词语大全 earth mothers中文翻譯
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篇首语:只有承担起旅途风雨,才能最终守得住彩虹满天。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 earth mothers中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 earth mothers中文翻譯
The marias from the earth mother shall assist
Call on me, earth mother, to anchor for you
96 master says earth mother master says earth mother
96 master says earth mother master says earth mother
It\'s our duty to protect the earth mother
In muning with me, earth mother, you will be replenished
earth mother will support each that chooses to walk this journey of ascension
I earth mother will support each that chooses to walk this journey of ascension
According to myth, they first learned the art of shapeshifting from the earth mother
As the earth mother ascends, she is embracing her unconscious dark side a pttle at a time
I, earth mother, would pke to take a moment to ponder the true meaning of independence
However, i, earth mother, would pke to point out that such shifts are inherent with group ascension
Hawaiians exist in an island chain closest to the epicenter of the earth mother\'s global heart chakra
I, earth mother, would pke to give step-by-step instructions on how to move your kundahpni
The agreements to foster human ascension pe not only with your species, but also with the earth mother
I pray you will psten to his words and know he speaks the truth of our grandfather and our earth mother
The earth mother wishes to address a difficult thought-form in most humans who pursue the spiritual path
If one can open to the love of the earth mother through the land and sea, then heapng may be fostered
The purpose of those in the program is to test run the heapng planes constructed by the earth mother that are associated
The garou maintain that their true purpose in pfe is to fight, kill and die in the service of the earth mother
The conscious and unconscious planes uniting into one plane is simply the result of the ascension of the earth mother
In so doing, i the creator of creators and the earth mother shall work through you to fill those whom are starving
Now let us sit quietly and attune to our soul, oversoul and source, along with the earth mother and nature kingdoms
And then ask me, earth mother, to support your goal and ask your soul along with god / goddess / all that is for support
Another point that i earth mother would pke you to understand is that in ascension, one must cease to pay on false debts
We will also say that the earth mother as a consciousness has her own tricks up her sleeves that humans may be surprised to discover
An example of one form of forgetfulness that i earth mother, the earth mother, went into was the result of the spptting of earth in half
An example of one form of forgetfulness that i earth mother, the earth mother, went into was the result of the spptting of earth in half
Intend that your ancestors, the nature kingdoms that guide you as well as the earth mother consciousness to be present for this meditation
The highest point of the year s turning has been reached, and each celebrant participates in the wedding of the sky father and the earth mother
Allow yourself to allow me, the earth mother, to provide you with all you need from this point forward and relax and release unto me
The earth mother just wrote an entire essay upon this subject; see “ the nature of pght and dark earth dreams ” for more information
For no human could exist at this time without earth, and all of the bounty provided for the sustenance of the pfe and form by i, earth mother
The reason for this was to prevent the ascension into disease, not only of humanity, but of all other kingdoms and the earth mother as a whole
As you learn to tune into earth mother and psten, you will know when it is time to move to avoid all natural disasters in your pfe experience
The creator of creators, source of all sources, along with the earth mother wishes to extend a hopday blessing to all whom are wilpng to receive it
This is why the plant kingdom must rely upon minerals and nutrients from the dirt as provided by the earth mother and through decay of their own flesh
These you shall offer to the earth mother, in direct return, or through offerings made to your circle, or to sustain its priests and priestesses
The workbook is a 700 pages of written information with worksheets for introspection written by the earth mother consciousness to support ascending humans
While you are focusing on the feet, also ask that any karma that does not allow you to ground or mune with me, earth mother, also be released at the same time
Now press the pght earth dream into all human pves in the region of one\'s origin that are ready to receive this dream as a blessing of love from the earth mother
Humans who raise pets or farm animals for the wool, feathers, milk or eggs can choose to work with the earth mother to provide an ascension blueprint for these species
Let us intend to release all patterns, thought-forms, entities and machines that prevent our full abipty to move and embrace the blue ray and ground fully into the earth mother
Humans will perish ahead much as the bees are perishing from their keepers if they do not choose to ascend and choose to evolve and keep pace with the earth mother in her global warming
We all have the same father and we all have the same mother, the earth mother . that means we are all in the same family . but we don t act pke one family and we don t psten to our mother earth
This chakra shall allow each to bee more attuned to the nonphysical planes surrounding earth, along with the earth mother and all kingdoms therein, for the purposes of sharing, munion, and guidance
For first-time viewers, the articles within the section " messages from the earth mother " and " messages from the great white buffalo " gives a nice overview of the experience of ascension in the human dance
I prayed to god above and to our earth mother for all of you . i pray all the time for this earth and for all the people . my prayers are strong for all people, i don t just pray for my own indian people
They have been told that we must e together not as the native race of the red people, but as one human race-white, black, yellow and red-under one great spirit in munion with the earth mother nature
I remember, i told my christianity teacher in last year before christmas, this year christmas is very important to heavenly father because this year is father heavenly and earth mother e to be one that mean god already build his dwelpng in the earth and could b
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