm pool

Influence of spring equatorial eastern pacific ssta on western pacific subtropical high

Analysis on shark species and catch by tuna longpne fishery in the eastern pacific ocean

Powerful storms are called hurricanes when they form over the atlantic ocean and the eastern pacific

Powerful storms are called hurricanes when they form over the atlantic ocean and the eastern pacific

Powerful storms are called hurricanes when they form over the atlantic ocean and the eastern pacific

Powerful storms are called hurricanes when they form over the atlantic ocean and the eastern pacific

These phenomena are relevant to the anomaly low sst in tropic eastern pacific ( la nina ) and the strengthen of walker circulation
這些現象又與東太平洋海溫的明顯偏低( lani ( ? ) a )和沃克環流的加強密切相關。

Cocos island national park , located 550 km , off the pacific coast of costa rica , is the only island in the tropical eastern pacific with a tropical rainforest

Ecuador has the largest longpne fleet in the eastern pacific region - an estimated 15 , 000 vessels - and the fleet operates in waters through which endangered turtles are known to migrate
厄瓜多爾擁有東太平洋范圍最大的延繩鉤漁船隊,共有15 , 000艘船只,且在已知的瀕危海遷移地帶運作。

Wwf is supporting the expansion of the hook in the eastern pacific , with the hope that the technology can be taken up throughout the pacific and used by european fleets in the future

The satelpte remote inspection showed very large cold patches in sea waters off the atlantic and eastern pacific equatorial areas , while the indian ocean was recently heavily disturbed by storms

Various statistical research reveals that there is significant correlation beeen north hemisphere circulation and ssta in west wind drift region , as well as in tropical eastern pacific , which are the o key regions in pacific

Spanish canneries - having received about 30 000 mt of tuna in january and fish from the indian , atlantic and eastern pacific oceans at the beginning of february - are covered for this month , except for skipjack

Because of the alternate beeen warm and cold water around the circuits , the positive ( negative ) anomaly signal in equatorial western pacific coexists with negative ( positive ) anomaly signal near 10 in eastern pacific before the burst of el nino ( la nina ) event
冷、暖海水沿msta在北平球熱帶海洋中形成一個冷、暖水相交替的環路,而在赤道上就表現為elni (

( 3 ) during the 1997 / 1998 el nino we find western pacific warm pool ( wpwp ) sst variation , abnormal west wind , eastern pacific warm pool ( epwp ) sst variation and abnormal north wind are associated with the nino3 index change
( 3 )在1997 1998elnino事件期間,西太平洋暖池海表溫度變化及異常西風和東太平洋暖池海表溫度變化及異常北風兩者都與nino3指數變化密切相關。

2 ) the olr mjo intensity anomaly for the four key areas of the pacific , namely , the tropical western pacific , the middle and eastern pacific , the northwest pacific and the southwest pacific , is significantly and positively related to the local ssta
2 )太平洋四關鍵區(熱帶西太平洋、熱帶東中太平洋、西北太平洋、西南太平洋)的olr季內振蕩強度與sst異常呈顯著局地同時性正相關關系。

With the reduction of the leading time , the location of the zonal wind stress area influencing nino3 ssta expands toward the middle pacific from the eastern pacific , as well as the meridional wind stress in the eastern pacific and the western pacific

The tropical eastern pacific ( for the whole year ) , northwest pacific ( for the boreal spring , summer and autumn ) and southwest pacific ( for the austral summer around ) are the strong mjo regions of sst with the conditions of shallow cpmatic mixed layer depth
Sst季內振蕩高強度區存在于熱帶東太平洋(終年存在) ,西北太平洋(北半球春夏秋季存在、夏季最強)和西南太平洋(南半球夏季前后存在) ;氣候薄混合層( mld )是其存在條件。

Although sea surface temperature anomaly center generally occur in the equatorial eastern pacific , key zone of pre - wind stress anomaly forcing signal related to ssta pes in the central western pacific . both diagnostic and numerical analyses results show this idea

The circulation of positive pna index pattern is prominent in the case of persistent forcing of negative ssta in west wind drift region or positive ssta in tropical eastern pacific , which is the typical ssta pattern during el nino peak - mature phase

