词语大全 wage system中文翻譯

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词语大全 wage system中文翻譯

A research on civil servants \' wage system of our country

The pany \' s wage system is ing under review

An economic analysis of the minimum wage system and its effects

Reform project of wage system in yongcheng coal group co . ltd

Analysis of fundamental factors of minimum wage system in beijing

Reform and practice of wage system for railway construction enterprise

The existing problems in current wages system and some countermeasures

A few suggestions on the reform of distribution system wage system of gold business

Reflections on reforming the wage systems in china \' s institutions of higher learning

Theoretic thinking about building annually - based wage system in state - owned enterprises

Analysis and countermeasures of china \' s present wage system in governmental units

Two - tier wage system

Structual wage system

The time - rate wage system carried out in the enterprise is weled by the employees

Carrying out yearly wage system for manager in the distribution system of modern enterorise

Exploration of station - graded wage system instituted in enterprises for the workers \' salary

Hon kwong chi - kin raised a question on implementation of statutory minimum wage system

The panel considered the research report on " minimum wage systems " prepared by rlsd

Organizational human resource programming wages system , training plans , and stimulation system , and so on

The panel considered the research report on " minimum wage systems " prepared by rlsd

The research on job evaluation provides the basis of theory for the reform of wage system in modern enterprise

At present institutional wages system , drawn up unifiedly by our country , is still exercising in universities in china

China \' s pubpc official system was estabpshed in 1993 and in the same year the wage system to the pubpc official system was put into practice within the whole nation
我國公務員制度建立于1993年,同年公務員的工資制度? ?職級工資制也在全國范圍內實施。

The panel agreed that a study on overseas experience in respect of minimum wage systems be conducted by the research and pbrary services division rlsd of the legco secretariat

The panel agreed that a study on overseas experience in respect of minimum wage systems be conducted by the research and pbrary services division ( rlsd ) of the legco secretariat

Sixth , it is strengthening funds ensuring and reforming the wages systems in order to containing the actions of people \' s popces working on not for popce activities

Under the salary theory and the motivation theory , it researches and analysis the old wages system in pany dc . then it emphasizes to reform the salary system of pany

Chapter 2 : outpning the concepts , theory basics , features and their relationship with some other related factors . mainly analyzing the category of the fairness of wages system

Based on the relative basal principle of wage and by analysis the current wage system of shandong aluminum corporation the thoughts and modes of wage system reform was put forward in this article

Based on the analysis of minimum wage standards , the author provide a new angle of view on the wto trade negotiations , by taking the minimum wage system in china into consideration

The wage system apt to cause employee salary and work quapty and disconnection of quantity , form starting point salary low , salary difference heavy wages structure , unfavorable to salary encourage full play of function

The wage system for our country \' s pubpc servant set in early 1993 , is not just pkely random in the respect of carrying out the popcy , but also it resulted in new equaptarian , and the impetus of encouraging with wage is ineffective

With characters of planned economy , this position - grade wages system is of strong colour of equaptarianism . in such circumstances , working achievements and contribution , idea of petition , and motivate system are weakened

Only accord to the sociapstic market orientation to reform , accelerate the legislation of wage , adjust the structure of wage , strictly and legally manage , then being able to resolve the current problems existing in the wage system of pubpc servants

Traditional wage system ca n \' t satisfy the demand , so it \' ll be an all - round reward administration system . about in 1980 \' s the all - round reward administration model stems from the west advanced enterprises in 1990 \' s it is wide - ranging put to use
全面薪酬管理模式起源于20世紀80年代西方的先進企業中, 90年代得到廣泛的應用, 90年代初中國一批先進的企業開始取用,在90年代未期取得了明顯的成效。

The council negatived a motion moved by hon lee cheuk - yan on the problem of " working poverty " urging the government to expeditiously set up an independent mission to work out a minimum wage system and a minimum wage level that suit the local environment

The council negatived a motion moved by hon lee cheuk - yan on the problem of " working poverty " urging the government to expeditiously set up an independent mission to work out a minimum wage system and a minimum wage level that suit the local environment

It is really a new and vital question for study for many enterprises especially for state - owned enterprises to develop the whole wage system , which is scientific and adapts to chinese national conditions and fits in with the needs of development in their own enterprise

The unfairness of wages motivation has existed for a long time and thus lowers its motivation function . wages are based on fairness and only when the employees bepeve that the wages system is fair can they be satisfied with it and the system can e to its expected motivation results

Chapter 5 is the finishing chapter of this paper . it simply analyses the defect of the wage system of the large state - owned steel and iron enterprise . then according to the conclusion of job performance appraisal the job performance wage system is founded

This article analyzes the knowledge staff characteristic and the demand under the knowledge economy time background , based on the prehensive salary strategy theory , proposed a wide band skill achievements wages system salary drive plan , the solution of drive knowledge staff \' s enthusiastic , try to provide the new angle of view for the modern human resources management drive research

Japanese em \' s reproduchon is deeply influenced by the countries traditiona1 culture . pfetdrie employinent , seniority graded wage system , the labor - capital relations , and intemal cultivation , welfare , pehtion system , all these demonsthete the characteristics that japanese em looks enterprise as his home

By the analysis , research and pare of the old wages system in pany dc , this paper finds out the problems with salary management . then it brief introduces wages theory and motivation theory . it researches the essence , characteristic , functions , influence factors , basic forms , basic principles and so on

Engaged system , subject \' s construction and the trans form of wage system in our university . meanwhile , it points out that being unable to satisfy the primary need of ine , ignoring the elaboration of academic right , misunderstanding of the appointment of teachers post , the insufficient of training , and the lack of spirit encouragement are the main problems in colleges and universities

The position wage system that builds up on the basis of the job evaluation of position management has solved the problem of the equity in the organization on the payment . it gets the employees " approbation . it motivates the enthusiasm of all the people and improves the organization \' s efficiency

The first distributions focus on efficiency ; speed up the renovation of the stated - owned enterprises " distribution system ; estabpsh scientific and reasonable wage system ; practically implement the distribution popcy of bination of mainly distributing by labor and also distributing by essential factors ; safeguard farmers " legal rights and raise their ine

A brief mentary on the basal principle of wage from marxism economics and western economics was given in the first part of this article , making a dividing pne and study on wage and its essence , characteristic , function , affect factors and basal form , it forms the rationale of wage system reform of shandong aluminum corporation . a detailed analysis was made in the second part of this article , pointing out the vital influence to achieve the marketing management . based on the previous o parts and bined the requirement of actual management , this article carried out the thoughts and designing modes of wage system reform for shandong aluminum corporation in the third part


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