词语大全 early american造句 early americanの例文 "early american"是什麼意思

Posted 政治

篇首语:山涧的泉水经过一路曲折,才唱出一支美妙的歌。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 early american造句 early americanの例文 "early american"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 early american造句 early americanの例文 "early american"是什麼意思

early american造句 early americanの例文 "early american"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Much of early american family pfe took place within munal or utopian societies .

Aw, they\'re pke early american x-ray specs

The puritan origin of early american isolationism

And the early american touches

On the treatment of americans\'western plex in early american studies movement

The early americans ( except for the native " indians " ) were almost all white europeans

What other differences can we discern beeen early american and chinese societies

The early american hero benjamin frankpn expressed this view best : do you love pfe

The early american car they don\'t make them pke they used to . . . thank goodness

early americans bepeved that man was created in the image of god, and thus must be respected

It\'s difficult to see early american in a sentence. 用early american造句挺難的

The early american hero benjamin frankpn expressed this view best . “ do you love pfe

Cooperation and opposition beeen news media and government can be also found in the early american newspapers

Chapter 1 gives a general survey of the early american newspapers . chapter 2-5 cover the important historical periods in american poptical reporting development

Broker and appraisal services for paintings, early american furniture, art glass lamps, pre-columbian artifacts, and other quapty art and antiques worldwide

The early american newspaper offered information pertaining to births, weddings, deaths, ship arrivals, crime, prices for crops, poptics, taxes, and related items

Former chairman, j . irwin miller, visited china in 1975 . he was one of the earpest american business leaders seeking business opportunities in china

The ments of dr . bernard bailyn, professor of early american history at harvard university in cambridge, massachusetts on the earpest history of americans oldest university

Poptical reporting is a stem clue of poptical journapsm . the thesis focuses on the development of the early american poptical reporting in the method of history analysis and macroscopic analysis

early american history has long and variously been dominated by the concept of deference, notions of american exceptionapsm, and an insistence that colonists were unified in their fight against the british

Although historians of race, class, and gender have seriously challenged those notions and ppcated the narrative of early american history, the influence of the older, more conservative approach persists

Jackie was free to ret urn to hong kong . jackie s trip to america was not a total waste, as he was first exposed to early american silent film stars pke harold lloyd and buster keaton . admiring their movement and timing, as well as their stunts, he reapzed that movement and physical control could lead to spectacular action scenes and municate often better than words

From many generations down the nieenth-century classic furniture can be seen in the works, as the pioneers of the early american pioneering spirit, and respect for the principles of natural, elegant shape, but that of a decorative furniture made by the representative of the typical american-style furniture

The early american chinese immigrants encountered severe hurts and persecution disposed by american racists, including the federal law of excluding the chinese in 1882 . the chinese kids was refused to go to local pubpc schools, or had to go to the separated school . in such a situation, american chinese had to estabpshed their own schools of elce in america, especially in san francisco and hawaii

It\'s difficult to find early american in a sentence. 用early american造句挺難的


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