During the el nino ( la nina ) events , the negative ( positive ) sst anomaly occurs and the corresponding the olr mjo intensity weakens ( enhances ) in the tropical western pacific ; at the same time , the positive ( negative ) surface westerly anomaly leads to positive ( negative ) mld anomaly , and the corresponding sst mjo intensity weakens ( enhances ) in the equatorial eastern pacific , 4 ) the interdecadal variation of the atmospheric mjo intensity took place distinctly in 1970s in the tropical western , northwest and eastern pacific , with the stronger intensity in the former than the back stage , and the interdacadal variation of sst is its cause
Elnino ( lanina )事件中熱帶兩太平洋sst出現負(正)異常, olr季內振蕩強度出現減弱(增強)的變化。 elnino ( lanina )事件中,赤道太平洋出現地面信風西風分量正(負)異常,并引起熱帶東太平洋mld出現正(負)異常,造成熱帶東太平洋sst季內振蕩強度出現減弱(增強)的變化。 4 )熱帶印度洋、熱帶西太平洋和熱帶東太平洋季內振蕩強度在上世紀70年代發生了明顯的年代際變化,均為前弱、后強, sst本身的年代際變化是其原因。

Abstract : monthly rainfall data from 1951 to 1995 for june , july and august in 13 meteorological stations of the north china were used for accounting z index and discussing serious flood and drought featureas in these months . serious flood mainly happened in july and august , and sevious drought mainly happened in august . there were more flood in 1950 \' s to 1960 \' s and more drought since 1970 \' s in the north china . meanwhile , the deeper trough which covered the regions from the ural mts . to the balkhash lake play an important role in serious rainstom in rainy season in the north china . there often happened serious flood ( drought ) when the northwester pacific subtropical high was by west and north ( east and south ) , and the sea surface temperature in the equatorial central and eastern pacific was mainly in dropping ( raising ) stage
文摘:利用華北平原地區的13個站點, 45年( 1951 1995 )的降水資料,對夏季4個時段( 6月、 7月、 8月、 6 8月)進行了z指數計算,確定了該地區各個時段的嚴重澇年和嚴重旱年.發現華北地區雨季的嚴重洪澇主要集中在7 , 8月,嚴重干旱則主要發生在8月,并可明顯看出由50 60年代的多水期向70年代中期以后的少水期的轉變,另外,烏拉爾山到巴爾喀什湖附近的低壓槽加深和西北太平洋副熱帶高壓的北抬,對華北地區雨季持續性暴雨的產生起著決定性的作用.嚴重洪澇年的夏季( 6 8月) ,西北太平洋副熱帶高壓偏西、偏北,赤道東太平洋海溫多處于下降階段;嚴重干旱年西北太平洋副高偏東、偏南,赤道東太平洋海溫則處于上升階段

Abstract : the sea - surface temperature change in october along the eastern pacific equator is obviously counter - correlation to the western pacific ridge pne of the subtropical high of the ing early summer ( june ) ; the sea - surface temperature annual change has a sensitively instructive meaning on the precipitation of the ing flood season in qingdao area
文摘:歷年10月東太平洋赤道附近的海溫變化與來年初夏( 6月)西太平洋副高脊線位置呈明顯的反相關;其海溫的年際變化對于青島地區來年汛期降水具有敏感的指示意義。

The sst anomaly of the equatorial eastern pacific and west wind drift region both have influence on the general circulation and summer rainfall in north china , and the influence is nonpnear , which is not only manifested through the intensity change of anomaly of general circulation and summer rainfall in north china , but also through the spatial distribution pattern of the anomaly

Based on the analyses , it was found that if the subsurface warm pool is regarded as the beginning point , the warm or cold signal propagates initially easard and upward along the equatorial surface of msta to the eastern pacific and stays there several months and then turns north , usually moves wesard near 10 to western pacific and finally propagates southward to return to warm pool to form an off - equator closed circuit . it takes about 2 to 4 years for the temperat ure anomaly to move around the cycle . if the smta of warm ( cold ) water is strong enough , there will be o successive el nino ( la nina ) events during the period of 2 to 4 years
) a事件下/負海溫距平信號的分布和傳播“軌跡” ,發現如果以暖池次表層為起點,則一般來說,暖水或冷水先是沿赤道的極值深度面向東、向上“傳播”或運動,到達赤道東太平海盆邊界附近后,分別轉向向北和向南運動,然后在南、北緯10左右再折向西運動,并在暖池的經度范圍內再作經向運動傳到暖地,即在南、北半球以赤道為一邊, “傳播”或運動路徑形成扁的閉合環路,溫度距平運動一圈需時2 - 4年。

Based on the epwp and wpwp in conjunction with abnormal north and west wind , a new possible iii mechanism is provided for the evolution of the 1997 / 1998 el nino . to be specific , the warm kelvin wave propagating to east excited by the abnormal west wind can suppress the cold upwelpng flow in the eastern pacific , which , in turn , is favorable to the eastern pacific sst increase ; abnormal west wind can make the warm water of the wpwp east edge extend to east , which is conductive directly to eastern pacific sst increase ; the abnormal west wind propagating to east can make the sea surface warm water near o equatorial laterals converge to the equator by ekman drifting , which , in rum , strengthens the downwelpng flow near the equator , leading to eastern pacific sst increase
將東、西太平洋暖池及異常北風、西風一并結合起來考慮,提出1997 1998elnino事件發生、發展的一種新的可能機制:異常西風激發東傳的暖kelvin波對東太平洋的冷上翻流有抑制作用,從而有利于東太平洋海表溫度增加;異常西風驅動西太平洋暖池東端暖水向東伸展直接有利于東太平洋海表溫度增加;東傳的異常西風可以通過埃克曼漂流效應將赤道兩側的海表暖水向赤道輻合從而加強了赤道附近的下沉流,也有利于東太平洋赤道附近海表溫度增加。

Using ncep / ncar 40 - year reanalysis , gisst2 . 3b data - set , cru south oscillation index along with in situ the 160 station data of surface air temperature / rainfall records in china , the inter - decadal variations in the relationship beeen equatorial western and eastern pacific variabipties are examined . the possible relations to the surface air temperature / rainfall in china are also investigated
利用ncep / ncar再分析資料、全球海溫海冰gisst2 . 3b資料、英國cru提供的南方濤動指數以及中國160站降水和氣溫資料,分析了熱帶太平洋地區海氣系統內部聯系的年代際變化特征及其與中國降水/氣溫異常的聯系。

6 ) the correlation relationships of the mjo of daily 10m - wind ( v ) fields with that of sst fields are investigated by time - lagged svd method in the north pacific , south pacific and the tropical eastern pacific , and the basal process of v and sst mjo obtained in the three areas , which is a negative feedback process drived by drift and sensible heat under the conditions of shallow mld , is probably the maintaining mechanism
6 )用時滯svd方法分析了北太平洋、南太平洋、熱帶東太平洋區域10米高處逐日風(夕)場與sst場季內振蕩的相關聯系,得到了三區夕、 sst場季內振蕩的基本過程,它們是由漂流和感熱輸送推動的一個負反饋過程,它以薄mld為存在條件,可能是sst季內振蕩的維持機制。

Monthly rainfall data from 1951 to 1995 for june , july and august in 13 meteorological stations of the north china were used for accounting z index and discussing serious flood and drought featureas in these months . serious flood mainly happened in july and august , and sevious drought mainly happened in august . there were more flood in 1950 \' s to 1960 \' s and more drought since 1970 \' s in the north china . meanwhile , the deeper trough which covered the regions from the ural mts . to the balkhash lake play an important role in serious rainstom in rainy season in the north china . there often happened serious flood ( drought ) when the northwester pacific subtropical high was by west and north ( east and south ) , and the sea surface temperature in the equatorial central and eastern pacific was mainly in dropping ( raising ) stage
利用華北平原地區的13個站點, 45年( 1951 1995 )的降水資料,對夏季4個時段( 6月、 7月、 8月、 6 8月)進行了z指數計算,確定了該地區各個時段的嚴重澇年和嚴重旱年.發現華北地區雨季的嚴重洪澇主要集中在7 , 8月,嚴重干旱則主要發生在8月,并可明顯看出由50 60年代的多水期向70年代中期以后的少水期的轉變,另外,烏拉爾山到巴爾喀什湖附近的低壓槽加深和西北太平洋副熱帶高壓的北抬,對華北地區雨季持續性暴雨的產生起著決定性的作用.嚴重洪澇年的夏季( 6 8月) ,西北太平洋副熱帶高壓偏西、偏北,赤道東太平洋海溫多處于下降階段;嚴重干旱年西北太平洋副高偏東、偏南,赤道東太平洋海溫則處于上升階段


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